Using Your Iron
1 Your iron
L. Shot of steam
K. Auto shut off
indicator lamp
J. Power cable
I. Pi lot li ght
G. Pointer
F. Max. Water level
D. Water tank
C. Spray
B. Water
tank cover
A. Steam
E. Soleplate
N. Beaker
M. Spray button
H . Te mp er at ur e
O. "Clean" button *
(* model dependent)
2 Filling the water tank
Set the steam regulator (A) to the “ ”position and
unplug the iron from the mains!
1. Pl ace the i ron at an angl e o f 4 5° w ith t he p oin t f acin g u pwa rds.
2. Fill the water tank (D) via the water tank inlet but never above
the “max” mark (F).
Use only clean water from the tap without mixing anything with
it. The addition of other liquids, such as perfume, will damage
the appliance.
Any damage caused by the use of the aforementioned
products, will make the guarantee void.
Do no t use co nde nsat ion wat er fro m tum bl e dry er s, ai r con di tio ner s
or similar appliances. This appliance has been designed to use
normal tap water.
To pro lon g the opti mum stea m func tio n, mix tap wat er wit h dis till ed
water 1:1. If the tap water in your district is very hard, mix tap
water with distilled water 1:2.
You can inquire about the water hardness with your local water
8 Spray
This can be used to remove stubborn wrinkles.
1. Do not use the spray function with silk as staining may occur.
2. Make sure that there is water in the tank (D).
3. When ironing, press the spray button (M) and water will spray
out of the spray outlet (C) onto the garment.
9 After finishing each ironing session
1. Unplug the iron from the mains socket.
2. Set the steam regulator (A) to the “ ” position.
3. Slide open the water tank cover (B).
4. Hold the iron with the point facing down and shake it gently
until all the water has come out.
5. lf the iron is only slightly soiled, pull out the plug and allow the
soleplate to cool down. Wipe the housing and the soleplate
with a damp cloth only.
lf synthetic cloth melts due to too high temperature on
the soleplate, switch off the steam and rub off the residue
immediately with a thickly folded, dry cotton cloth..
6. Coil the power cable (J) loosely around the heel of the iron,
before storing.
7. Store the iron in an upright position.
10 Anti-drip system “Drip Stop”
This iron is equipped with an anti-drip system.
This will automatically stop the iron producing steam when the
selected temperature setting is too low to prevent water from
dripping out of the soleplate. You may hear a clicking sound when
this system is in operation.
11 Auto shut-off “secure”
This iron is equipped with an auto-shut off system.
The “secure” auto shut-off function switches off the iron
automatically when it is not being used, thus helping to prevent
accidents and saving energy. When the appliance is first plugged
in, this function will be inactive for the first 2 minutes to allow it to
reach the set temperature.
If during ironing, the iron is not moved for a certain length of time,
the iron will automatically switch off.
The length of time will depend on the position the iron has been
left in:
Horizontally (flat) or on its side: 30 seconds
Vertically (upright): 8 minutes
The pilot light on the top of the handle (K) will flash when auto
shut-off has been activated. To switch the iron back on, move it
gently from side to side. The light will stop flashing.
12 Multiple de-scaling system
This iron is equipped with the following de-scaling
features “AntiCalc”.
A. self-clean
Each time you use the steam regulator (A), the “self-cle an” system
cleans the mechanism of any scale deposits.
B. Calc’nclean
(model dependent)
The “calc’nclean” function helps to remove scale particles out
of the steam chamber. Use this function approximately every 2
weeks, if the water in your area is very hard.
1. Unplug the iron from the mains socket, set the steam regulator
(A) to the position and fill the water tank (D) with water.
2. Set the temperature selector to the “max” position and plug in
the iron.
3. After the necessary warm-up period, the pilot light (I) goes out.
Then, unplug the iron (very important!).
4. Hold the iron over a sink. Press the “clean” button (O) until
approximately one third of the water capacity of the tank is
evaporated. Boiling water and steam will come out, carrying
scale or deposits that might be there.
5. Release the “clean” button, and gently shake the iron for some
6. Repeat the steps 4 and 5 three times until the tank is empty.
Then plug the iron in and heat it up again until the remaining
water has evaporated.
7. Unplug the iron and let the soleplate (E) cool down. Wipe the
soleplate with a damp cotton cloth only.
C. anti-calc cartridge
Th e anti -cal c car tri dge has bee n des ign ed to redu ce the bui ld-u p of
sc al e pr od uc ed dur in g st eam ir on ing , hel pin g to ex ten d th e us efu l lif e
of you r iron . Neve rthe less, the “anti -cal c” cartr idge canno t remo ve
all of the scal e th at is prod uce d n atur ally over ti me.
13 Self Cleaning
The self clean function helps remove lime scale that has
built up around the steam valve.
This should be performed once every 3 or 4 uses.
1. When the iron is cold, slide the steam regulator (A) between the
“ ” and positions in quick succession about 3 or 4 times to
help loosen any lime scale and clean the valve inside.
2. Hea t up the iro n. Bef ore sta rti ng iro nin g, hol d the iron hor izo nta lly
over a sink and press the jet of steam button (L) 3 or 4 times.
