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Positioning the Appliance
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
I f the s ink is 1000 h igher f rom the floor, the exc ess water in hoses cann ot be dra ined dire ctly
i nto the s in k. It wi ll be nec essary to d ra in e xces s w ater fr om hoses into a bowl o r suit able
cont aine r that i s held outside and lo wer th an the si nk.
Water Outlet
C onn ect the water d rain h ose . The dra in h ose must be corr ectly fitte d to av oid w ate r leak s.
Ensu re that th e water inl et ho se is not kink ed or s quash ed.
Syphon Connection
I nse rt the drain h ose into a dra in pipe with a m ini mum d iameter of 40mm , or let it run into the sink , making sure t o
avoid bending or crimping it.The top of the hose must belessthan 1000mm.
Exte ns ion Ho se
If you need a drain hose extension, make sure touse a similar drain hose.
I t must b e no long er t han 4 me tres; o th erw ise t he cl ean ing eff ect of the dishwash er coul d be reduced .
Posit ion the ap pli ance i n t he desired location. T he back should rest ag ainst th e w al l b ehi nd i t, and the sides,
along the adj acent cabine ts o r wal ls. The d is hwash er is equ ipped wi th water supply and d rain hoses th at can
be positioned either to the righ t or the left s ides to fac ilitate p rop er i nstall ation.
Ah ose that atta che s to a sink sp ray can burs t i f it is instal led on the sa me w ate r line as the d ish wash er. If yo ur si nk
has one, it is recommendedthat the hosebedisconnected and the holeplugged.
Pull The safety supply hoses completely out from storage compartment located at re ar of dishwasher.
Turn water fully on before starting the dishwasher.
T ighter the screws of the safety supply hose to th e faucet with thread 3/4inch.
Th e sa fety sup ply hose con sist s of the d ouble wa lls. T he hose' s syste m guaran tees i ts inter ven tion b y block ing the
flow of wate r in case of the supp ly ho seb reaki ng and whe n the ai r spa ce b etwe en t he supp ly hose i tself and the oute r
corrugate d ho se is f ull of w at e r.
Turn off the water.
Release the water p ressure by depressing the p ressure release button. This r elieves water p ressure and protects you, and the
room, from severe splashing.
Unscrew t he safety supply hose from t he faucet.
The appliance m ust be connec ted to th e water m ains us ing new hose-se ts.
The old hose -se ts sho uld not be re used.
Wate r pre ssure must b e be twe en 0,04 MPa and 1 MPa. If the pre ssu re is below t he
minimumconsult our Service Departmentfor advice.
C onnect th e col d w ate r s up pl y hose t o a t hre a ded 3/4 ( in ch) connec to r and ma ke su r e tha t i t is f as te ne d ti ght ly i n plac e.
If th e w at er pipe s are new or have no t bee n use d for an exte nde d per iod of ti me, le t the water r un to ma ke s ure t hat the
wa ter is cl ear a nd fre e of impuritie s. If this precauti on is no t take n, there is a risk that t he water inlet ca n get bloc ked
and damage the appliance.

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