Please r ead th e user manual c ar eful l y and st o r e in a hand y
plac e fo r la ter r efer enc e.
Imp orta nt – c heck for an y damages or mark s
If you find t he fridge is dam aged or mar ked, you must
repo rt it with in 7 days if you w ish t o claim f or dama ge/m arks
under t he man u factu rer’s w arranty . This d oes not af fect
yo ur s tat ut ory rig hts .
Info rma tio n on di spos al f or u ser s
• Mos t of the packi n g ma t erials ar e r ecy clab le .
Please d ispo se o f th ose m a terials th r ough y our lo cal
recy cling dep ot or by pl acing them in appropriate
co llection c ontai n ers.
• If y ou wish to discar d t his pr oduct, p lease contact
yo ur l ocal a ut horiti es and ask f or the correct metho d
of dispo sal.
This applia n ce must be servi ce d o nly by a qua lifie d
licensed pers on.
Imp r oper inst allatio n, adj u stmen t, al t eratio n o r
mai nt enan c e can ca use injury or pr operty damage an d
may af fect you r ability to claim under the man ufactur er’ s
war ranty .
Please co ntact y our nea r est BeefEa te r Servi c e
Departme nt fo r ad diti onal inf ormatio n or a ssi s tan c e
f or an app roved in s tal le r .
Not e to t he ins tal le r
Thi s manual mu st remain wit h the owner for fu t ur e r e fe rence .
Thi s outdoor display fri d ge has bee n desig ned to be bu ilt -in in
a cabinet or similar “Out door Kitche n” a rrang emen t.
Thi s applian c e is in tende d to be used in household and s imila r
appl ications only .
Bef ore st arting the inst allation, consider ation should be giv en
to ho w the i ns talla tion is to b e carr ied out , ensuring
• Adequa te space and c learan ces (100mm)
• Preventing exposu re to th e elements.
• Preventing any exposu re to direct sun li ght .
• Availa bilit y of earthed power .
• The mechanica l stren gth of su pp orti ng struc tures.
The in s tallation wo rk mu st be underta ken by a qualified and
competent p erson in c onformit y to the r ul es con cerning
conne ction of e l ectric power and wiri ng ru les.
The manu f actu r er do es no t acc ept any l iability for any
damag e or in j ury cause d by i mpr oper in stallation.
Bef ore c onnect ing to the mai ns suppl y ensu re t hat the mai ns
vol t age corresponds wit h the volt age on the outd oor di splay
fri dg e’s r ating label.
Mak e su re t he el ect ric plant of you r house i s cor r ectl y
Whe n i nstal l ed, the outd oor di splay fri dge mu st be
positi one d to ensu re no moisture i ngr ess int o the applianc e
or the app liance c ompartment.
• Bef or e carryi ng out any ki nd of mai ntenan ce or cl eaning,
dis conne ct the out door di splay fr idge f rom t he mains
suppl y .
• The appl ian c e mu st no t be op er ate d or left out in the
wea ther. Do not e xpos e th e ou tdoor d isplay fridge to r ain
or wet c ondit ions.
• Thi s ap plianc e is not intende d ( i ncluding child ren) with
r edu ced physic al, senso ry o r ment al capabilit ies, or lack
of e xperie nce and knowl edge, un l ess th ey hav e been
giv en su pervi sion or in s tru ction concer ning use of the
appl iance by a person re sponsib l e for their saf ety .
• Chi ldren should b e supe rvis ed to ensu r e that th ey do no t
play wi th the appli anc e.
• If the suppl y c ord is damag ed, it mus t be r epla c ed b y
the manu f actu r er, its servi ce agent or similarl y qualifi e d
persons in or der to a void a haza r d.
• Ther e shall b e a d equa te ven tilat ion of t he ar ea when the
out door d is pla y fr idg e is us ed, and v ent s pr ovide d mu st
be ke pt c le ar, c lean an d open.
• Ther e is a fir e ri sk if cl ean ing is not c arri ed out in
acc or dan c e w ith the ins tructions, or if damag e o c curs t o
cool i ng s y stem.
• Alway s e nsu r e the out door display fridg e is k ept a t
the c orr ect sett in gs fo r th e r equ ired oper ation of the
appl iance.
• Do not use cook ing u tensils t o hand le things insi d e,
or cl ean th e in t erior of th e out door d is play f rid ge , as
damag e to liner s may r esul t.
