1. Program enable.
2. Select the chase using Chase buttons 1-6.
3. Use Bank Up/Down button to select the bank that contains the scenes you wish to copy.
4. Tap the Music/Bank Copy button.
5. Tap the ADD Copy button, all LEDs and the Segment Display will flash three times briefly
indicating all 8 scenes in this bank have been programmed into this chase.
1. Program enable.
2. Select the chase you wish to add a step to.
3. Tap the Tap Sync/Display button causing a highlight next to "Step", the first digit in the
Segment Display shows the chase and the next three digits show its step.
4. Tap the Bank Up/Down button to scroll to the step you wish to add a step after.
5. Tap the ADD button, the Segment Display will read the step one higher than before.
For example, if you want to insert a step between step 3 and step 4, and you scroll to step
3, when you tap the ADD button, the Segment Display will read step 4.
6. Tap the Tap Sync/Display button again, the Segment Display shows the current chase,
scene and bank. Create a desired scene and record it as a new step or select a
programmed scene you wish to add into this chase.
Hints: You may tap the Tap Sync/Display button to change the display mode between step
and the bank.
7. Tap the ADD button again, all LEDs and the Segment Display will flash three times briefly
indicating the new step has been inserted into this chase.