Safety instructions
Read the In struction Man ual and Install ation In structions and all ot her information enclosed w ith the washing
machine an d use the mach ine accord ingly.
Retain the documents for subsequent us e.
Ris k of electric s hock Never pull on the cable to disco nnect the main s plug.
Only ins ert/pull out t he mains plug wi th dry hands.
Dan ger to life For worn-o ut applian ces:
Disconnect t he mains plug .
Cut throu gh the mains cable and remo ve complete with p lug.
Destroy the lock on the was hing mac hine door. Thi s will prevent child ren from
locking themselves in and r isking thei r lives.
Dan ger of suffoc ation K eep packaging, film and packa ging pa rts out of the reach of c hildren.
Ris k of poisoning Keep detergents and care prod ucts ou t of the reach of children.
Ris k of explosion Items of laund ry pretreated with cleaning a gents containing s olvents, e.g. stai n
remover/cle aning solvent ma y cause an ex plosion after bein g loaded into the
washin g machine.
Rinse items of laundry thorou ghly by h and beforehan d.
Ris k of injury The washin g machine door c an become ve ry hot.
Be careful when drainin g hot detergent so lution.
Do not climb onto th e washing machin e.
Do not lea n on the open washing ma chine door.
Do not rea ch into the drum if it is still rotati ng.
Consumption values
Programm e Additional func tion Load Electricity*** Wa ter** *
Cotton s L F 30 °C* * 8 kg 0.35 kWh 76 l 2 :2 0 h
Cotton s L F 40 °C* * 8 kg 0.97 kWh 76 l 2 :3 0 h
Cotton s L F 60 °C* * 8 kg 1.36 kWh 76 l 2 :4 0 h
Cotton s L F 60 °C j Eco Perfect* 8 kg 1 .03 kWh 5 6 l 3 :25 h
Cotton s L F 90 °C 8 kg 2.34 kWh 87 l 2 :3 0 h
Mix 1 40 °C** 3.5 kg 0.47 kWh 49 l 1 :01 h
Easy- Care I 40 °C* * 3.5 kg 0.55 kWh 55 l 1 :43 h
Delic ates/Silk 7c(c old) 2 kg 0.04 kWh 35 l 0 :4 1 h
Delic ates/Silk 30 °C 2 kg 0.14 kWh 35 l 0 :4 1 h
:Wool / 7 (cold) 2 kg 0.06 kWh 40 l 0 :4 0 h
:Wool / 30 ° C 2 kg 0.16 kWh 40 l 0 :4 0 h
* Pro gramme setting for tes ting and en ergy labelling in accordance wi th EU directive 92 /75/EEC.
** Programme s etting for tes ting in accor dance with a pplicable stand ard EN60456.
Note on com parative tests: Wh en using the tes t programmes , wash the spe cified load usi ng the maximum spin speed.
As a s h ort programme for coloureds, s elect the Mix 1 40 °C p rogramme with maximum spin speed.
*** Th e values may deviate from the indi cated values dep ending on water pressure, wa ter hardness, and inlet temper ature,
ambient temperatur e, type, amo unt and level o f laundry soil ing, detergent used, fluctuati ons in the power s upply and
selection o f additional f u nctions.
Important information
B efore wash ing for th e first time
Do not put any l aundry in the mach ine. Turn the ta p on. Pour the followi ng into compartment II :
a pprox. 1 l itre water
detergent (amo unt to be used according to the manufac turer's instructio ns for light soili ng and a ccording to
water har dness)
Turn th e programm e selector to Easy-Care I 60 °C and pres s $ (Start / Add laun dry).
At th e end of the pr ogramme, turn the pr ogramme select or to Off .
Prote cting the lau ndr y an d th e m achine
When meas uring detergent , care produ cts and clean i ng agents, follow the manufa cturer's instru ctions.
Empty po ckets.
Look out for m etal items (pap erclips, etc.).
