Handheld User Guide 295
resetting, 152
viewing, 151
Address Book, 126
attachments, 184
Browser, 172
Calculator, 219
Calendar, 211
document view, 184
handheld, 36
managing call logs, 109
managing messages, 109
MemoPad, 216
Phone, 154
sending and reading email
messages, 67
sending and reading SMS
messages, 80
spreadsheet view, 184
Tasks, 190
description, 24
scrolling and selecting, 25
scrolling through special
characters, 25
use with ALT key, 26
TTY option, 150
description, 140
disable before using headset, 150
turn power on/off, description of, 33
turn radio on/off, description of, 33
turning on/off
auto off, 233
power, 233
unlocking password security
screen, 243
updating, addresses from Phone
screen, 116
user-defined fields, changing field
name, 120
on Lotus Domino Server, 20
on Microsoft Exchange
Server, 20
Address Book, 111
AutoText, 50
bookmarks, 165
Browser, 155
Calculator, 217
cut, copy, and paste, 55
Find feature in messages, 55
Find feature in web pages, 163
links, 31
lock, 242
macros in AutoText entries, 52
MemoPad, 213
Phone, 127
Phone button, 25
remote address lookup, 121
remove history feature in SMS
messages, 79
shortcuts when placing calls, 137
symbol key, 28
wireless calendar
synchronization, 199
wireless email reconciliation, 86
verify security software, 243
addresses, 123
appointments in Month
view, 205
call logs on Messages screen, 104
document attachments, 174
email messages, 60
group addresses, 123
installed applications, 235
meeting requests, 210