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Dishwasher Features.................................... ...3
A Wa te r S often er... ... .... ..... ...... ....... .. .. .... ..... ..4
Att enti on bef ore o r afte r lo ading the Dishwas her
Baskets................................................ ..........9
Filtering System.............................................13
Ca r ing for th e Dish w ash e r. ... . .... . . ... .. ... . . ... ... . .. 14.
B Loading the Salt in to the Soften er.................5
C Fil l the Ri nse Aid D isp ens er. .. .. ........ .... .. ... ...5
D Fu nct i on of D et e rg ent .. .. . .. .. .. ... . ..... ..... ... . .. .. 6
L oadi n g the upper ... ...... ... .. .... ... . ..... .... 10Bask et
Loading the Lower .... ...........................10Bask et
Wash Cycle Table........ ..... ..............................11
Tur ni ng on th eAp pl ianc e. ... ... ..... .... ... .. .... ... .. ..11
Cha nge the Progr am.................. ...... ..... .....12....
At the end of the Wash Cycle...........................12
Before c alling f or servi ce...................... ..... .....22.
Errorcodes.................................... ..............23.
Technical informati on... ............. ...... ........ .....24..
Control Panel................... .............................. ..3
.... ..... ......................... 15Ins tall atio n prep arat ion
...16Aes th et ic p anel 's di men si ons a nd i nst allat ion
... ..... ......18Ten sio n ad ju stm ent of t he doo r sp rin g
............... ......... ..... . 18Connectionof drain hoses
............... ......... . 19Dishwashe r in stall at io n step s
Ab out Electri city Connecting...... .....................20
Cold Water Connec tion.... ............... ............... 21
To re vie w the se ction o n troublesho oting Ti ps
will help you to solve some common problems
by your self .
The man ufactu rer, fol lowing a p olicy of c onstant
develo pment a ndu pdati ng of t he product , may
make m odifications w ithout gi ving pr ior not ic e.
If you can not solv e the pr oblems by yo urself ,
please ask for the help o f profe ssional tec hnician s.
Dear Cus to m er ,
Please carefully readthis manual before usingthe
dishwasher, it will help you to useand maintain the
dishwasher properly.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner ofthe appliance.
This manual contains sections on safety Instructions,
Operating Instructions, Installat ion Instructions and
Tr ou bl es ho ot in g Ti p s, etc.
K eep it as a re f er i n the late r da y s .
Th is appl i ance is in tend ed to be use d in hous ehol d
and similar applications such as:
-s taff kitch en a reas in s hop s, off ice s and oth er
w orkin g en viro nme nts;
-farm hous es;
-b y clients in hotels , motels and ot he r resident ial
t ype e nv iro nme nts ;
-bed and breakfast type environments.
-the d ishwash er is not inte nded for out door us e

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Bomann GSPE 878 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 36 seiten

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