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Th e co ntrol p ane l can be clea ned by using a lig htly dampen ed cloth.
Aft er cleaning, m ake sure to dry it tho roughly.
For t he e xterior, us e a g ood a pplianc e po lis h wax .
Never use sharp obj ects, scouring pa ds o r h ar sh clean ers on any p art of the di shwasher.
ProtectAgainst Freezing
1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher.
2.Turn off the water su ppl y and disconnec t the water i nlet pipe from the water val ve.
3.Drain the wat er fr om the inlet p ipe an d water valve. (Use a pan to gathe r th e w ater)
4.Reconnect the water inl et pipe to the wa te r valve.
5.Remove the filte r at t he bott om of the tub and use a spong e to soak up wate r in t he sump.
pl ease take fros t prot ection meas ures on t he di shw asher in winter. Ev ery fter wa shing cycles,
pl ease operat e as follows
time a
Cleaning the Filter
Cleaning The Door
To cl ean th e coars e f ilter a nd the f i n e fi lte r , us e a cleanin g bru sh. Re as sembl e the filter par ts as s ho wn in the figur es
on th e last pa ge a nd r eins ert t he e nti re ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, pos itio ning i t in i ts seat and pressing dow nw ar ds .
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could b e
contorted and theperformance ofthe dishwasher couldbe decreased.
To cle an th eedge around the door, you should u se o nly a soft wa rm, d am p cloth.
To avoid pene trat ion o f wa te r in to the door lock and el ectrical com ponen ts, do not
use a spray cleaner of any kind.
Never u se a spr ay c lean er to cl ean the door panel as it m ay dam age the door loc k
and electrical components.
Ab rasive ag ent sor some paper towels s hou ld not b e used b ecau se of th e ri sk o f
sc r a t c hing or leav ing s pot s on th e stainless st eel s ur f ace.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
I f your dishwa sher cannot work because of the ice,
pl ease co ntact prof essional ser vice perso ns.
It is n e cess ary to cle an th e spr ay arms re g ularly for h ard
water chemicals willclog the sprayarmjetsand bearings.
- Inspec t the filters for blo cking a fter e ver y time th e dishwa sher ha s been used.
- By unscrew ing the c oar se fi lter, y ou can remove t he filter system . Re mov e a ny f oo dre mna nts and
clean the filters underrunning water.
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
To remove thelower spray arm, pull out the spray arm upward.
To re move th e u pper spr a y a rm, hold the nut, rot ate th e arm
clockwise to removeit.
Wash the arm s in soapy and war m water and use a sof t brush to
clean t he j ets . Replace th em after rinsin g t hem thorough ly.

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