Wash delic ates in a la undry bag (ti ghts, curtains, u nderwired bras).
Fasten zips, do up any b uttons.
Brush s and out of po ckets and collars.
Remove curta in fittings or place in the laundry bag.
Loa di ng l aundr y
Insert i tems of laund ry of varyin g sizes.
Take c are not to trap items of laun dry between the was hing machin e door and the rubber seal.
La undr y with varyi ng d egr ees of soi ling
Wash new ite ms of cloth ing separately.
ligh t No prewash . If required, selec t the additi onal i Speed Pe rfect function.
Pretreat an y stains as necess ary.
heav y Do not load as much laun dry. Select the pr ogramme with Pre wash.
So aki ng Load laundry o f the same colou r.
Pour soaking agen t/detergent into compartment II in acco rdance with the man ufacturer's ins tructions.
Set th e programme selecto r to C o t ton s L F 30 °C and select $ (Start/Add laundr y ) .
Afte r approx. 10 min utes, press $ ( Start/Add laundry ) to stop th e programme. A fter the requir e d soaking time,
press $ (Start / Add laun dry) again to continue the pr ogramme, or ch ange the progr amme.
Sta rchin g Laundr y must not be tr eated with fabri c softener
Sta rching is poss ible in all wa sh programmes if liquid starch is u sed. Pour starch into the ~ fabric s oftener compa rt-
me nt in accordanc e with the manuf acturer's ins tructions (rinse fi rst if necessar y).
D yeing/b lea ching
Dy e should only be used in normal household q uantities. Salt ma y damage sta inless steel. Alw ays follow the dye
manuf acturer's ins tructions. D o not use the washi ng machine for bleachin g clothes.
1 0
Insert for liquid detergent d epending on m odel
Posi tion the insert fo r dispensi ng liquid deterg ent:
Remo ve the detergen t drawer completel y a page 10.
Slide the i nsert forwards.
Do not use the in sert (slide upwar ds):
For gel-typ e detergents an d washing powder,
for pr ogrammes with + Prewash 7 or (Finished in) option
Mach in e hous ing, co nt rol pane l
Remove de tergent residu e immediately.
Wipe with a soft, damp cloth .
Do not clean with a jet of water.
Cle aning t he deterg ent drawer ...
... if it contains deter gent or fa bric softener residues.
1. Pu ll out, press inse rt down, remov e drawer com pletely.
2. To remove the insert: p ress the ins ert upwards from below with you r finger.
3. Clean th e detergent di spenser tray an d insert with water and a brus h and dry it.
4. Fit the insert an d lock it in place (pus h the cylind er onto the guid e pin).
5. Push in the detergent d rawer.
Lea ve the detergent drawer open so that any residu al water can evap orate.
Lea ve the washing machine door o pen so tha t the drum can dry out.
Use chlorine-free clea ning agent, n ot steel wool .
D escal ing Ensure there is n o laundry in the machine
This s hould not be necessa ry if th e correct detergent dosage h as been used. If it i s necessar y, however, proceed
ac cording to the descaling ag ent manufacturer 's instructions. S uitable desca lers can be obta ined via our websi te or
from our after-sale s service (a pa ge 13 ).
Instructions in the display panel dep ending on model
flashing Close th e washing machine door properly; laundr y may be caught.
§: ³Å, É Open the tap co mpletely, supp ly hose kinked or trapped; Clea n the filter a page 11 ,
water press ure too low.
§: ³µ Detergent solution pum p blocked; Clean the detergent solu tion pump a page 11.
Drain hos e/waste pip e blocked; Clean the drain hos e on the siphon a pa ge 11 .
§: ´ Water in the b ase tub, app liance leakin g. Call the afte r-sales service.
Other display s S wi tch off the app liance, wait for 5 seconds a nd switch it back o n. If the display appears aga in,
call t he after-sales service a page 13.
Ris k of electric s hock. Disconnect the mains plug .
