121Starting to Embroider
Starting to Embroider
Attaching the Embroidery Hoop
Raising Needle and Embroidery Presser
• raise needle and embroidery presser foot
• hold the hoop with the right side of the
fabric up and the attaching mechanism to
the left
Attaching the Hoop
• pass the hoop under the embroidery
presser foot
• squeeze the ends of the attaching
mechanism on the side of the hoop
• position the center points of the hoop
(small attachment clamps) over the bracket
of the embroidery arm
• push the hoop down until it engages
•release the attaching mechanism of the
Removing the Hoop
•press both ends on the hoop attaching
mechanism towards each other
• pull up to remove the hoop
Selecting the Embroidery Hoop
Edit 1 Screen
• select an embroidery motif from the
various choices of motifs
• the screen «Edit 1» appears
• the selected embroidery motif is
shown in the most appropriate
(smallest possible) hoop
• the «Hoop» on-screen button
shows which hoop should be
• attach the recommended hoop
Embroidering Motifs
•touch «OK» or press the Start-Stop-button
on head frame
• embroidery computer moves to check if
hoop is attached
Embroidery Menu
•the Embroidery menu opens with the
embroidery motif
•the embroidery motif is ready to be