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1. The salt c ontainer must only be refil led when the salt warning l ight in t he control panel com es on.
Depend ing on how well t he salt dissolve s, th e salt warnin g light may st ill be on even t hough the
salt cont ainer is fill ed.
If the re is no sa lt warning light in the con trol p anel (fo r some Mode ls),you can e stim ate wh en to f ill
the s alt int o the so ftener by the cyc les t hat the di shwashe r has run.
2. If there a re spill s of the salt, a soak or a rapid pr ogram shoul d be run to remove the excessiv e sa lt.
Always use the salt intended for use with di shwasher.
The sa lt c ontain er is l ocated ben eath the lower bas ket and should b e fill ed as e xplained
in the foll owing:
Only use salt spe cif ica lly desi gne d for the use i n dishwash ers! E very other t ype of
salt no t specif ically de signed for t heuse in ad ishwas her, espe cially tab le salt, will
damage the w ater soft ener. In case of d amages caused by t he use of un suit able
salt t he manufact ure r does not gi ve any wa rranty nor is liable for any damage s caused.
Only fil l wi th salt just b efore sta rting one of the comp lete washi ngp ro grams.
This will p revent any g rains of salt or salty wate r, w hich may have been spilled,
remain ing on th e bottom o f the machi ne for any period of t ime, which may cause
c o rr osion.
Th e rinse aid is relea se d duri ng the final rin se to prevent water f rom forming droplets on yo ur dis he s, w hich can
leave spots and st reaks. It also improve s dry ing by allowing water t oroll off the dishes. Your dishwasher is
designed to useliquid rinse aids.The rinseaiddispenser islocated inside the door next to the detergentdispenser.
To fil l the d ispens er, open the cap a nd pour the rinse aid in to the dispens er until the l ev el i ndicator turn s c omplete ly
black. The v olume of the rinse ai dc ontain er is about 110ml .
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tic ally added during t he last r inse, ensur ing thorough rinsi ng, and spot an d st reak fr ee drying.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Never fill the rinse aid dispenser withany other substances
(e.g. Di shwasher cleani ng ag ent, liqu id d eterge nt). Th is would dam age the app liance .
Full fill the salt container with water,It isnormal for asmall amount ofwater tocome out of the
s alt c ontain er.
A Af ter th e lower ba sket ha s be en remo ved, un screw and remove t he cap from t he sal t conta iner.
D Af te r fil ling the co ntainer , screw th e cap t ightly back clo ckwise.
E The salt warning light will stop being after thesalt container hasbeenfilled with salt.
F Immedi at ely a fter f illin g the s alt into the sa lt cont ainer, a was hing pr ogram should be start ed
p rogr am Other wise the filt er sys tem, p ump or other i mport ant pa rts of the ma chin e may b e damag ed
by salty water.This is out ofwarranty.
(Wesu ggest to use a short
B Pl ace th e end o f the fu nnel ( suppli ed) into t he ho le and introd uce abou t 1. 5kg o f dishwasher salt.

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Suche zurücksetzen

  • meine bomann gspe 871 startet nicht, sie zieht wasser und summt dann.

    bei erneutem programmstart, pumpt sie ab , zieht wieder wasser und summt wieder.

    ab und zu ging es dann doch, aber jetzt geht gar nichts mehr. fehler wird keiner angezeigt.

    hilfe bitte Eingereicht am 21-5-2023 21:40

    Antworten Frage melden
  • meine bomann gspe 871 startet nicht, sie zieht wasser und summt dann.

    bei erneutem programmstart, pumpt sie ab , zieht wieder wasser und summt wieder.

    ab und zu ging es dann doch, aber jetzt geht gar nichts mehr. fehler wird keiner angezeigt.

    Eingereicht am 21-5-2023 21:39

    Antworten Frage melden
  • Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, das Gerät bleibt nach dem Vorspülen stehen und das ECO Lämpchen blinkt ganz aufgeregt, einhergehend mit lauten Piepgeräuschen.
    Was kann das sein? Habe den Ablauffilter schon gereinigt und die Maschine ist ohne Wasser.
    J. Naumann Eingereicht am 4-9-2019 10:49

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