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Never leave packaging unsupervised. Separate
the various packing materials by type, and take
them to the nearest waste sorting station in
your municipality.
We use nonpolluting and therefore environ-
mentally–friendly and recyclable materials for
the packaging of our products. We ask for your
cooperation in making sure that the packing
materials are processed properly. Addresses
for collection, recycling and processing centers
are available at your dealer or the appropriate
local institutions.
Never simply dump packaging or parts of it.
This could be a choking hazard for children,
particularly the plastic bags. You are also res-
ponsible for proper processing of the old ap-
Important: take the appli-
ance to a local company au-
thorized to collect discarded
household appliances. With
proper processing, valuable
materials can be recycled in
an intelligent fashion. Before
you dispose of your appliance,
it is important that you remove the door, and
leave the racks in functional position in order
to avoid children getting shut into the oven ca-
vity while playing. In addition, you should cut
off the electrical power cord, and remove it
together with the plug. The guidelines deter-
mine standards for collection and recycling of
discarded appliances which apply to the entire
European Union.
Environmental Regulations

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