R isk of explosion. No solven ts.
1 1
Infor ma tion a bou t blo ckag es
De terg ent solu tion pum p
Turn th e programm e selector to Off an d di sconnect t he mains plug.
1. Open and remove the serv ice flap.
2. Take the drain hos e out of the retaine r.
Remove t he sealing cap, allow the d etergent solution to flow out.
Pu sh the sealing cap back on.
3. Unscr ew the pump co ver carefully (residual water).
4. Cle an the interior, pump cover threa d and pump hou sing (the impeller in the deterg ent
soluti on pump m ust be able to rota te).
5. Rep lace the pump co ver and screw i t on tightly . Th e handle points upright. Replace th e
dra in hose in the h older.
6. Refit the service flap an d close it.
To pr event unused detergent from flowi ng straight into the drain duri ng the next wash:
Pour 1 litre of water into compartment I I a nd start the Drain > p rogram me.
Drai n h ose on the si ph on
Turn th e programm e selector to Off and disconnect th e mains plug.
1. Loo sen the hose c lamp, remove the drain hose car efully (residual wa ter).
2. Cle an the draina ge hose and siph on connecti ng piece.
3. Rea ttach the drai nage hose and secure the con nection with th e h o se clamp.
Filter in the w ater supp ly
Risk of ele ctric shock
Do not i mmerse the Aqu aStop safety devi ce in water (con tains electr ic valve).
Red uce the water p ressure in the supply hose:
1. Turn o ff the tap.
2. Select an y programme ( except Spi n / Drain > ).
3. Press $ (Start /Add laundry ). Let the prog ramme run for approximately 40 seco nds.
4. Turn th e programm e selector to Off. Disconnect the mains plug .
5. Cle an the filter:
Dis connect the h ose from the ta p.
Clean th e filter with a s mall bru sh.
and/ or o n standard and Aquasecure models:
Remove t he hose from th e back of the appliance,
remo ve the filter usi ng pliers and c lean the filter .
6. Con nect the ho se and check for lea ks.
Ris k of scalding.
Allow the detergent solution to co ol down.
Turn off the tap.
1 2
What to do if...
Water is leaking out. Attach/ replace the dra in hose correctly.
Tighten th e screw connecti on of the supply hose.
No wa ter supply.
Dete rgent not dispens ed.
$ (Start /Add la undry) not press ed?
Tap not turn ed on?
Fi lter blocked? Clea n the filter a page 11.
Supply hose kinked or tra pped?
Was hing machine door canno t
be op ened.
Safe ty function active. Programme stopped? a p age 4 .
(Rin se hold = no final spin) selected ? a page 3, 4.
Ca n be opened by emer gency releas e only? a page 13.
Progra mme does not st art. $ (Start /Add la undry) pressed o r (Finished in) time selec ted?
Washing machine doo r closed?
Ch ildlock active? Deactivate a page 5 .
Detergen t solution does not
dra in.
(Rin se hold = no final spin) selected ? a page 3, 4.
Clea n the detergent solution pu mp a p age 11.
Clean the waste pipe an d/or drainage ho se.
Water n ot visible in t he drum. Not a fault - water below th e visible area.
Sp in result not sati sfactory.
La undry wet/too damp.
Not a fau lt - the imbalance monitorin g system has interru pted the spin bec ause
the laundry is unevenl y distributed.
Distribut e large and small items of laun dry evenly in the drum.
S (Ea sy-Iron) p ressed? a page 5.
Speed selected too low ? a page 5 .
The pr ogramme dur ation
chan ges during the washing
cy cle.
Not a fa ult - the programme sequence is o ptimised for the relevant washin g pro-
cess. This can cause ch anges in th e programme dura tion in the disp lay panel.
Rep eated spin start- up. Not a fault - imbala nce monitoring system is equali sing the imb alance.
Resid ual water in th e ~ c om-
par tment for care p roducts.
