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Beware when reaching the end of the cut. The weight of the
chain saw changes unexpectedly as it cuts free from the
wood. Danger of injury to the legs and feet.
Always remove the chain saw from a wood cut while the saw
chain is running.
Cutting Logs (see figures F–I)
When cutting logs, observe the following safety instructions:
Support logs so that the face sides at the cut do not close in
against each other, which would result in the chain being
Position and set short logs safely before sawing.
Saw only wood or wooden objects. When sawing, always
take care to avoid hitting stones, nails, etc., as these could
be thrown up, could cause damage to the chain, or could res-
ult in serious injury to the operator or bystanders.
Keep a running chain saw clear of wire fencing or the ground.
Use of the saw to thin out branches or bushes is not ap-
Length cuts must be carried out with particular care, as
leverage with the gripping teeth (10) is not possible. Saw at
a flat angle to avoid kickback.
When working on a slope, operate above or to the side of the
trunk or laying tree.
Be careful not to trip over tree stumps, branches, roots, etc.
Cutting Wood under Tension (see figure I)
u Be extremely careful when sawing wood, branches or
trees under tension. Leave saw jobs like these to
trained professionals. There is a high risk of accidents.
When sawing logs supported on both ends, start the cut
from above (Y) about one third of the diameter into the log
and then finish the cut at the same spot from below (Z), in
order to avoid splitting of the log or jamming of the saw.
Avoid contact of the saw chain with the ground.
When sawing logs supported on only one end, start the cut
from below (Y) about one third of the diameter into the log
and then finish the cut at the same spot from above (Z), in
order to avoid splitting of the log or jamming of the saw.
Felling Trees (see figure J)
u Before using your chainsaw, always check local and
national laws, limitations and regulations for any pro-
hibited use cases.
u Always wear hard hat to protect head against falling
u The chain saw may only be used to fell trees smaller in
diameter than the length of the chain bar.
u Secure the work area. Ensure no persons or animals
are in the vicinity of the falling tree (
u Never attempt to free a jammed chain saw with the
motor running. Use wooden wedges to free a jammed
chain saw.
When cutting and felling operations are being performed by
two or more persons at the same time, the felling operations
should be separated from the cutting operations by a dis-
tance of at least twice the height of the tree being felled.
Trees should not be felled in a manner that would endanger
any person, strike any utility line or cause any property dam-
age. If the tree does make contact with a utility line, the com-
pany should be notified immediately.
The chain saw operator should keep on the uphill side of the
terrain as the tree is likely to roll or slide downhill after it is
An escape path () should be planned and cleared as neces-
sary before cuts are started. The escape path should extend
back and diagonally to the rear of the expected line of fall.
Before felling is started, consider the natural lean of the tree,
the location of larger branches and the wind direction to
judge which way the tree will fall.
Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails, staples, and wire
from the tree.
Notching undercut: Make the notch (X–W) 1/3 the dia-
meter of the tree, perpendicular to the direction of fall. Make
the lower horizontal notching cut first. This will help to avoid
pinching either the saw chain or the guide bar when the
second notch is being made.
Felling back-cut: Make the felling back-cut (Y) at least
50mm higher than the horizontal notching cut. Carry out the
felling back-cut parallel to the horizontal notching cut. Make
the felling back-cut so that enough wood is left to act as a
hinge. The hinge-wood keeps the tree from twisting and fall-
ing in the wrong direction. Do not cut through the hinge.
As the felling gets close to the hinge, the tree should begin to
fall. If there is any chance that the tree may not fall in the de-
sired direction or may rock back and bind the saw chain,
stop cutting before the felling back-cut is complete and use
wedges of wood, plastic or aluminium to open the cut and
drop the tree along the desired line of fall.
When the tree begins to fall, remove the chain saw from the
cut, stop the motor, put the chain saw down, then use the re-
treat path planned. Be alert for overhead limbs falling and
watch your footing.
Drive a wedge (Z) into the horizontal cut to make the tree
When the tree begins to fall, leave the danger area via the re-
treat path planned. Be alert for overhead limbs falling and
watch your footing.
Limbing a Tree (see figure K)
Limbing is removing the branches from a fallen tree. When
limbing, leave larger lower limbs to support the log off the
ground. Remove the small limbs in one cut as illustrated in
the figure. Branches under tension should be cut from the
bottom up to avoid binding the chain saw.
Bucking a Log (see figures L–O)
Bucking is cutting a log into lengths. It is important to make
sure your footing is firm and your weight is evenly distrib-
uted on both feet. When possible, the log should be raised
and supported by the use of limbs, logs or chocks. Follow
the simple directions for easy cutting.
F 016 L81 829 | (28.11.2019) Bosch Power Tools

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