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Amount of Detergent to Use
Dishwash er detergen t is co rr osive! Take c are to kee p i t out of reach of c hildren.
Based ontheir chemical composition, detergents can besplit in two basic types:
The use of normal washing programs incombination with concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is g ood for your di shes; thes e wash p ro gr am s ar e spe cifically mat ched
to t h e dirt -di ssol ving pr ope rt ies o f the e nz yme s of the con cent rate d de terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programsin which conce ntrated detergents are used canachieve the same
results that can otherwise only be achieved using intensive programs.
Detergent tablets of different brands dissolve at different speeds. For this reasonsome
dete rge nt ta bl ets can not diss olve and dev el op the ir full cle ani ng power during short
prog ram s. There fore plea se use long program s wh en u sin gd eterg ent tabl ets, t o
ensure t he c omp let e re mova l of de t er g e n t re sidu al s.
The dispens er m ust b e re filled be for e the star t of e ach wash cycle f ol lowi ng the instructions
provided i n the w ash cycl e table . Your dis hwa sher use s less de ter gent and rins e aid tha n
Conventional dishwasher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is needed for
a normal washload. More heavily soiled items needmore detergent.Always add the
dete rgen t jus t be fore star ting the dishwas her, ot he rwis e it coul d ge t damp and w il l n ot
di s solv e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
conventional, alkaline detergents with caustic components
l ow a lkali ne c onc ent r ated deter ge nts wi t h n atur al en zy mes
Normally ne w pul ver ised dete rgent is wi th out phos ph ate. T hus the water soften er fu ncti on of
phosph ate is not give n. In th is ca se we re com m e nd to fi ll s a l t in the sa lt conta i n er e ven w he n
the hard ne ss of wate r is o nly 6 d H. If de te rgen ts witho ut ph osphate are use d in the case of hard water
often wh ite spots app ear on d ish es and gl asses. In th is case pl ease add more d et ergent to r each
better resu l ts. D et e r gen ts wi t h o ut ch l ori n e do on ly ble ac h a lit tle. Str o ng and co l o u red sp o t s wi ll no t
be re mo ved com pl etely. I n this ca se pleas e choos ea program with a higher temper ature.
There a re 3 s orts of det ergents
1.With phosphate and with chlorine
2.With phos phate and wit hout c hlorine
3.Withou t phosphate and without chl orine
Always a dd the dete rg ent just b efore start ing each wash cycl e.
Only use branded detergent aid for dishwasher.
If th e lid is cl osed: press rele ase butt on.T he li d will sp ring ope n.

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