Dok./R ev . -Nr . 195787 _20180117
2 mm max.
5 1
User Manual
ID: #07177
Use r-f rien dly
Man ual
AL DI I NC ., B AT AVIA , IL 6 0 51 0
22 967
service@80 1ser
05/20 18
General information
Reading and storing the
user manual
Th is use r manu al ac-
companies this wireless
solar bic ycle computer .
It contains imp or tan t
information about
star t-up and use.
Before using the bicycle comput-
er , rea d the us er m anua l ca ref ull y .
This par t icularl y applies to the
sa fet y ins t ru c ti ons . Failure to fo l-
low th is use r manu al may r esul t
in seve re inju r y, or dama ge to the
bic ycle computer . St ore the user
manu al for f ur ther us e. I f you p ass
the bi c yc le com pu ter on to thi rd
par ties , please be absolutely sure
to inc lud e this us er m anua l.
Ex planation of symbols
The following s ymb ols and signal
word s are us ed in t his us er ma n-
ual, on the bicycle computer or on
the packaging.
This signal sy mbol /word de sig-
nates a h az ard w it h mod er ate
deg ree o f ris k whi ch ma y lead
to deat h or seve re inj ur y if not
avoide d.
This signal word war ns agains t
poten tia l dama ges to pr ope r t y .
Th is sy mb ol pr o-
vid es you w it h us e-
ful supplementar y
information about
assembly or use.
FC C Conformity
This bic ycle computer complies
wi th pa r t 1 5 of th e FCC r ule s. O p-
er atio n is sub jec t to the foll owi ng
t wo con dit ions : (1 ) T his dev ice
may no t ca use h ar mf ul inte r fer-
ence , and ( 2) th is dev ice m us t
accept any interference received,
includin g inter ference that may
cause undesired oper ation.
Please take attention that chang-
es or m odi f ic ati on not e xp res sl y
appr oved by t he pa r t y respo nsi-
ble for compliance could void the
use r ’s auth or it y to o per ate t he
Th e ope ra tin g fre quen c y is b e-
t ween 1 20k Hz a nd 1 2 5kH z.
S afe t y
Proper use
Th e bic y cle c omp uter is d esi gned
exclusively for displayin g and col-
lec ting infor mation wh en using
a bic yc le . It is o nly i ntend ed for
pr iv ate us e and n ot sui ta ble fo r
commercial purp oses.
Only use the bic ycle computer
as de sc ri bed i n this u ser m anu-
al. Us ing i t in any o ther w ay is
deem ed im pro per a nd may r esul t
in dam age to pr ope r t y o r even
pers onal injur y . The bic ycle com-
pu ter is no t a chi ldre n’s t oy.
The manufac turer or vendor
acc ept s no l iabil it y fo r dama ge
ca use d by imp rop er or i ncor re c t
Package contents/
devic e par t s
1Bic ycle computer ( example)
3Ri gh t bu t to n
4Lef t bu t to n
5Bic ycle compu ter mounting
6Rubber pad (bic yc le
7 Magnet
8 Magnet holder
9CR 2016 batter y
10 CR 2032 batter y
11 Sensor
12 Rubb er pa d (sens or)
13 Ca ble ti es , 6×
14 Bat ter y compar tm ent cover
Safet y instruc tions
Danger for children and per -
sons with impaired ph ysical,
sensor y or mental capaci-
ties ( e .g. par tially disabled
persons, older persons with
reduced ph ysical and mental
capacities ) or lack of experi-
ence an d k nowle dge (e.g.
older children ).
− This bicycle computer may
be used by children ages
eight and over as well as
persons with impaired
physical, sensory or
mental capacities or those
lacking experience and
knowledge, if they are
supervised or have been
instructed in how to safely
use the bicycle computer
and understand the risks
associated with operating
it. Children must not play
with the bicycle computer .
Cleaning and user mainte-
nance must not be per -
formed by unsupervised
− Keep children under eight
years of age away from the
bicycle computer .
Danger of suffocation!
The bic yc le computer contains
small par t s. Ch ildren could
sw allow them w hen play ing
and choke.
− Keep small parts away from
Bat tery hazards!
The bi c ycle co mpu ter and the
senso r each c ontain a b at ter y.
Improper handling of the bat-
teries m ay result i n expl osion or
serio us internal injur y .
− Store both new and used
batteries so that they are
not accessible to children.
− If you suspect that a battery
has been swallowed or
otherwise incorporated,
promptly consult a physi-
− Only replace the batteries
with the same battery type.
− Do not touch leaky bat -
teries. If you do come into
contact with battery acid,
wash the affected area
thoroughly and rinse it with
plenty of water . If leaked
battery acid comes into
contact with your eyes or
causes skin irritation, also
seek medical attention.
− If it is no longer possible to
securely close the battery
compartment, dispose of
the bicycle computer as
described in the chapter
− Do not charge or r eactivate
batteries, do not disassem-
ble them, do not throw
them in fire and do not
short circuit them.
− Dispose of batteries at your
local collection point.
Risk of damage !
− Improper handling of the
bicycle computer may
result in damage to the
bicycle computer .
− Y ou can use the bicycle
computer at ambient
temperatur es between
14°F and 122°F (-10°C and
− Do not expose the bicycle
computer to permanent
− Avoid dust, heat and con-
tinuous exposur e to direct
− Never try to repair the bicy-
cle computer yourself . For
technical problems, cont act
the service address indicat -
ed on the warranty card.
