The minu te display flashes.
− Press the right button 3
until the correct number
Th e minu te disp lay is s et .
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
Set ting the bac kligh t
Y ou c an c hoo se b et we en LT -1 and
LT-2 m o d e .
LT 1 -1 m o d e :
Th e bac k ligh t wi ll be a c ti va ted for
appr ox. 3 s ec onds a s so on as any
bu t ton is pr es sed i n any mo de
wi thin t he se t tim e fr ame .
Th e bac k ligh t wi ll tur n on or o f f i f
the r igh t bu t ton 3 is h eld do wn
for app rox . 3 se con ds .
Set ting:
Th e LT -1 mo de ind ic ator f las hes o n
the display .
− Press the right button 3 to
switch between L T -1 mode and
L T -2 mode.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
Af ter yo u have co nf ir me d LT -2
mode, the main func tion indic ator
will appear.
Af ter yo u have co nf ir me d LT -1
mod e, you w ill s et th e time f r ame
(st ar t and s top tim e) for ac t iv ati ng
the backli ght.
Th e hou r displ ay f lash es .
− Press the right button 3
until the correct number
Th e hou r displ ay is s et.
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
The minu te display flashes.
− Press the right button 3
until the correct number
Th e minu te disp lay is s et .
− Confirm your entry by pressing
the left button 4 .
T es ting t he bic ycle
− T urn the front wheel of the
Th e spe ed ap pear s i n the
display 2 if th e bic yc le
computer 1 , sensor 11 and
magnet 7 hav e been correc tl y
mounted. If the speed does
no t app ear in th e disp lay, chec k
and re pea t the a ss embl y pr oce-
dure i f ne ces s ar y (s ee c hap ter
“A s s e m b l y ” ) .
Restar ting bic ycle
− T o reset stored data, pr ess the
left button 4 and right but-
ton 3 together for approx.
Af ter restar ting/reset ting the
devi ce, al l set tings m us t be re en-
tered (see s ec tion “ S et t ing t ire
cir cu mfere nce” to se c ti on “ S et ti ng
the time ” ).
Automatic po wer -of f of
the bic ycle compu ter
When a t a s tan ds till , the b ic yc le
computer automatically powers
of f a f ter ap prox . 5 min utes w it h-
ou t los s of da ta .
− T o switch the
bicycle computer 1
back on again, press the
right b ut to n 3 or the
left button 4 .
Automatic stop-star t
func tion
All f unc tion s have an au toma tic
star t-stop func tion ( exception:
stopwatc h and time) .
− T o activate this stop-start func -
tion, first switch on the bicycle
computer 1 by pressing the
left button 4 or the right
button 3 .
Mea sur ing s t ar ts w hen th e mag-
net 7 passes the sensor 11 for
the f ir s t tim e. I f the bi c yc le is s til l,
it w ait s a ppr ox. 3s eco nds fo r a
new sig nal . If th ere is n o fur the r
signal, the measuring process
stops automatically.
Modes/func tions
The spee d and time indica tor
appear s af ter the bicycle compu ter
has s ta r te d up (se e F ig.H).
• This is cons tantly c alcul ated
and up date d; it i s alw ays
show n in the m idd le of th e
display 2 . Max. measur ing
ra nge: u p to 19 9 .9 km/ h / mp h.
CLK (t ime) / SC A N
• Th e time i s show n in 2 4 -ho ur
mod e. It i s set a s des c rib ed in
the sec tion “S etting the time” .
− Press the left button to access
the SCAN function.
Th e word S C A N ap pea rs i n the
bot tom lef t o f the di splay. In this
mod e, th e fun c ti ons D S T , TM , an d
AV SPD are au toma tic all y dis-
playe d at a 2 s econ d inte r v al.
− Press the left button to swit ch
back to time.
− Press the right button t o
switch to the stopwat ch.
ST W (Stopwatc h)
− Press the left button to start/
stop the stopwatch. Maximum
measuring range: 9:59:59 .
− Press the right button t o
switch to trip distance.
DST ( distance)
Th e coun ter for t rip d is tan ce wi ll
auto mat ic ally s t ar t when yo u
star t cycling.
Max imum measurin g range:
999 . 99 .
− Press the left button to swit ch
between the trip distance and
total distance.
− Press the right button t o
switch to the cycling time
indicator .
TOT D ST (to ta l dis t anc e )
Th e total k il ome ter s (miles) c yc led
are s aved .
Max imum measurin g range:
99999 .
− Press the right button t o
switch to the cycling time
indicator .
TM ( c ycling time )
Th e total c ycli ng tim e sinc e the
las t reb oo t is show n. M a xim um
measur ing range: 9: 59: 59 .
− Press the right button t o
switch to the average speed.
A V SP D (a ver age s pe ed)
Max imum measurin g range: 19 9 . 9
km / h or mp /h .
− Press the left button to swit ch
between the average and
maximum speed.
− Press the right button t o
switch to calorie counter .
MX SPD ( maximum sp eed)
Th e max imu m spe ed re ac hed i s
s tore d .
Max imum measurin g range: 19 9 . 9
km / h or mp /h .
− Press the right button t o
switch to calorie counter .
CAL ( calorie counter )
Th e aver age c al or ies b ur ned
(kc al ) are s how n.
Max imum measurin g range:
9 9 9.9.
− Press the left button to swit ch
between the calorie counter ,
total calories burned and the
fat burning meter .
− Press the right button t o
switch to the temper ature.
TOTCAL (total calories burned)
Th e total c a lor ies b ur ne d (kc al )
sinc e the la s t reb oot is s how n.
