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If you wish to fi t additional accessories (rack, mudguards, dress
guards, basket, child seat, pump, wheels, speedometer) on your
new Bianchi Reparto Corse bicycle, contact your local specialist
Dealer for advice on choosing the most suitable models.
Bianchi also recommends fi tting only accessories compatible with
the structural characteristics of your bicycle.
Bianchi declines any and all responsibility for damages caused by
the assembly and/or use of accessories and components that are
not compatible with the bicycle they are fi tted on.
When it comes to comfort, the seat is the most important part of a
bicycle. This factor should be put in relation with the single user’s
physical characteristics, rather than with the thickness or type of
padding. Bianchi has chosen the shape of the saddle fi tted on your
Reparto Corse bike opting for a component suitable for most pur-
chasers. This, however, does not necessarily mean that the stan-
dard seat is the most comfortable for you. Your specialist Dealer will
be happy to recommend and provide you with the model that is best
suited to your needs.
If you are a frequent rider and are used to riding for long or medium
distances on a daily basis, or if you average more than one hour of
cycling a day, you should wear technical gloves specifi cally desi-
gned for cycling. In addition to guaranteeing protection and safety,
these gloves prevent the hands from becoming numb, thus impro-
ving your hold on the handlebar and ensuring better comfort.
Cycling-specifi c sportswear represents the best type of clothing
for any cyclist. Garments made specifi cally for cycling reduce the
rider’s aerodynamic resistance, and ensure protection and comfort,
For example, cycling shorts are designed to reduce the friction
between the seat and the rider’s legs, and thus prevent painful chaf-
ng. The use of an approved safety helmet protects the rider from
the risk of serious injury and guarantees his/her safety. In case of
bad falls or accidents, the helmet can be a life-saver.
It is extremely important to drink a lot before and after any physical
activity in order to integrate the liquids lost through perspiration. If
you plan on riding long distances, always take a full bottle of water
with you. Ask your specialist Dealer for advice on the type of bottle
and bottle-holder most suitable for your needs.
Bianchi reminds you that accessories must be assembled according
to the relevant assembly instructions supplied with the product.
Carrying children on your bicycle makes for diffi cult and unstable
riding. In these cases, Bianchi recommends the use of approved
rear child seats to avoid the child’s legs from accidentally getting
caught in the wheel spokes.
Always check the child’s position and make sure it is safe. If your
new Bianchi Reparto Corse bicycle is equipped with pedals with
toe clips/straps, make sure that they are loosened to avoid falling
or otherwise injuring yourself in case of sudden braking.
If your new Bianchi Reparto Corse bicycle is equipped with quick-
release pedals, be sure to familiarize yourself with how they work
prior to using the bicycle.
To avoid the risk of falling or other accidents when using your new
Reparto Corse bicycle, Bianchi invites you to wear appropriate
clothing and an approved safety helmet.
In case this Bianchi Reparto Corse bicycle will be used by a child,
it is recommended that an adult and the child read this Handbook
together. Safety is a fundamental concept in cycling that requires
compliance with well-defi ned rules and standards.
Bianchi invites you to:
- Find out about and comply with specifi c cycling standards
applicable in other Countries.
- Always be extremely careful when riding your bicycle, never
taking your eyes off the surrounding traffi c.
- Always ride with both hands on the handlebar.
- Always ride in single fi le, in the normal direction of traffi c and in
straight lines.
- Never ride on pavements and remember that pedestrians always
have the right of way.
- Pay the utmost attention to vehicles accessing the roadway and
to the sudden opening of doors or hatches.
- Always use your arm to signal a change of direction well in
- Avoid sudden and abrupt maneuvers.
- Slow down when approaching intersections.
- Avoid riding parallel to railroad tracks and always make sure you
cross them perpendicularly and at limited speeds.
- Get off your bicycle in case of obstacles that you are not sure you
can overcome.
- Do not use earphones or other devices to listen to Walkmans, CD
players, etc.
- Do not engage in races or competitions on roads open to traffi c.
- Do not carry children if the bicycle is not equipped with the
necessary equipment.
- Avoid carrying anything that obstructs your view or prevents you
from having complete control over the bicycle.
- Check the brakes for proper operation and make sure the bicycle
is in good overall conditions.
- Proceed to immediately replace any bicycle components that are
worn or damaged.
Bianchi invites you to comply with all cycling laws and standards
applicable in the country you are riding in, and to follow some ba-
sic rules in relation to the context and the situations in which the
bicycle is used:
On roads open to traffi c
- Use the lighting and/or refl ectors (supplied as accessories with
your Reparto Corse bicycle).
- Equip the bicycle in compliance with the applicable standards
and according to your specifi c requirements.
- Always wear an approved safety helmet, as a general rule.
- Constantly check that your bicycle is fully effi cient, the brakes
adjustments, the tyres fully infl ated and all nuts and bolts are
properly tightened.
- Pay attention to all elements of the road that can compromise the
grip of the tyres (gravel, potholes, manhole covers, railroad tracks
and so on)

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