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Ah ose that a tta ches to a sink spr ay c an burst i f i t is in stalled o n th e sa me w ate r line as th e d ish wash er. If your si nk
has on e, it is re commended t hat the hose be d isc onnected and the hol e plu gge d.
Pull The safety supply hoses completely out from storage com partment located at rear of dishwasher.
Turn water fully on before starting the dishwasher.
Tighter the screws of the safety supply hose t o the faucet with thread 3/4inch.
Th e sa fety supp ly hose con sists oft he double wa lls. The hose 's syste m guaran tees its inte rven tion by block ing the
flow of wat er in case of the supp ly ho se b re aking and whe n the air spa ce b et wee nt he sup ply ho se i tself a nd the oute r
corruga ted hose is fu ll of wat er.
Turn off the water.
Unscrew the safety supply h ose from the faucet.
Theappliance must be connectedto the water mains usingnew hose-sets.
Theold hose-sets shouldnot be reused.
Wate r pressure must b e between 0 ,04 MPa and 1 M Pa. If the pressu re is below t he
minimum consult our Service Department for advice.
Connec t th e co ld water s uppl y ho se to a thread ed 3 /4(i nch ) conn ect or an dm ake s ure that i t is faste ned tigh tly in place.
If thewater pipes are new or have not been usedfor an extended period oftime, let the water runto make sure that the
water is cle ar a nd fre e of impurit ies. If this precauti on is not taken, there is a risk th at t he water inle t ca n get block ed
and dama g e th e appliance.
Extension Hose
If you need a drainhose extension, make sure to use a similar drain hose.
It must be no longer th an 4 m etres ; ot herw ise the cleaning effe ct of the dishw asher could be reduced .
Wa t e r O utl e t
Connect the water dr ain hose. The drain h ose mu s t be corr ect ly f itted to avoid wate r lea ks.
Ensur e that the wate r dra in hose i s no t kin ked or sq uas hed.
I f the sink is 1 00 0 hi gher from t he fl oor, the ex c ess wa te r in hose s ca nnot be dr aine d di r ectly
into the sink. It willbe necessary todrainexcesswater from hoses into a bowlor suitable
conta ine r that is held outsi de and lower th an t he sink.
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
Syphon Connection
Th e w ast e co nn ection mu st be at a height le s s than 100 0 mm (maximu m) f rom t he bottom of the di s h.
The wat er dr ain hose sho uld be fi xed .

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