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GSP 841
299 kWh
1.04 kWh
0.45 W
0.49 W
350 0 lite r
170 min
84. 5 cm
59. 8 cm
60 cm
193 0 W
Sheet of hous ehol d dishwa sher ac cor ding t o EU Directi ve 1059 /201 0:
Type / Description
Standa rd p lace setti ngs
Ener g y ef f ic i e nc y cl a s s
An nua l ene rgy consump tion
Ener g y co nsu mpti on of the s ta nda rd cleaning c yc l e
Po we r consum pti on of off-m ode
Po we r consum pti on of l ef t-on m ode
Annual water consumption
D r yin g ef f i cien cy c la ss
Standa rd clean ing c ycle
Progra m durati on of the sta ndar d cleani ng cycle
Noise l evel
He ight
Wi dth
Depth (with connectors)
Po we r consum pti on
Rated voltage / frequency
A + + + (hig hest efficiency) to D (lowest efficiency)
Energy consum ption 299 kWh per ye ar, base d on 280 stan dard clea ning cycles us ing cold water fi ll and
the consu mption of the low pow er modes. Actual ene rgy co nsumption w ill dep end on how the appli ance is us ed.
Wate r consum ption 35 00 li tres per yea r, based on 280 standar d cleaning cycl es.Act ual water con sumption
will depe nd on how the appliance is used .
A (hig hest efficiency) to G (lowest ef ficiency)
This progr am is suitab le for cl eaning soi led no rmally so iled table ware and that i t is the
most efficie nt progr am me in t erms of its combi ned ener gy and water consumption fo r
that t ype of t ableware.
The d evice m eets the E uropean s tandards and the directi ves in the c urrent versi on at de livery:
- LVD 20 06/95/ EC
- EMC 2004/ 108/EC
- EUP 2 010/1016
The a bove values have been mea sured in acc ordance w ith standards under spe cif ied oper atin gco nditions.
Results may vary grea tly a ccording to qu antity and pol luti on of t he dishes, wat er hard ness,
amou nt of dete rgent , etc.
The man ual is ba sed on th e European U nion's stand ards and ru les .
Technical Data Sheet
ECO 50
49 dB (A ) re 1 pW
Free standing
230 V~ / 50H z
Water pressure (flow pressure)
0.4-10 b ar = 0 .04 -1 M
Could be built-in

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Bomann GSP 841 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 23 seiten

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