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14 / EN Local air-conditioner / User Manual
that ths wll not exceed the permssble voltage
and current permtted for the equpment n use.
Intrnscally safe components are the only types
that can be worked on whle lve n the presence
of a flammable atmosphere. The test apparatus
shall be at the correct ratng. Replace components
only wth parts specfed by the manufacturer.
Other parts may result n the gnton of
refrgerant n the atmosphere from a leak.
2.4 Cablng
Check that cablng wll not be subject to wear,
corroson, excessve pressure, vbraton, sharp
edges or any other adverse envronmental
effects. The check shall also take nto account
the effects of agng or contnual vbraton from
sources such as compressors or fans.
2.5 Detecton of flammable
Under no crcumstances shall potental sources of
gnton be used n the searchng for or detecton
of refrgerant leaks. A halde torch (or any other
detector usng a naked flame) shall not be used.
2.6 Leak detecton methods
The followng leak detecton methods are
deemed acceptable for systems contanng
flammable refrgerants. Electronc leak detectors
shall be used to detect flammable refrgerants,
but the senstvty may not be adequate, or may
need recalbraton. (Detecton equpment shall
be calbrated n a refrgerant-free area.) Ensure
that the detector s not a potental source of
gnton and s sutable for the refrgerant used.
Leak detecton equpment shall be set at a
percentage of the LFL of the refrgerant and shall
be calbrated to the refrgerant employed and the
approprate percentage of gas (25 % maxmum)
s confrmed. Leak detecton fluds are sutable
for use wth most refrgerants but the use of
detergents contanng chlorne shall be avoded
as the chlorne may react wth the refrgerant
and corrode the copper ppe-work. If a leak s
suspected, all naked flames shall be removed/
extngushed. If a leakage of refrgerant s found
whch requres brazng, all of the refrgerant shall
be recovered from the system, or solated (by
means of shut off valves) n a part of the system
remote from the leak. Oxygen free ntrogen (OFN)
shall then be purged through the system both
before and durng the brazng process.
2.7 Removal and evacuaton
When breakng nto the refrgerant crcut to make
repars – or for any other purpose – con-ventonal
procedures shall be used.However, t s mportant
that best practce s followed snce flammablty
s a consderaton. The followng procedure shall
be adhered to: remove refrgerant; purge the
crcut wth nert gas; evacuate; purge agan wth
nert gas; open the crcut by cuttng or brazng.
The refrgerant charge shall be recovered nto
the correct recovery cylnders. The system shall
be “flushed” wth OFN to render the unt safe.
Ths process may need to be repeated several
tmes.Compressed ar or oxygen shall not be
used for ths task. Flushng shall be acheved by
breakng the vacuum n the system wth OFN and
contnung to fll untl the workng pressure s
acheved, then ventng to atmosphere, and fnally
pullng down to a vacuum. Ths process shall be
repeated untl no refrgerant s wthn the system.
When the fnal OFN charge s used, the system
shall be vented down to atmospherc pressure
to enable work to take place.Ths operaton s
absolutely vtal f brazng operatons on the
ppework are to take place.
2. Instructons for reparng applances contanng

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