but the bits in the middle will vary depending upon the operating system in use and the
organizational choices you made when you created this web folder. T here is a serious
drawback to using an absolute URL here, however. If at a later time you decide to move the
location of your site to a different web address or change the location of a directory within a
site, you would have go back and change all the links in the site to point to the new location.
Web pages can easily have tens to hundreds of links, so having to change all of them each time
a directory is moved would make managing a web site very unpleasant and error-prone.
Relative URL s help solve this problem. Instead of starting with a protocol and an address, the
path of a relative URL starts wherever the current page or document is located. In the
example of the T utorial site we are building, entering second_page.html without anything in
front of it tells the browser that the URL is relative and it should look for the file
second_page.html URL in the same directory as the file that contains index.html (this is the file
that contains the link). BlueGriffon provides an efficient way to convert an absolute URL to a
relative URL; merely select the checkbox "Make URL relative to page location".
Select the "OK" command button to complete the construction of this hyperlink. Notice that
the word you previously highlighted is now underlined (unless you have configured BlueGriffon
to use a non-default style) as is conventionally done to indicate that a word or phrase links to
another page or resource.
For practice in creating links to other pages, and to gain in your understanding of when to use
an absolute URL, edit index.html again to add and then select some text that will serve as a link
to e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page