Information about
solar cells
This bic ycle computer is equipped
with solar cells that transform
ligh t ener gy in to ele c tr ic i t y . T his
ex ten ds the u sef ul li fe of th e
bat ter y . However , bat teries are
nee ded f or the s ens or an d als o to
supp ly en erg y wh en it i s dar k .
Checking the bic ycle
1. T ake the bic ycle computer 1
ou t of the p ac k agin g.
2. Remove t he pr ote c ti ve foi l
from the bicyc le computer .
3. Che ck to ma ke sure th e bic y-
cle computer is complete and
unda mag ed (se e F ig .A).
If i t is no t, do n ot us e the
bic ycle computer . Contac t the
ser v ice address indic ated on
the w ar r ant y c ar d.
As sembly
A ssembl ing the bic ycle
computer mounting
brac ket and bic ycle com-
pu ter
1. Atta ch the bic ycle computer
mounting b rac ket 5 and the
rubber pa d 6 to the han dle-
bar w it h t wo c able t ies 13 .
Th ere ar e t wo opt ions :
• If you a t ta ch t he bi c yc le com-
pu ter mou nti ng br ac ket to th e
handlebar tube, thread the
ca ble t ies ver tic al ly f rom th e
fro nt (s ee F ig .B, b ot tom).
• If you a t ta ch t he bi c yc le com-
pu ter mou nti ng br ac ket to th e
stem of the handlebar , thread
the cable ties horizontally
fro m the si de
(se e Fig.B, middle).
2. Slide the bicyc le computer 1
fro m the f ron t into t he bic ycle
computer mounting b rac ket
unt il it c lic k s i nto pla ce
(se e Fig .G).
3. T ur n the bicycle compu ter so
that i t is a t a 90° an gle to th e
sensor 11 .
Assembling the sensor
and magnet
1. Attac h the sensor 11 and the
rubber pa d 12 to the middle
of the f or k wi th t wo c abl e
ties 13 (se e Fi g.C).
Make sure that the
bic ycle computer
and th e sen sor a re
at a 9 0° angl e to one
another . The dis-
tance bet ween the bicycle com-
pu ter and t he se nso r shou ld be
no mo re tha n max . 2 3" (60cm)
(se e Fig .F).
2. Unscrew the magnet 7 and
the magnet holder 8 .
3. At tac h th e mag net to a sp oke
on the f ro nt wh eel a nd s crew
the magnet holder onto the
magn et (s ee F ig .D).
Ensure that the
magnet passes the
sen sor a t a dis tan ce
of app rox . 0.08 "
( 2mm) at the a rr ow
mar k on th e sen sor (s ee F ig .D).
Star t-up
Switchin g on the bic ycle
Before star ting the bicycle com-
pu ter , a few set tings m us t be
− T o switch on the bicycle com-
puter 1 , press one of the
two buttons 3 or 4 on the
bicycle computer .
Selec ting k ilometers/
Th e sel ec t ion fo r the un it s of
measure kilometers (K M/ H) or
mile s (MP H) w ill ap pear a s the
fir s t indicator .
− Press the right button 3 to
switch between the units of
− Confirm your selection by
pressing the left button 4 .
Set ting tire circumference
Nec es sa r y a f ter new
bat ter y inser t ion or
reboot .
How t o determine
the tire circ umference:
1. T ur n the f ron t tire v al ve to the
lowes t p osi tio n and ma rk t he
pos iti on of th e va lve on t he
f l o o r.
2. Move th e bic ycle fo r w ard fo r
one front wheel revolution
unt il the v al ve has re tur ne d to
the lowest position.
3. Measure the distance covered
in inches .
Th is is the t ire c irc um feren ce.
Th e disp lay show s th e def aul t
set ting for a “ 2 15 5” tir e cir cu mfer-
ence (=mm). The th ous an ds dig it
2 fl ashe s. T he t hou sa nds di git c an
be s et to eit her 1 or 2 . T he re main-
ing nu mbe r s ca n ass ume a v alu e
between 0–9 .
− Press the right button 3
until the correct number
Th e tho us ands d igi t is se t.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
− Repeat the steps for the hun-
dreds, tens and ones.
Set ting the total distance
Th e disp lay show s th e def aul t
set ting for a to tal d is tan ce of
“00000” .
− Press the right button 3 to
increase the number by one.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
Th e one s, ten s, h undr eds , th ou-
sa nds an d ten tho us ands c an a s-
sume a v al ue be t ween 0 – 9 .
Set ting the inspec tion
interva l
Th e disp lay wi ll show t he de fau lt
set ting of “ 00 0.0 0” fo r the tot al
distan ce. This cor responds to the
remaining dist ance until the nex t
bike inspec tion.
− Press the right button 3
to increase the ones, t ens or
hundreds by one.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
Set ting weight
Th e disp lay wi ll show a d efa ult
set ting of “ 06 5” for wei ght .
− Press the right button 3 to
increase the hundreds, t ens or
ones by one.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
Set ting the CO₂ savings
Th is fun c ti on c alc ula tes th e CO ₂
savings . This deter mines how
muc h CO ₂ wou ld have b een
pro duc ed i f the jo ur ney ha d
bee n mad e by c ar r ath er tha n
by bic ycle. L oo k in the te chn ic al
doc ume nt s of yo ur c ar to f ind i t s
emis sion s va lue in g / k m. O r use
the d efa ult s et t ing of 1 6 0 g/ k m.
Th e def aul t va lue of “ 160 ” app ear s .
− Press the right button 3 to
increase the hundreds, t ens or
ones by one.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
Set ting the time
Th e hou r displ ay f lash es .
− Press the right button 3
until the correct number
Th e hou r displ ay is s et.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
zur Freigabe/Korrektur_V8