8 9X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER Quick Star t Guide
X3 2 C OMP A C T DIGI T A L MIXER Getting S tar ted
Mixer Operat ional Overview
Welcome to the X32 COMP ACT di gital mix ing
console Q uickStar t Guide! Thi s document w ill give
you an over view of the b asic operat ions of the
mixer , allowing you to get u p and running quic kly.
Whilereading through the information in this
docum ent, we encourage yo u to exper iment wit h the
console ’ s d ierent s creen s and controls . The console ’ s
user inter f ace was desig ned to be ex t remely eas y
to navigate throug h and learn. Inadd ition to this
Quick Star t Gui de, thereis anEnglish us er manual
available as a PDF downlo adfro m behring er .com.
General user int erface operation
The X 32 COMPACT user inter f ace is divide d into ve
majorse ct ions:
(1) Channel Strip and Monitoring
( 2 ) Input Channe ls
( 3 ) Dis play
( 4 ) Group/Bus/Main Channels
( 5 ) Scenes/ Assign/Mute Groups
View b utto ns rul e
Throug hout the top p anel of the con sole,
youwillnd small bu tton s labeled Vie w . P ress the se
but tons to imme diately swi tch the conso le’ s large
color display (kn own as the Main Disp lay ) to show
infor mation relate d to the sec tio n whose Vi ew
but ton you have just pr esse d.
For exam ple, if you are edi ting the eq ualizer
and fee l like seeing a large disp lay of the EQ
fre quenc y resp onse cur ve or cor respo nding EQ
parame tervalue, simply pre ss the adjacent Vi ew
but ton in the EQ s ec tion. If you ne ed to che ck where
the moni tor signal is being ro uted, simply p ress the
View but ton ne x t to the Phones Level k nob and the
main display will show the d etails.
With th e View but ton appr oach of th e X32 COM P ACT
console, ther e is almost ne ver a need to dr ill down
throug h multiple menu p ages, since the V iew but tons
will always ta ke you direc tly to the r elevant sc reen.
Tip: The Se tup/Global tab on t he main display allows
pref erences fo r the behavior o f View and Sele c t
but tons to be adju sted.
Custo mizi ng the X 32 C OMPA CT th roug h the
Utilities page
Press th e Utilit y but ton, loc ated to the ri ght of
the main display, to bring up usef ul f unc tions in a
“ contex t-sensiti ve” manner . For ex ample:
• When you are adjus ting th e equalizer of a
console c hannel, pressing t he Utilit y but ton
will oer co pying, pas ting, loadin g or saving of
equalizerse t tings
• Pressing t he Utilit y but ton w hile holding a
channel s elec t but ton depr esse d will pres ent
a naming scr een wher e you can cus tomize the
channel ’ s appearance on b oth the main disp lay as
well as the small channe l display
• On the Rou ting page s, pressing t he Utilit y but ton
will oer loading or saving dierent preset s of
routi ng scenarios
• In the Scene s menu, pressin g the Utilit y bu tton o ers
copying, loa ding, saving or nami ng consoles cenes
Some time s there i s mor e to say
Some of t he individual p ages
on the main disp lay contain
more adjus table param eters
than can b e controlle d by
the 6 rot ary p ush encoder s
locate d beneath i t. In these
cas es there is a small p age
number indication, e.g . “1 /2” . Simply press the Layer
Up/Down but tons to s witch b et ween layers.
Dir 05
Dir 06
Key In
1 2
Sec tion 1 : Channel S trip and Monitoring
The X32 COMP AC T’ s c hannel st rip oe rs de dicated
controls f or the mos t impor t ant proce ssing
parame ters of t he curr ently sele c ted channel.
T o adjust cont rols for a g iven channel s trip,
simply pre ss the Se lec t but ton on the d esired
input or output channel .
Cer tain se ct ions of the cha nnel str ip (such as the
low cut lter, noise gate, EQ and compress or)
contain a re spec tivel y labeled bu tton t hat can be
press ed to sw itch the spe cic e ec t on and o.
