T he large textarea in the lower portion of the BlueGriffon window is where all the content of
the page is entered. T o enter text, simply select the window and start typing. Don't worry
about fonts or other formatting issues just yet, we'll get to that a little later. After entering a
bit of text, pause to save the file. Saving the page can be accomplished by selecting the Save
icon button near the upper left corner of the BlueGriffon window.
Since this is the first time this page is being saved, a dialogue box will prompt you to provide
a title for the page. You can enter any text you like here. T he text you enter will appear in the
title bar of the web browser when the page is viewed. You can always change this later if you
would like.
After selecting the OK command button, another dialogue box will appear prompting for the
name of this file, as well as its location. Since this is the first, or default page of the site, by
convention it should be called index.html. Most likely, the web server to which you will later
upload your site will automatically display the page named index.html when a visitor enters a
web address without naming a specific file.