1 2 3 4 5
Emptyin g conden sation
Empty c ontainer after each dryin g operati on!
1. Pull out con densation c ontain er keeping i t horizontal.
2. Pour out con densatio n.
3. Always pus h contain er in fully unti l it clicks into plac e.
If Container fl ashes in the displa y panel a
What to do if.. ., Page 1 0.
Cleaning the fluff filter
Clean the fl uff filter after e ach d rying operatio n.
1. Open the door, remove fluff from d oor/door are a.
2. Pull out a nd fold open the fluff filte r.
3. Remove th e fluff (by wipin g the filter with your hand).
If the fluff f ilter is very dir ty or bloc ked, rinse with wa rm water and dry
4. Close and re insert the fluff filter.
Switching off the d ryer
Turn the pr ogramme selector to Off .
Do not leave laundry in the dryer.
Removing the laund ry
The automati c anti-crea se functio n causes the drum to move at s pecif ic intervals, th e wash ing rema ins
loose and fluffy for an hour (two hou rs if the additi onal S
Reduced Iro ning f unction i s also selected -
depending on m odel).
.. . and ada pt t o indi vid ual requ ire men ts
Never start the drye r if it is dam aged!
Inform your after-s ales servic e.
Inspec ting the
Sortin g and loa ding laundry
Remove al l items from pockets.
Check for cigarette lighters.
The drum m ust be em pty prior t o loading.
See programm e overview o n page 7 .
See also sep arate ins tructions for “Woollens basket”
(depending on model)
You r new dryer
Congratulati ons - You have ch osen a mode rn, high -quality B osch
domesti c appliance.
The co ndensation dryer is distin guished by its econo mical ene rgy
consump tion.
Every dr yer which le aves our factory is car efully chec ked to e nsure
that it fun ctions c orrectly and is in per fect condit ion.
Should you have any qu est ions, our after-sales service will b e pleased
to help.
Disposal in an environ mentally -respons ible ma nner
Dispose of packagin g in an en vironme ntally-respons ible man ner.
This applia nce is la belled in ac cordance with the European
2002/96/EG on w aste el ectrical and electron ic
equipmen t - WEEE .
The guidel ine prov ides an EU-w ide framew ork fo r the return
and rec ycling of old appliance s.
For furth er informati on about ou r products , accessories, s pare parts
and ser vices, pleas e visit: www .bosch-hom e.com
Int ended us e
Prep aring fo r
installation, s ee Page 8
Selectin g an d adjusting the pr ogramm e
Con densation container
Control p anel
ʋ for do mestic u se only,
ʋ only t o be use d for drying fabrics that h ave bee n
was hed with wa ter.
Do not leave ch ildren unsupe rvised near the dryer.
Keep pet s away from t he dryer.
The dryer can be operated by children 8 years old
and older, b y person s with red uced phys ical,
sensory or menta l abilities and by persons with
insufficien t experience or knowled ge if they are
supervised or have b een instruc ted in its use b y
a respon sible adult.
Selec t the dr yi ng p rog ramm e .. .
Pres s the S tar t/S top butto n
Make sure your hands are dr y.
Hold the plug only.
C onnectin g the
mains plug
Informati on on la undry .. .
Lab elling o f fabri cs
Follow th e manufacturer 's care infor mation.
( Drying at normal tem peratur e.
'cDrying at low temper ature a a lso sele ct & Low Heat.
)cDo not m achine dry .
Observe safety instructio ns with out fail a P age 11 !
Do not tum ble-dry the fol low ing fabrics for e xample:
– Impe rmeable f abrics (e.g. r ubber-coate d fabrics) .
– Delicate materi als (silk or cur tains mad e from syn thetic mate rial) a they may c rease
– Laundr y contami nated with o il.
Dr ying tip s
– To ens ure a con sistent resu lt, sort the laundry by fabric type a nd drying programme .
– Always dry very s mall items (e.g. baby so cks) togeth er with l arge item s of laund ry
(e.g. h and towel) .
– Close zip s, hooks an d eyelets, an d but ton up cover s.
Tie fab ric belts, ap ron strings, e tc. toget her
– Do not o ver-dry ea sy-care l aundry a r isk of crea sing!
Allow laundry to fini sh drying in the air.
– Do not dry woolens in the dryer, onl y us e to fr eshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish
Progra mme (dep ending on m odel).
– Do not ir on laund ry immediate ly after drying, fold item s up and leave for a while a
the rema ining moisture w ill then be d istributed e venly.
– The d rying result dep ends on th e type of water used du ring washin g. a Fine adjus tment
of the d rying result a Page 5 /6 .
– Machi ne-knitte d fab rics (e.g. T-shirts or je rsey s) o ften shrink th e first tim e th ey are d r ied a
do not use the Very Dry progra mme.
– Starc hed laund ry is not alw ays suita ble for dr yers a starch le aves behi nd a c oating that
adverse ly affects th e drying op eration.
– Use th e correc t dosage of fabric softene r as per th e manufac turer's in structions when
washin g the laun dry to be dried.
– Use th e timer pro gramme for small loa ds a th is improves the dryi ng result.
Environ me ntal p rotect ion / En er gy-savin g tip s
– Befo re drying, spin the laundr y thoroughly in the washing mac hine a the higher the spin
speed the shorter th e drying tim e wi ll be (consum es less energy), also spin easy-c are
– Put in, b ut do n ot exceed, th e max imum recomm ended qu antity of la undry a
progr amme ove rview a Pag e 7 .