This will help force out any lime scale and dirt deposits through
the holes in the soleplate (E).
Fabric protection soleplate cover “Protect”
(Model dependent)
The fabric protector is used for steam-ironing delicate garments
at maximum temperature without damaging them. Use of the
protector also does away with the need for a cloth to prevent
shine on dark materials.
It is advisable to first iron a small section on the inside of the
garment to see if it is suitable.
To attach the fabric protection soleplate cover to the iron, place
the tip of the iron into the end of the fabric protector and press
the rear of the protector upward until you hear a click. To release
the fabric protector, pull down on the clip at the rear and remove
the iron.
The protective cover can be purchased from After-sales or the
Bosch online shop.
Accessory code
Name of accessory:
Protect cover soleplate
(online shop)
464851 TDZ1510
Cleaning and Maintenance
Attention ! Risk of burns !
For general cleaning, follow the information below:
Problem Solution
Dirty/lightly marked iron
body or soleplate
Clean the body of iron or soleplate with a damp
cloth then dry it.
Mark develops on
soleplate during use
Set the iron to its maximum temperature
setting. Rub the iron a few times over with a dry
cotton cloth folded several times.
Heavily stained soleplate While the iron is cold, iron a linen cloth soaked
in white vinegar. Then dampen a cloth with
water and wipe the soleplate clean and dry
DO NOT de-scale or clean the water tank with cleaning products
or solvents, as these could cause the iron to drip when using the
steam function.
DO NOT use a “professional steam cleaner” for cleaning the
use shar p obj ec ts or abr asiv e pro duc ts to clea n the sol epla te
or any othe r par t of the appl ianc e. To keep the solep lat e in good
con dit ion, do not al low it to come in to c ontact wi th meta l o bjec ts.
Steam setting
Setting Recommended Steam
Regulator Setting
••• to “max” e and
•• e
*in comparison to the maximum steam setting of a
regular 2400 Watt max Bosch iron.
No te: A t a te mp er atu re set tin g of “• ”, th e wa te r is not h ot en ou gh
to pr odu ce st eam so t he st ea m r eg ula tor sh oul d b e se t t o th e “ ”
position to avoid water dripping from the soleplate (E).
Tip: for better ironing results, iron the last strokes without steam
to dry the garment.
5 Ironing with shot of steam
This can be used to remove stubborn wrinkles or to
press in a sharp crease or pleat. It cannot be used on a
synthetic setting for delicate items.
1. Set the temperature control (H) to the “•••” or “max” position.
2. Press the jet of steam (L) button on the handle repeatedly at
intervals of 5 seconds.
6 Vertical steaming with shot of steam
This can be used to remove creases from hanging
clothes, curtains etc. It cannot be used on a synthetic
setting for delicate items.
WARNING! Do not vertical steam while the item is being worn.
Never spray or aim steam at people or animals!
1. Make sure that there is water in the tank (F).
2. Set te temperature control (H) to the “···” or “max” position.
3. Hold the iron in an upright position about 15 cm away from the
garment being steamed.
4. Press the shot of steam button (L) on the handle at intervals of
5 seconds, however, after 4 jets of steam, wait for 10seconds
to allow for continued steam production.
7 Ironing without steam
This function enables the iron to be used for dry ironing.
1. Set the steam regulator (A) to the “ ” position.
2. Selec t an appropriate temperatur e for the type of material being
3 Setting the temperature
The temperature control (H) adjusts the temperature of
the soleplate (E).
1. Check the temperature instructions shown on the care label of
the garment you are ironing and set the temperature control
(H) to the corresponding position by lining it up with the pointer
(G) on the iron:
Fabric Temperature Setting
Synthetics •
Silk - Wool ••
Cotton - Linen •••
2. If you are un sur e what ty pe of mate rial the gar men t is made fro m,
start ironing on the lowest temperature setting and increase
accordingly. If the garment is made from mixed fabrics, set the
temperature for the most delicate material.
3. For silk, woollen or synthetic materials iron the reverse side
of the fabric to prevent shiny patches. Avoid using the spray
function to prevent stains.
4. Sort your garments based on their care labels, always starting
with clothes that have to be ironed at the lowest temperature.
5. The pilot lamp (I) will stay lit while the iron is heating up and go
out once the selected temperature has been reached. Wait a
few seconds after the lamp goes out before you start ironing.
Once the iron is ready, you can continue to iron even if the pilot
lamp comes on again.
6. If the lamp on the top of the handle (K) is flashing, the auto shut-
off has activated. Gently move the iron side to side to restart it.
4 Ironing with steam
The steam regulator (A) is used to adjust the amount of
steam produced when ironing.
1. Make sure that there is water in the tank (D).
2 . A dj us t t he t em pe ra tu re se tt in g an d th en se t th e st ea m re gu la to r
a c c o r d i n g to th e t ab le be lo w. St ea m wi ll au to m a t ic a l l y be pr od uc e d .
3. The “e” steam setting (energy saving “e” setting: 24%
energy saving*) can be used for most fabrics. The
steam setting should only be used on thick fabrics where
there are still wrinkles.