Getting Started
1. Removeanylabelorprotectivecoveringfromthesoleplate(16).
2. Placetheappliancehorizontally onasolid,stable surface.Youmay
remove theiron pad from the appliance and placethe iron on it on
3. Removethedetachablewatertank(1)andfill it,makingsurenotto
4. Fitthewatertankbackontothesteamtank.
5. Unwindthemainscablefullyandplugitintoanearthedsocket.
6. Setthemainpowerbutton(6)totheon(“I”)position.
7. The ”Stea m rea dy” indic ato r lamp (7) wil l ligh t up aft er sev era l minu te s,
Thesteam generator will take more time toreach ”Steam ready” state
only upon the initial heating up, or after performing the de-scaling
When water is already present in the steam generator during regular
8. This appliance has a built-in water level sensor. The “water empty”
Note: The water tank (1) can be filled at any time while using the
9. Ifironingwith steam,adjustthe steamcontrol (3),(see:ironing with
• Normal tap water can be used. To prolong the optimum steam function,
tap water may be mixed with distilled water 1:1. If the tap water in your
You can inquire about the water hardness with your local water
• To avoid damage and/or contamination of the water tank, do not put
perfume, vinegar, starch, descaling agents, additives or any other type
of chemical product into the water tank. Do not use condensation
• During its first use the iron may produce certain vapours and odours,
along with white particles on the soleplate, this is normal and it will
Setting the temperature
1. Checktheironinginstructionlabelonthegarmenttodeterminethe
2. Selectthetemperaturebyrotatingthetemperaturedial(13).
3. The indicator lamp (14) willremain lit whilethe iron is heatingand go
• S or t y ou r g ar me n ts ou t b as ed on th ei r cl ea ni ng sy mb ol la b el s,
always starting with clothes that have to be ironed at the lowest
• If you are not sure what the garment is made of then first iron a small
section on the inside of the garment which cannot be seen when
Ironing with steam
1. Makesurethatthereisenoughwaterinthewatertank(1).
2. Turn the temperature dial (13) to the steam position, between ”••”
3. Set the amount of steam to suit your needs, using the variable steam
4. Pressthesteamreleasebutton(15)toreleasesteam.
• Thesteamhosemaygethotifyouareironingforlongperiods.
• W hil e th e st eam rel ea se b utt on i s pr ess ed, the wat er t an k ma y
produce a pumping sound, this is normal, indicating that water is
Ironing without steam
1. Beginironingbutwithoutpressingthesteamreleasebutton(15).
Vertical steam
1. Setthetemperaturedial(13)tothe”•••”or”max”position.
2. You can steam iron curtains and hanging garments (jackets, suits,
coats...) by placing the iron in a vertical position and pressing the
Cleaning & Maintenance
1. Afterironing, pull outthe plugand allow theappliance to cooldown
2. Wipethehousing,handleandironbodywithadampcloth.
3. If the sole plate is soiled with dirt or scal e, clean it with a damp
4. Neveruseabrasiveproductsorsolvents.
Calc‘n clean
Cleaning the Boiler
To extend the lifeof yoursteam generatorand toavoid anybuild upof
scale,it is essentialthat you rinseout the boilerafter several hoursof
Do not use descaling agents for rinsing out the boiler, as they could
1. Check that the appliance is cold and unplugged for more than 2
hours, and that the removable water tank (1) has been removed from
2. Placeyourapplianceontheedgeofyourkitchensink.
3. Uns cr ew t he b oi ler dra in age plu g l oca ted on the bot to m of th e
4. Holding your steam generator in an upside down position, and using
5. Shake the base unit for a few moments and then empty it completely
over a sink or bucket. To obtain the best result, we recommend that
6. Imp ort ant : bef ore rec los ing , mak e su re n o wa ter r ema ins in t he
7. Replaceandtightenuptheboilerdrainageplugwithacoin
Storing the appliance
1. Alwaysallowtheappliancetocooldownbeforestoringit.
2. Se t th e fo r ma i n p o we r bu t to n (6 ) to t he o ff ( “0 ” ) p o si t io n an d
3. Placetheironontheironpad,standingitonitssoleplate(16).
4. Empty the water tank (1) and store/wrap the mains cable onto the
cordstorage facility(11). Tidythe steamhose (5)onto thehandle of
the iron using the steam hose clip provided (12). Do not wrap the
Additional features
(Model dependent)
Fabric protection soleplate cover
The fabric-protection soleplate cover is used for steam-ironing delicate
garments at maximum temperature without damaging them. Use of the
soleplate cover also does away with the need for a cloth to prevent
Itisadvisable tofirstiron asmall sectiononthe insideofthe garment
To attach the soleplate cover to the iron, place the tip of the iron into the
rear of the iron until it fits tightly. To release the soleplate cover, pull the
The fabric-protection soleplate cover may be purchased from After-
Accessorycode(After-sales) Nameofaccessory(BoscheShop)
464846 TDZ2510
Intelligent steam
This system has intelligent steam control, which, after releasing the steam
The additional steam can always be stopped by briefly pressing the
“Energy saving” button
If the ”Energy saving” button (4) is switched on, you can save up to
25% of the energyconsumption andstill havea good ironing result for
most of your garments. It is advisable touse the normal energysetting
Automatic clean warning
Pilotlight(8)willflash indicatingthatboilermustberinsed. Todothis,
To reset the “Calc‘nclean” pilot light and counter, switch the station off
Auto shut-off
If during ironingthe steam release button (15)on the handle of theiron
is not pressed for a certain length of time (8 minutes), the steam station
The ”Auto shut-off” pilot lamp (7) will flash when auto shut-off has been
To switch the steam station back on, press the steam release
button again, and wait until the ”Auto shut-off” pilot lamp remains lit
Warranty conditions
The terms of the guarantee for this appliance are in accordance with
that stated by our representative for the countryin which it issold. The
details of these conditions can be obtained from the retailer from whom
the appliance was purchased. The purchase receipt must be presented
Advice on disposal
Our goods come in optimised packaging. This basically consists in
using non-contaminating materials which should be handed over to
the local waste disposal service as secondary raw materials. Your
local town council can give you information about how to dispose of
This appliance is labelled in accordance with
European Directive 2002/96/EG concerning used
electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical
and electronic equipment - WEEE).