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Microwave Oven / User Manual 19 / EN
4 Operaton
1. Set the type of heatng and temperature.
2. Touch the " " key. The " " symbol lghts up n the dsplay.
3. Touch the " " key. The oven begns to heat up.
The preheating process is complete
A sgnal sounds. The " " symbol n the dsplay blnks. Put your dsh n the oven.
Cancelling rapid preheating
Durng settng the rapd preheatng functon, touch the " " key can cancel the functon. Durng rapd
preheatng, touch the " " or the " " can cancel the functon. Also you can open the door to cancel
the functon.
1. The rapd preheatng functon only works f you have already chosen one of the modes
above. Durng preheatng, the mcrowave functon s swtched off.
2. Only when you can hear alarm and preheatng con s blnkng you can open the door
and put food nsde.
4.6 The mcrowave
Mcrowaves are converted to heat n foodstuffs. The mcrowave can be used solo, .e. on ts own, or n
combnaton wth a dfferent type of heatng.
In the Expert Cookng Gude, you wll fnd examples for defrostng, heatng and cookng wth the mcro-
wave oven.
The step quanttes for the adjustment tme of the codng swtch are as follow:
0-1 mn : 1second
1-5 mn : 10 seconds
5-15 mn : 30seconds
15-60 mn : 1mnute
60 mn : 5mnutes
4.6.1 Notes regardng ovenware
Sutable ovenware Sutable dshes are heat-resstant ovenware made of glass, glass ceramc, porcelan,
ceramc or heat-resstant plastc. These materals allow mcrowaves to pass through.
You can also use servng dshes. Ths saves you havng to transfer food from one dsh to another. You
should only use ovenware wth decoratve gold or slver trm f the manufacturer guarantees that they
are sutable for use n mcrowaves.
Unsuitable ovenware
Metal ovenware s unsutable. Metal does not allow mcrowaves to pass through. Food n covered metal
contaners wll reman cold.

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