Max imum measurin g range:
99999 .
− Press the right button t o
switch to the temper ature.
F A T (fat burning meter)
Th e aver age am oun t of f at
bur ne d is sho wn in gr am s.
Max imum measurin g range:
9 9 9.9.
− Press the right button t o
switch to the temper ature.
TEP ( temperature )
The temperature is measured and
upd ated ap prox . ever y 2 minu tes .
− Press the left button to swit ch
between the current, maxi-
mum and minimum tempera-
ture measured.
− Hold the left button for the
current temper ature indicator
for appro x. 5 seconds to switch
to °F (Fahr enheit).
− Press the right button t o
switch to the time.
Speed comparison
C yc ling f as ter or s lower th an
the aver a ge spe ed u p to this
poin t wi ll be sh own w it h or
on the to p lef t nex t to th e spe ed
indicator .
Resetting data
− Press the right/left button
until the corresponding func -
tion is shown.
− Hold the left button down for
appro x. 3 seconds to reset the
Changing the bat ter y
1. Ope n the b at ter y com-
par tmen t of th e bic ycle
computer 1 or sensor 11 by
tur nin g the b at ter y comp ar t-
men t cover 14 coun tercloc k-
wis e wi th a co in (se e Fi g.E).
2. Remov e the deplet ed
ba t ter y 9 or 10 using a
point ed object.
3. Inse r t a n ew ba t ter y s o th at
the p osi ti ve pol e ( + ) is fa ci ng
4 . Replace the bat ter y compar t-
m e n t c o v e r.
5. Clo se th e bat ter y co mpa r t-
men t by tur nin g the b at ter y
compar tment cover clock w ise
wi th a coi n (se e Fi g.E).
6. Star t the bic ycle computer
and enter the set tings again
(se e sec tion “ S el ec t ing k il o-
meter s /mil es” to s ec tion “ S et-
ting t he ba ck l ight ” ).
Cleaning and
Risk of shor t circuit!
Liqui d that has p enetr ated the
housin g may ca use a sho r t- cir-
cuit .
− Never immerse the bicycle
computer in liquids.
− Make sur e that no liquid
penetrates the housing.
Risk of damage !
Improper c leaning c an damage
the bic ycle compu ter .
− Do not use any aggressive
cleaners, brushes with
metal or nylon bristles as
well as sharp or metallic
cleaning utensils such as
knives, hard scrapers or the
like. They could damage
the surfaces.
Wat er t ightness
Y our bicyc le computer is pro-
tec ted against splashin g water ,
plea se d o not su bme rge in w ater.
− Only clean with a damp
cleaning cloth and wipe dry
All p ar ts m us t be co mpl etel y dr y
before storage.
− Always store the bicycle com-
puter 1 in a dry area.
− Protect the bicycle comput er
from direct sunlight.
− Store the bicycle comput er
so that it is not accessible to
children, securely lock ed away
and at a storage temper ature
between 14°F and 122°F
(-10°C and 50°C) (room tem-
No speed display:
• Che ck t he ali gnme nt of t he
sensor 11 and magnet 7 .
• Che ck t he dis t anc e bet we en
the magnet and sensor ( ma x.
0.08 " ( 2mm)) as well as th e
distan ce and angle bet ween
the bicyc le computer 1 and
sen sor (9 0° /m ax . 2 3 " (60c m) ).
• Che ck t he ba t ter y 9 and 10
of the b ic yc le c ompu ter an d
sensor .
• Repla ce th e bat ter y.
Incorrec t speed measurement:
• Che ck t he se t tin g of th e tire
circum ference.
• Check the kilometers/miles
set ting.
• Che ck t he ali gnme nt of t he
sensor and magnet.
Blac k display:
• Check whether the displ ay 2
has b ecom e too ho t. A llo w it to
coo l dow n.
Display shows ir regular digit s:
• Remove th e ba t ter y a nd ins er t
it again while making sure
that t he p olar i t y is cor r ec t .
Weak or n o disp lay:
• Che ck t hat t he ba t ter y is prop-
erly inser ted.
• Repla ce th e bat ter y.
T echnical data
Mode l: 2 2 967
Operating voltage : 3 V
Sensor bat ter y: CR 2032
Com pu ter b at ter y: CR 20 16
Protec tion class: IP4 4
Weight: approx.
0.13lb (5 7g )
( W × D × H ):
1. 5 × 2 . 4 ×
0.6" (3.9 ×
6. 2 × 1 . 5c m)
Ar t icle number:95698
Disposing of the
− Sort the packaging before you
dispose of it. Dispose of paper -
board and cardboar d with the
recycled paper service and
wrappings with the appropri-
ate collection service.
Disposing of the bic ycle
− Should the bicycle computer
no longer be capable of being
used at some point in time,
dispose of it in accordance
with the regulations in for ce
in your city or state.
− Please ensure your recycling
information applies to local
regulations and the EP A rec-
Bat teries and rechargeable
bat terie s mu st n ot b e dis-
posed of with household
was te!
A s the e nd us er you a re req uire d
by law to br ing a ll ba t ter ies
and rechargeable bat teries ,
regardles s whether they cont ain
har mf ul sub s tan ces * or no t, to a
collec tion point run by the com-
munal authorit y or borough or
to a reta iler, so that t hey c an be
dispose d of in an environmen-
tally fr iendly manner .
Th e bat ter y mu st b e rem oved
from the bicyc le computer be-
fore disposal .
*labelled wi th: Cd = cadmium ,
Hg = me rc ur y, Pb = lead
zur Freigabe/Korrektur_V8