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The h ardness o f the wa ter varie sf rom place to plac e. If har d water i s used i n the di shwa she r, de pos its will
form on the dish es and ute nsils.
The a pplian ce i s equipp ed with asp ecial soften er tha t u ses a salt c onta iner spe ci fi cally des ign ed to el im inate
lime an d m inera ls fr om the wate r.
Contact your local water board for information on the hardness of your water supply.
If your model does not have any water softener, you may s kip this section.
The manufacto ry setting: H 4 (EN 50 242)
Be fore u si ng your di shwashe r for th e first time :
A. Se t the wa ter soft en er
B. Add 1. 5Kg d ishw asher sa lt and t hen ful l fill the salt con ta iner w ith w ater
C. Filltherinseaiddispenser
D. Fi l l i n dete rgent
The wat er soften er must be s et manu al ly, usin g the w ater hard ness dia l.
The wat er soften er is design ed to rem ove minera ls and sa lts from t he w ater, wh ich would ha ve
a detrim ent al or adve rs e effe ct on the op eration of t he app li ance.
The high er the conte nt of the se mine rals and sal ts , th e har der your water is .
The so ft ener sho uld be adjus ted accord in g to the ha rdness of t he wate r in your area. Your lo cal Water Authority
can advise you on the hardness of thewater in your area.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her is de sign ed t o allow for adj ustment i n the am ount of sa lt co nsumed bas ed o n t he ha rd ness o f
the water used. This is intended to optimise and customise the level o f salt consumption.
Pl ea se fol low the s teps belo w for ad justm en t in s alt cons ump tion.
1. Close the door ,swi tch on t he applia nce;
2. Press the St ar t/ Pause but ton fo r more than 5 seconds to start th e water so ftener
set mod el within 60seconds after the appliance was switched on ( Th e Salt and
Rinse ai d warning li ghts will be on pe riodically when it get in the set mo del );
3. Press the St ar t/ Pause butt on to sel ect the pr oper set according to
your loc al environment , t he set s will cha nge in t he follow ing
sequence: H1->H2->H3->H4->H5->H6;
4. Press the On/Off but to n or no oper ation fo r 5 seconds t o end the se t up m odel.
Clark: British degree
f H: Fr ench degree
dH: Ge rm an degree
dH=1.25 Clark=1.78
10- 20
21- 3012-17 2.1-3.0 12
7-1 4
15- 21
Cla rk
Salt co nsumption
(gram/cy cle)
18-22 31- 40 22- 28 3.1 -4. 0
41- 6023-34 4.1-6.0 30
35- 55
61- 98
43- 69
6.1-9 .8
RapidLight brig ht
1Ho ur Lig ht br ight
1Hour Rap id Light bright
G l ass Lig ht bri ght
G l ass Rapid Light brig ht
G las s 1Ho ur Light bright

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Bomann GSPE 878 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 36 seiten

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