If you do not adhere to the maintenance guidelines below, your health might be at risk, especially that of your children.
Using chemical tablets (not included):
NOTE: Chemconnect or Chemical Floater must be used when you perform chemical maintenance with tablets. Your purchased item may not
include any of those dispensers, in this case you can purchase it by visiting our website www.bestwaycorp.com or at the nearest pool dealer.
IMPORTANT: Don't use granulate tablets or throw the tablet directly in the water. The chemicals can deposit on the bottom, damage the material
and discolor the PVC.
Using chemical liquid (not included):
IMPORTANT: Add chemical liquid in small doses and in the center of the pool to avoid direct contact between the chemicals and the PVC surface.
Direct contact can damage the material and discolor the surface.
NOTE: Remove the chemical dispenser from pool when the pool is in use.
IMPORTANT: After performing chemical maintenance and before using the pool, use a test kit (not included) to test the water chemistry. We
recommend maintaining your water according to the following table.
Water clarity
Colour of the water
Turbidity in FNU/NTU
Nitrate concentration above that of fill water in mg/l
Total organic carbon (TOC) in mg/l
Redox potential against Ag/AgCI 3,5 m KCl in mV
pH value
Free active chlorine (without cyanuric acid) in mg/l
Free chlorine used in combination with cyanuric acid in mg/l
Cyanuric acid in mg/l
Combined chlorine in mg/l
clear view of the pool bottom
no colour should be observed
max. 1,5 (preferably less than 0,5)
max. 20
max. 4,0
min. 650
6,8 to 7,6
0,3 to 1,5
1,0 to 3,0
max. 100
max. 0,5 (preferably close to 0,0 mg/l)
NOTE: Damage resulting from chemical imbalance is not covered by the warranty. Pool chemicals are potentially toxic and should be handled with
care. There are serious health risks from chemical vapors and the incorrect labeling and storage of chemical containers. Please consult your local
pool supply retailer for more information about chemical maintenance. Pay close attention to the chemical manufacturer's instructions. Pool
damage resulting from misuse of chemicals and mismanagement of pool water is not covered by the warranty.
IMPORTANT: Over usage of chemicals can discolor the printing and all points of the pool material. It can also damage the structure of the pool
To keep your pool clean:
1. Contact your local pool supply shop for advice and purchase of chemicals and pH kits. One of the most important factors to increase the life of
the liner is to keep continuously clean and healthy water. Please strictly follow the instructions from professional technicians for the water
treatment through the use of chemicals.
2. Locate a bucket of water next to pool to clean users’ feet before entering pool.
3. Cover the pool when not in use.
4. Skim pool regularly to avoid settled dirt.
5. Check and wash the filter cartridge regularly.
6. Gently clean any scum from below the top ring with a clean cloth.
7. Please be careful in case of rain water, kindly check that the water level is not higher than the expected. If so, YOU HAVE TO DISCHARGE THE
8. If it rains, check that the water level is not higher than the specified level. If water exceeds the specified levels, drain the pool to the specified
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