Navigate to the Tutorial_Site folder where your:
index.html file,
second_page.html file, and
images folder
are located, and create a new folder named style. Within that new folder open a new file
named author.css. As you select the Open command button in that dialogue and return
to the BlueGriffon Type dialog, select the checkbox for making the URL for the new stylesheet
be expressed relative to the location of the current webpage:
In the BlueGriffon Type dialog, select the OK command button. Back in the main BlueGriffon
window select Edit, then select Select All (so that the style rule will apply to the entire
body of your web page, and not merely a given paragraph or list item). Again open CSS
Properties, General section, and add the e.g. serif font again:
Save this file (e.g. by selecting the 3rd icon from the left on BlueGriffon's icon bar). It is not
until you Save the file after making style choices that any (or changed) content is written to
the external style sheet in .../Tutorial_Site/style/author.css.