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Amount of Detergent to Use
Dishwash er de tergent is co rrosive! Take care to kee p i t out of reach of c hildren.
Based ontheir chemical composition, detergentscan besplit in two basic types:
The use of normal washing programs in combination withconcentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution and is good for your dish es; these wash p rog ram s are specificall y mat che d
to th e dirt -di ssol ving pro pert i es of t he enz yme s of the con cent rate d deterg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programsin which concentrated detergents are used can achieve the same
results that can otherwise onlybe achieved using intensive programs.
Detergent tablets of different brandsdissolve at differentspeeds. For this reasonsome
dete rgen t ta blets cannot dissolve an d dev elop their f ull cle aning power during short
prog rams. T here fore please use long prog ram s wh en u sin g de terg ent t ablet s, t o
ensur e the com pl ete remova l of d e ter g e n t resi du als.
The dispens er m ust be re fille d be fore the start of each wash cycle following the instructi ons
provided in t he w ash cycle table . You r dis hwa sher uses less de tergent and rins e aid than
Conventional dishwasher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is neededfor
a normal washload. More heavily soiled items needmore detergent.Always addthe
dete rgen t j us t before star ting the dish was her, oth erw ise it coul d g e t da mp and will n ot
di s sol v e pr ope rly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
conventional, alkaline detergentswith caustic components
l ow alkali ne conc entrat ed det er ge nt s w i t h natur a l e nzy mes
Normally new pul ver ised detergent is with out phospha te. T hus the water so ftener fu ncti on of
phosph ate i s no t giv en. In thi s ca se w e r e comme nd to fi ll sa lt in the sal t conta i n er even whe n
the h ard ness of water is only 6 d H. If dete rgen ts w itho ut ph osphate are used in the case of h ard wat er
often whi te spot s appear on d ishe s an d glasse s. In this case please add more deter gent to reach
better r esul ts . Dete rgents with o ut chl orine do only ble ac h a l it tle. Stro ng a nd c ol o u red sp o ts wi ll no t
be re moved complete ly. In th is c ase please choos e a program with a hi gher temper ature.
The re are 3 sort s of det e rge nts
1.With phosphate and withchlorine
2.With phosph ate and wit hout chlo rine
3.Wit hou t phosphate and without chlor ine
Always add the detergent just before star ting ea ch wash cycle.
Only use branded detergent aidfor dishwasher.
If the lid is close d: press release button. T he li d will sp ring open.

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