Thebut ton illuminate s to show the ee c t is ac tive,
and goe s dark when byp assed.
Within th e channel s trip, the rot ar y control k nobs
are surr ounded by an amb er LED collar that
indicates the parameter ’ s value. Whenever this
back lit knob is t urned o, it indic ates that thi s
speci c contro l/parameter is not availab le for the
selec te d channel t ype. For e xample, if an out put
bus is cur rently s elec ted, the LED collar and t he
gainknob ar e turne d o, because t here is no inpu t
gain to be contr olled on an ou tput bu s.
The channe l stri p consist s of the fo llowing
sub-sec tions:
• Cong/Preamp
• Gate, Dynamic s
• Equalize r
• Main Bus
Each of t hese sub sec tions co rresp ond to the
proce ssing steps o f the cur rently se lec ted channe l,
and they each have thei r own View but ton
that, when p resse d, switch es the Main Disp lay
to a page disp laying all related par ameter s for
thatsubse c tion.
Monitoring and T alkback
There are t wo sep arate Level contr ols in this
sec tion, on e for the head phone out put s locate d on
either sid e of the conso le, and a second one f or the
monitor ou tput s loc ated on the rear p anel.
Press th e sec tion’s View but ton to edit v arious
monitor ing pref erences, such a s the input s ource
forthe p hones bus an d the monitor o utput s.
This sec t ion also conta ins independ ent T alk back
but tons (A and B) . Pre ss the Vie w but ton nex t to
the Phone s Level knob, then pre ss Page Sele ct
right to acces s the T a lkback A an d B edit pag es.
These s creen s also contain s et tings fo r the optional
goos e-ne ck lamp and the co nsole’s internal
test-tone generator .
Sec tion 2 : Input Channel Banks
Y o u will nd a sele c t but ton on top of ever y chann el
that is use d to direc t the co ntrol fo cus of th e user
inter face, including all channel re lated parameter s
( channel s trip an d main display) , tothat c hannel.
Please note that at any ti me, there is exac tl y
onechannel se lec ted (either Input Ch 1- 32 ,
Aux 1-6/USB, FXRetur ns 1 L -4 R, Mix Bus 1- 16 ,
Main LR /C, or Matrix 1-6) . DC A Groups
( digit ally contro lled amplie r) cannot be sele cte d
bec ause they con trol a numb er of assigne d channels
rather t han one spec ic channel.
The Input C hannels sec tio n of the conso le is
locate don the lef t hand side, and oers 8 s eparate
input chan nel str ips. The se 8 channel s trip s
repre sent six sep arate layers of inp uts f or the
console, including:
• Input Channe ls 1 -8
• Input Channe ls 9- 16
• Input Channe ls 1 7- 2 4
• Input Channe ls 25-3 2
• Aux Input s 1-6/USB playback
• Eects Returns
Press any of th e corresp ondingly lab eled layer
but tons on the le f t side of the co nsole to s witch
the inpu t channel bank to any of t he six layers
listed ab ove. The but ton will illuminate, reminding
you which layer is ac tive.
T wo more layers (Bus Mas ter 1-8 and 9- 16)
are also oe red, allowingyou to adju st the
levels of the 16 Mix Bus Master s, whic h is usef ul
when you wish to inc lude Bus Mas ters in to
DCA Group assignments.
On each f ader st rip you will n d a motorized
100mm level fader, Mute and Solo but tons,
aGate indic ator , an i nput level mete r ,
Compres sorindic ator , and the channe l
selec tbu tto n.
Each of t he 8 input cha nnels has an indiv idual
( andcus tomiza ble) color L CD scr een that c an display
a channel numb er , nickname, and even a gr aphical
channel icon. In t he event that a channe l’ s input
source has b een change d to an input signal t hat
dier s f rom the de fault se tup, the LCD displaywill
also indic ate the name of the a ct ual input so urce.
Ex amp le: Cha nnel 01 ha s the n ick name S oun dca rd an d is fe d
fr om Aux i npu t 5.
(E N) Get ting Star ted
(4) (5) (2 )
(1) (3)