Blueair 500/600 Series 5
Getting the most from
your Blueair system
The Blueair system is easy to use. Make sure your unit is the right size
for your room, and change the lters according to recommended lter
replacement schedule. Remember that, just as air conditioners and
heaters have limits to the volume of air they can cool or heat, every air
purication system has limits to the volume of air it can clean. Follow
these common-sense guidelines.
Close your windows
You wouldn’t throw open your windows on a hot summer day and
expect your air conditioner to work efciently, because you can feel the
hot air coming in and the cool air going out. Even though you can’t see
the contaminated air coming in and the clean air going out, the same
logic applies to your air purier.
Close your doors, too
Just as you might seal off part of your house on a cold winter night to
keep your heater working more efciently, seal off the room in which
your system is working for best results. This is especially important
for people using a Blueair system to ease nighttime asthma or allergy
Run your system 24 hours per day
For best results, run your Blueair unit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Round-the-clock operation ensures that a continuous supply of clean,
ltered air constantly circulates throughout the room. Blueair systems
are designed for phenomenally low power usage. In fact, it costs about
the same to power a Blueair air purier as it does to power a single light
bulb, depending on the unit and the operating speed.