Pleas e Read an d Save thi s Use and C are B ook .
When u sing elect rical ap pliances, b asic sa fet y prec autio ns should always b e
followe d, including t he follow ing :
•Read all instruct ions.
•Do not touc h hot surf aces. Use hand les or knobs.
•T o protect agai nst electrical shock do not i mme rse cord, plugs
or appl iance in w ater or other l iqui d.
•Close su per visi on is necessar y when any a ppli ance is used by
or nea r children.
•Unp lug from outlet when n ot in use and before c leani ng.
Allow to cool before putting on or taking of f par ts and before
cleaning the applianc e.
•Do not operate any appl iance with a dam aged cord or pl ug, or
af ter the app liance m alfunctions or has bee n damag ed in any
mann er . Ret urn app liance to the n earest authorized se r vice
faci lity for exami nation, re pair or ad justment. Or , call the
appropriat e toll- free num ber on the front of this m anual .
•The use of accessory at t ach ments not recomm ended b y the
appl iance man ufacturer may cau se inj uries.
•Do not use outdoor s.
•Do not let cord h ang ove r edge of table or cou nter , or touch hot
sur f aces.
•Do not pl ace on or near a hot gas or e lectric burner , or in a
heated oven.
•Ex treme caution mu st be used when movi ng an appl iance
containi ng hot oil or othe r hot liq uids.
•T o disconn ect, remov e plug from wa ll outlet.
•Do not use thi s appli ance for other than i ntended use .
•The appl iance is o nly to be operated i n the closed position .
•This ap plian ce is not inten ded for use by p ersons ( incl udin g
chi ldren) with reduced ph ysical, se nsor y or mental capabi lities,
or lack of e xperie nce and knowledg e, un less they ha ve
been g iven su per visio n or instruction concerni ng use of the
appl iance by a p erson responsibl e for their safety .
•Chi ldre n should be s upervised to ensure that the y do not pla y
with the applian ce.
This product is for household use only .
This appliance ha s a polarized plug ( one blade is wider than the ot her) . T o
reduce t he risk of ele ctr ic shock , this plug is int ended to fi t into a pola rized
outle t only one way. If the plug do es not fi t fully into t he outle t, rever se the
plug. If i t still doe s not fit , cont act a qu alifie d electr ician. Do no t at tempt to
modif y th e plug in any way .
Warning: This applian ce is equipped wi th a ta mper -resis tan t screw to pr event
removal of t he outer c over . T o r educe the r isk of fir e or elect ric sho ck, do no t
at tempt to r emove the oute r cover . There a re no user-serv iceable pa r ts inside.
Repair sh ould be done only by au thor ized ser vice per sonnel.
A shor t po wer -supply cor d is to be prov ided to reduc e the risk r esulting f rom
becoming en tangled in o r tripping over a longe r cord.
Note : If th e power supply co rd is damaged, i t should be repla ced by qualifi ed
pers onnel ; in L atin A meric a, by an aut horized s erv ice cente r .
This pr oduct is f or house hold use only.
• Clos e lid and plug cor d into out let.
• Allow gr ill to preheat 3 minu tes befo re grilling. When de sired temper ature is
reached, t he ora nge “ready” indic ator light t urns of f.
• Using a po t holder , car efully open t he prehea ted grill.
Note: Aero sol co oking sp ray should no t be used on n onsti ck sur face.
Chemicals t hat allow spr ay to come ou t of a can build up on s ur face of gr ill
plates a nd reduce t heir ef ficien cy .
• Ca refully place f oods t o be cooke d on lower grilling plate. Clo se lid.
Note: Do not over load grill.
• Clos e cover and allow fo od to co ok for de sired time.
• When finished c ooking, unplug the appliance.
• Using po t holder or oven mit t s care fully open lid.
Note: Alw ays use heat proo f plast ic, nylon or wo od uten sils to avoid
scra tching nons tick sur fa ce of grill plate s. Never use me tal skewer s, ton gs,
fork s or knive s.
• Allow t he drip tr ay to coo l before r emoving it fr om under the gr ill. Wash and
dr y the grea se tr ay af ter each us e.