Not a fau lt - the action o f the care pro duct is not affected.
Clea n the insert if necessary a page 10 .
Odour f ormation i n the washing
mac hine.
Run th e Cottons LF 9 0 °C programme with the was hing machin e empty.
Use stand ard detergent.
Sta tus indicator³þ flashing.
Detergen t m ay escape from the
deterg ent drawer.
Too much detergent used?
Mix 1 tablesp oon of fabric s oftener with ½ litre water and pour the mixtur e into
compartmen t II. (Not for outd oor textiles o r those made wi th down.)
Reduce the amount of deterg ent for the nex t wash cycle.
Pronou nced gene ration of
noise, vibration an d
wa ndering dur ing the spin
cy cle.
Are th e applian ce feet fixed?
Secure appli ance feet a Installati on instructio ns .
Tr ansportation safety devices removed ?
Remove transp ortation safety devices a Installa tion instruction s .
Noises during sp inning and
dra ining.
Clea n the detergent solution pu mp
page 11.
Dis play panel/in dicator lamps
do not function d uring
op eration.
Power cut?
Circuit b reakers tripped? Switch circuit b reakers back on or replace.
Energy sa ving mode active?
page 5.
If a fault o ccurs repea tedly, call the af ter-sales service.
Progra mme sequence l onger
than usual.
Not a fault - imb alance mon itoring system is equalising th e imbalance by
repeatedly re distributing th e laundry.
Not a fau lt - foam detection system active - adds an addition al rinse cy cle.
There are detergent r esidues on
the laun dry.
In isolated cases, phosp hate-free detergen ts contain wa ter- insoluble resi dues.
Select Rinse or brush down the laundry a fter washing.
1 3
What to do if...
In Add laundr y mode,
$ (Start/Ad d laundry ) flashe s
very quickly an d a signal s ounds
W ater level too high. Not possib le to add more la undry. Close the w ashing
machine door i mmediate ly if necessary .
Press $ (Start /Add laundry ) to continue th e programm e.
If you cann ot correct a fault yo urself (switch ing on/off) or a repair is req uired:
Tur n the programme s elector to Off a nd pull the ma ins plug out o f the socket.
Tur n off the tap and call th e after-sales servic e a page 13.
Emergency release e .g. in the even t of a p ower cut
The programme continues when the powe r supply is resto red. However, if th e laundry has to be removed,
the washing m achin e d oor can be o pened as follows:
Risk of sca lding
The detergen t solution a nd laundry m ay be hot. If possible, l eave to cool down.
Do not re ach into the drum if it is still rotati ng.
Do not open the washin g machine door if water can be seen through the gla ss.
1. Turn the progr amme selector to Off and pull out th e mains plug .
2. Drain th e detergent soluti on a page 11.
3. Pull the emerg ency release dow nwards with a to ol and rel ease.
Washing ma chine door c an then be opened.
After-sales service
If you ca nnot remedy the fau lt yourself (Wh at to do if ..., a page 12, 13 ), contact o ur after-s ales service.
We will always find a suitab le solution to avoid unnecessa ry visits by repair personne l.
You can find the contact details for your nearest a fter -sales service h ere or in the after-sa les service director y
(depending on th e model).
GB 0844 892897 9 (Calls from a BT landline will be charged at up to 3 pence per minute.
A c all set-up fee of up to 6 pence may apply).
IE 01 450 2655
Please give the after -sales service t he product number (E-Nr.) and the producti on number (FD) of the applian ce.
Product number Production numb er
This informa tion can be found:
on the ins ide of the w ashing machin e door* /
open servic e flap* and on the rear of the appliance.
*dependin g on the model
Trust the manufa cturer's tec hnical expertis e. Turn to us.
By doing so, yo u will ensure that the repair is carried out by tr ained service tech nicians equipped with origi nal
spare parts
Wa shin g m achi ne
en I nstr uc tion ma nual