– Make sure the room is well ventilate d during dry ing.
– Do not o bstruct or s eal up the air inlet.
– Keep the air co oler clean a Page 6 “ Care and c leaning” .
Fi n e ad jus tme n t of the d ry in g resu lt
Adjust men t o f the levels of d r yness
1 x to the right Pres s and hold & Low Heat
and tu rn 5 x to the righ t
Pres s & Low Heat unti l
th e required level is reach ed
Turn to O ff
Turn to Off
All buttons a re sensit ive and only
need to be touched ligh tly.
Only opera te the dryer with
the fluff filte r inserted !
Air inle t
Fluff filter
Drum i nterior light
(depending on model)
Mai ntenance
Prog ramme e nd once lig hts up in th e display.
Interru pt progra mme r emoving or adding la undry.
The drying cycle can b e inte rrupted for a b rief period s o that laund ry may b e added or removed .
The program me sele cted mus t then be r esumed and completed .
Ne ver switch the dryer o ff before the drying pr ocess has en ded.
D rum and door may be hot!
1. Open d oor, the dryin g process is interrup ted.
2. Load or re move lau ndry and c lose door.
3. If requ ired, select a new progra mme an d ad ditional functions.
4. Press the Start /Sto p button.
Addition al
functio ns
Programme s elector
Display panel
Empty the condens ation con tainer.
Clea n the fluff filter a nd/or air cooler und er runnin g water. a Page 4/6.
Sele ct On/Off for buzzer at the end of th e progr amme. ˎ & Buzzer
Reduc ed tempe rature for d elicate fabrics ' that re quire a longer
drying tim e; e.g. for polyacry lics, polyamide , elasta ne or ace tate.
ˎ & Low Heat
Reduces creasin g and exten ds the an ti-creasin g phase on ce the
program h as en ded.
ˎ S Re duced
Iron ing
Rea d these in structio ns and the s eparate
Energy-s aving mo de instructions befo re
ope rating th e dryer.
Obse rve the s afety instr uctions on pag e 11.
C ont ent s Page
ʋ Prep aration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ʋ S etting the pro grammes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ʋ Dry ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4
ʋ Inform ation on laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ʋ Fi ne adjustme nt of the d rying result . . 5/6
ʋ Car e and cle aning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ʋ Prog ramme overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
ʋ Ins tallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ʋ Fros t protection / Tr ansport . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ʋ Tec hnical d ata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ʋ Op tional acces sories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ʋ W hat to do if... / After-sales service . . . . 10
ʋ S afety instruct ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
ˎ h:min End of program me in 1 *-24 hou rs (Press button severa l times if required)
(*depen ding on the s elected programm e, e.g. durati on 1:54h a 2 h.
Can alway s be sel ected to th e next fu ll hour.)
adjustmen t
of the drying
The drying result (e .g. Cupboard Dry) can be a djusted over thre e levels (1 - max. 3 )
for the L
Cottons, I Easy-Ca re, / Mixed L oad and Supe r Quick 4 0’ programmes a
presetti ng = 0. After one of these progra mmes has b een finely adjusted, th e settin g is
retained for the other s. Further inf ormation aPage 5 /6 .
0, 1, 2 , 3
Fine ad just me nt of th e dr yi ng r esu lt
Car e an d c le an ing
Dr yer housi ng , co ntrol pane l, air c oole r , moi sture sen so rs
– W ipe wit h a soft, dam p cloth.
– Do not use h arsh clea ning ag ents and sol vents.
– Re move de tergent an d clean ing agent re sidue im mediately.
Clean t he pro tective fil ter 5 - 6 tim es a year
or if Fi lter flashes afte r cleaning the fluff filter.
Air coo le r / Prote c tive filte r
When cleaning, only remove the prote ctive filte r. Clean the air cooler
behind the prote ctive filter on ce a year.
– Allow the dry er to c ool.
– Residu al w ater may leak out, so p lace an a bsor bent towel
undern eath the mai ntenanc e d oor.
1. Unl ock t he ma intenan ce door.
2. Open the mai nten ance door full y.
3. Tur n both lock ing l evers towards each anoth er.
4. Pul l out the protect ive filt er/air coo ler.
Do n ot dam ag e the prote ctive fil ter or a ir c ooler.
Cle an w ith warm wat er on ly. Do no t use any ha rd or sharp -ed ged
obje cts.
5. Clea n the p rotective filter/ a ir coole r thoroughl y,
All ow to drip d ry.
C lean the seal s.
7. Re -inse rt the p rote ctive filter/ai r cool er,
with the hand le faci ng dow n.
8. Tur n back both lock ing leve rs.
9. C lose th e mainte na nce door unt il the lock c licks into pl ace.
Mo istur e s enso rs
The dry er is fitte d with stai nless steel moisture sensors. Th e sensor s
mea sure the l evel of moistu re in the laundry. Afte r a long p eriod of
ope ration, a fine layer of lim escale m ay form on th e sensor s.
1. Op en the doo r and clean th e moist ure sen sors with a da mp spon ge
which h as a rough surface.
Do n ot use steel w ool or abrasive mate rials.
L:00, L:01, L:0 2, L:03 are sh own in seq ue nc e
Sho rt si gn al whe n chan gin g from L:03 to L:00, oth erw ise long
sign al .
On ly when switch ed off!