• Dur ing use rear of app liance bec omes hot. Car e shoul d
be taken t o av oid touc hing element s at rear of the
out door d is pla y fr idg e .
• Chi ldren should n e ver be al lowed to sit or stand on any
part of th e applian ce .
• Use t his a ppl ianc e onl y for its in tend ed use.
• Thi s ap plianc e is int ended for hous ehold use onl y. It is
desi gned t o be used i n sh e lte r ed a reas onl y and mu st
not be expos ed t o the elements.
• Do not use el ect rical ap pli ances insid e t he foo d st orag e
compart m ents of t he appl ian ce, unless the y are of the
type r ecomm e nded .
The out door displ ay frid ge mus t nev er oper ate in di rect
sunlight. T he outdoo r displ ay fridge will not ope r ate to
spe cifi cation s if sunl ight pe n etr ates the glass doo rs.
Pr olonged e xposu r e t o di r ect s unlight inside the outdoor
displ ay f rid ge wil l r esul t in incr eased temp e ratu r e, e xc essi v e
ene r gy consump tion , and e ven pr emat ure co mponen t
failure, and will not be cov e r ed b y war ranty .
Important saf ety instructions ....................................................... 3
Befor e using for the first time ...................................................... 5
Electric al contr ol .......................................................................... 6
Operating the light ........................................................................ 8
W arranty ..................................................................................... 11
Pl ease r ead the user manual c ar eful ly and s tor e in a hand y
plac e for la ter r efe rence .
The symb ols you wi ll se e in this bookl et ha ve these
meani ngs:
This symbo l in dic ates in formatio n conce rnin g y our
personal sa fety .
This symbo l in dic ates in formatio n on how to av oid da magin g
the applia n ce.
This symbo l in dic ates tips an d inf ormatio n abou t use
of the app liance .
This symbo l in dic ates tips an d inf ormatio n abou t ec onomi c al
and ec ologi cal use of t h e appl ianc e.
Dear customer,
Con gr atulati ons and thank you f or choosing our ou tdoo r
disp lay f ridg e. We are sure y ou will find it a pleasure t o use.
Bef ore y ou use the out door disp lay fri dge, we r ecommend
tha t you read th roug h t he r elevant se ctions of this manual,
whic h p r ovide a de scri ption of you r appl ian ce and its
To avoid the ri sks that a r e a lways prese nt wh e n you use
an appliance, it is impor tant that the a p pliance i s ins tal l ed
cor r ect ly and that y ou read the sa f ety in structions ca r eful l y t o
avoid misus e and haza rds.
W e r ecommen d tha t you k eep th is in stru ction bookl et
for futur e r efe r ence an d pas s it on to any fut ur e own er s.
Afte r un pack ing th e applian c e, p l ease ch eck it is not
damaged. If in doubt , do no t use t he appl ian ce but cont act
your local cust omer ca re centr e.
This app lianc e complie s wit h require ments of r elevan t
Aust ralian S tandar ds.
Conditions of use
Thes e i mportant not es a p ply t o you r applia nce, failure to
adhere t o th ese condit ions of u s e may aff ect your abilit y t o
make a claim und er the manufactur e’s warr ant y .
• This applianc e mu st be s e rviced onl y by a q ualified
lic enced per son.
• This produc t is inte nded f or pe rsonal, dome s tic o r
household use on ly, not commercial use.
• This produc t is inte nded f or outdoor use only .
• This produc t mu s t be inst al l ed, oper ated and maint ained
as pe r the ins tructions .
• V entilat i on ho l es in th e uni t mu s t not b e obscur ed by the
ins tallation .
Pleas e ens ure yo u read the in s truction m anua l full y
bef ore you call for s ervice, or a full ser vice f ee could
be applicabl e.
Recor d model and serial number here:
Model number: ...............................................................................
Serial number: ................................................................................
PNC: ................................................................................................
Adhe r enc e to the directions fo r use in th is manual
is e xtr emel y im por tant f or health and sa fety . Failur e
to strict ly adher e to the r equi rements in this m anual
may result in p erso nal inju ry, pr operty da mag e
and affect your abil ity to make a claim u nd er th e
BeefEater ma nufactur er’ s war ra nty pr ovid ed with
your produ ct. Pr oducts mus t be used, ins tall ed and
ope rat ed in acc ordanc e wit h this manual. Y ou may
not b e abl e to claim o n the B eefEat er manu factur er’ s
warr anty in the ev ent that your product fault is due to
failure to adhe re this m anu al.