17.2 E-mail
To set up an email account, go to Menu> Gmail, select the type of
account you want to set up (Google, Outlook, Yahoo, Exchange,
Enter the email address and password, then follow the on-screen
17.3 File manager / Files Go
In this menu, you can view, edit, or delete data stored on your
device and SD card.
17.4 Voice recorder
Your device supports voice recording. Open Voice Recorder from
the Main Menu, then start recording with the Record button. In
the Options menu, you can adjust the voice quality and recording
18. Settings
18.1 Network & Internet
Navigate from the Standby screen or from the Main Menu to
Settings. Under Network & Internet, you can do the following:
⚫ Wi-Fi
Turn on the feature to access Wi-Fi networks. The device
automatically displays available networks. Select the network you
want to connect to. Enter the password if necessary.
⚫ Mobile networks
o In this menu item, you can turn data roaming on or off.