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Th e u ppe r basket is de si gned t o ho ld more delicate
and l ight er di shware such as gl ass es, coffee an d
tea cups and saucers, as well as plates, small bowls
andshallow pans (as long as theyare not too dirty).
Positi on the dishes and co okware so thatthey will
not get moved by thespray of water.
We su g ges t that yo u pla ce large i te ms and the most
difficult toclean itemsaretobe placedintothelower
basket : su ch a s po ts, p ans , lids, se rvi ng di shes and
bow ls , as s h own in t h e f igu re b e low. It is prefer able t o
place serv ing d i shes and li ds on the s i d e of th e r a cks
in ord er to avoid bl ocki ng t he ro tati on of the t op spray
arm .
Dee p pots s ho uld be slanted to allo w water to flow ou t.
Pl ease be remin ded that :
T he B otto m B ask et f eatur es foldin g sp i kes so that large r or mo re po t s an d p ans can be lo ade d.
Foldin g Spikes of Lower Basket
Fo r better stacking of pots and pa ns,
the spikes c an be f olded down a s
sho w in th e p ictur e ri ght.
Adjusting the Upper Basket
The height of the upp er ba sket can be ad justed in order to
create mo re space for larg e utensil s bo th for the upp er
/lowe r basket. The height o f the upper ba sket can b e
adjusted by placing the wheels on different height of the
rails. Long it ems, se rv ing cut lery, s alad ser vers and kni ves
should be placed on the shelf so that they do notobstruct
Folding back the cup shelives
Fo r bett er stacki ng of po ts and p ans,
th e spik es can be folded do wn a s
show in th e pict u re ri gh t.
C utle ry s houl d be pla ced in the cut lery basket with t he hand les at th e bo ttom . If the ra ck ha s side bask ets, the
sp o ons s h ou ld be load ed sepa ratel y in to t h e a pprop ri at e slo t s, especially long u ten sils s h oul d be plac e d i n the
horiz ont al position at the f ron t of the up per bas ket as shown in the p icture.
Do not let any item extend through the bottom.
Al ways l oa d sh arp u ten sils w ith the s harp poin t down!

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Bomann GSPE 877 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 36 seiten

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