Cau tion : T o avoid ac cide nt al bur ns, all ow your g rill to c ool
This pr oduct c ont ains no user s er viceable pa r ts. R efer ser vic e to qualifi ed
ser vice pers onnel.
1 . Empt y the dr ip tray, clean with wa rm, soapy wa ter . Wipe dr y.
2. Wipe ou tside o f unit wit h a warm, wet sp onge. Dr y wit h sof t , dr y cloth.
3. DO N OT use s teel wool, s couring pad s or abra sive cleaner s on any par t
of t he gr ill.
4. DO N OT immerse in wa ter or any ot her liquid.
5. Make sur e to hold the lid op en by hand while cleaning to p revent
acciden ta l closing a nd injur y.
6. Any s er vicing requiring dis ass embly other t han the a bove cleaning
must be p er formed by a quali fied se rv ice per sonnel.
For s er vice, repair or a ny quest ions rega rding your applianc e, call the
appro priate 8 0 0 number on the fr ont of t his sheet . Pleas e DO N OT ret urn the
produc t to the p lace of purcha se. A lso, pleas e DO NO T mail produc t back to
manuf actur er , nor bring it t o a ser vice cen ter . Y ou may also wa nt to co nsult the
website lis ted on t he cover of this ma nual.
T wo- Y ear Limited W arran ty
(A ppli es on ly in th e Uni ted S ta tes )
Wha t doe s it cove r?
• A ny defe ct in mater ial or work manship pr ovided ; however , A pplica’ s liabilit y
will not exceed the pur chase pr ice of pro duct .
For how long?
• Two y ear s fr om the date o f original purc hase wi th pro of of such pur chase.
Wha t will we d o to he lp you ?
• P rovide you w ith a rea sona bly similar replacement pr oduc t that is eit her new
or fac tor y refur bished.
How do y ou get s er vi ce?
• S ave your receipt a s proo f of date o f sale.
• C heck our on- line ser vice site a t ww w.prodpr otec / applica , or call our
toll-free numbe r , 1 -80 0 -231 -978 6, for ge neral wa rran t y ser vice.
• I f you need pa r ts or ac cess ories , please c all 1 -8 00 - 73 8- 0 245.
Wha t doe s your wa rran t y not c over ?
• Damage f rom commercial use
• Da mage from misus e, abuse or ne glect
• P roduc ts t hat have been modi fied in any way
• P roduc ts us ed or ser vic ed out side the co untr y of pur chase
• G lass p ar ts a nd other ac cess or y items th at are packed w ith th e unit
• S hipping and handling co sts a ss ociated w ith the r eplacement o f the unit
• C onse quential o r incident al damages ( Pleas e note, however , that s ome
st ates do n ot allow the exclusion or limit atio n of cons equential o r incident al
damages, s o this limita tion may not a pply to you. )
How do es s ta te law r elat e to th is war ran ty ?
• T his warr ant y gives yo u specifi c legal righ ts, a nd you may also have ot her
right s that va r y from s tat e to st ate or pr ovince to pr ovince.
201 3 /4 /1 2 /1 1 5 E /S /F
T23-500 0286
© 201 3 A pplica C onsumer Pr oduct s, Inc.
U S A / C a n a d a 1- 8 0 0 -2 3 1- 9 7 8 6
Accessories / Part s 1 -800 - 738- 0245
Register your product at ww /ap plica
Suggested Cooking Chart
Medium Well
63 ˚C (145 ˚F) 71 ˚C (160 ˚F) 76 ˚C (170 ˚F)
Salmon Steak 6 oz
4 min.
Burgers 4 oz
4 - 5 min. 5 - 7 min. 6 - 8 min.
Chicken Breast 6 oz
Steak 7 oz 4 - 6 min. 5 - 7 min. 6 - 8 min.
is a regis tered tr ademark o f The Blac k & Decker C orpor atio n,
T owson, M ar yland, U S A
Made and P rinte d in People’s Republic of China
1 . G rill co ver
2. Power indicat or light
†3 . G reas e tray
( P ar t # G R 00 3 6B -01)
Not e: † indic ates c onsumer
replaceable / removable par t s
USA/Canada 1-800-231-9786
Acc essories/Parts 1-800-738-0245
Register your pr oduct at www .pr odpr
Pr oduct may vary slightl y from what is illustrated.