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W h en t h e worki ng c y cle has finis hed, the b u z zer of the di s hwa sher wi ll so u nd for 8 s econds, t h en st op. Tu rn o ff
t he appl iance usi ng the O N/ OFF b utt on, shut o ff t he wa te r s upp ly and open the d oor of t he di shwashe r.
Wait for a few m inutes bef ore unlo adi ng th e dis hw ashe r to avoi d ha ndlin g th e dishes and ut ensils wh ile th ey
are stil l hot and m ore susc ept ible to br eak age. The y wi ll al so d ry be tter.
Switch Off the Dishwasher
The p ro gram ligh t is on but i s n ot blinkin g, on ly in th is case the progr amme has e nded.
1.Swit ch off the di shwasher by p ressing the ON/OFF but ton.
2.Turnoff thewater tap!
Open the door carefully.
Hot di shes are sensi tive to kn ocks. The di shes should ther efore be a llowed to cool d ow n arou nd 15 minutes
before removing from the appliance.
Open t he d ishwasher 's door, l eave it aj ar and wait a few m inutes befor e r emoving t he dishes. I n this way t hey
will be cooler an d t he drying wi ll be i mproved.
Unloading the dishwasher
It is norm al that the di sh washer is we t in side.
Empty th e l ower basket f irst a nd then the upper o ne. T his will avoid water dripping f ro m the upper Bas ket onto
the dis hes in th e l ower one.
If you open the door , the machine will pause.duringawashcycle the LE D dis pl ay
window wil l stop blinking and the buzzer will mooing every minute unless you
close the door . After you close the door ,the machine will keep on working after 10 seconds.
Pr emise:
A cycle t hat is underway ca n on ly be modified i f it ha s only been running for a short tim e. O therw ise, the
det ergent may have alread y been relea sed, a nd the appli ance may have alre ady drain ed the w ash water.
If t his is the case, the d etergent d ispenser mu st be refil le d (see the secti on entitl ed " Load ing t he
Det ergent " ).
Pres s th e Star t/P ause butt on , t he machine wi ll pause , p ress the pr ogram button mor e than 3s the n yo u
can cha nge the p rogra m t o t he d esired cycl e setting (s ee the sec tion ent itl ed " Sta rti ng a w ash cycl e. . ." ).
The LE D displa y sh ows t he s tate of the dis hwasher:
a) The L ED shows --------------------------------------- -------- sta nd by
b) Th e L ED shows H M M and not bli nking--- -- ------ -------- Being pa used
c) The LED shows H MM and blinking---------------- --------------Running
': '
': '
A forgotten dish can be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
Add forgotten di shes.
Close the door
After the spray arms stop working, yo u can open the door
comple tely.
Open the door a little .
Press the Start/Pause Button to stop the washing.
Press the , the dishw asher will run
after 10 seconds.
Start/Pause Bu tton
When you press the Start/Pause button to pause dur ing washing, the LED display window
will stop blinking and the dishwasher will moo ing every minute unless you press the
S tar t / Pa use bu tt on t o star t.
It is dangerous to open the door when washing,
because the hot water may scald you.

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  • tür -schloß defekt. was tun.? ist Reparatur selbst machbar? was kostet neues schloß Eingereicht am 27-5-2017 21:47

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