Pro gram m e ove rvie w also see Page 5
So rt t he la undr y acc ordi ng to t ype of textil e and fabric. F a brics mus t be sui table for tu mbl e dr ying.
Af ter dryi ng ...
iron la undry
lightly iron laundry
do no t iron laundry
mangle laund ry
**L Cottons
max. 7 kg
Hard-w earing fabrics , boil-re sistant fabr ics made of cotton or linen.
**I Easy- Car e
max. 3.5 kg Non-iron lau ndry mad e of synt hetic fibres a nd ble nded fabric , easy -care c otton.
/Mixed Loa d
max. 3 kg Mixed i tems of l aundry madeof cotton and synthet ics (Mix) .
Iron D ry
c÷ @c Fabri cs su itable fo r ironin g (iron fabrics in orde r to avoi d creasi ng).
Cupboard Dry
@ Single -layer fab rics.
*Very Dry
@ Fabric s made of thick, multila yered ite ms of cl othing.
Woollens fini sh
max. 3 kg
Woolle n fabric s suitabl e for w ashing machin es . Fabrics become fl uffier bu t not dry.
Remove fabrics onc e t he progra mme has e nded and al low to dry.
ZS por tswe ar
max. 1.5 kg
Fabrics with membra ne coatin g, wate r-repel lent fabric s, functio nal clo thing, fl eece fabric s (dry jacke ts/trous ers with
remova ble interna l lining sepa rately).
A Super Qui ck 40’
max. 2 kg
Laundry mad e of s ynthe tic fibres, cotton or b l ended fabrics (for e xa mple) that needs to b e dried qu ickl y. T he value s may
differ from the th ose sp ecified d ependin g on the type of fabri c, mixture of laund ry to be drie d, residu al mois ture in the
fabric and loa ding ca pacit y.
Timed Pro gramm e
warm 20’
max. 3 kg
Pre-drie d, multi- layer ed, sensit ive fab rics made of acr ylic fibre s, or separ ate sma ll items of laun dry.
Also for sub sequent drying .
*for L C ottons and I Easy-Care prog rammes o nly
**Dryn ess levels can be selected ind ividually a V ery Dry, Cupb oard Dry and Iron Dry (dependi ng on the m odel) .
Degree of dryness can be finely adjus ted; multi-layer ed textiles require a long er drying time than single-la yered items of clothing.
Recommen dation: Dry s eparatel y.
9306 / 90 008749 51
Rober t Bosch Haus geräte Gm bH
Carl- Wery-Str. 34
81739 Mün chen/Deutsc hland
WTE84301 GB
Inst al lation
– Deliver y specifica tion: dryer, in structions for installa tion and use , woollens basket
(depending on model).
– Check d ryer for tra nsport dama ge.
– The drye r is very he avy. Do not a ttempt to lift it on your own.
– Be care ful to avoid sharp edge s.
– Do not li ft the dryer by any of th e protr uding part s (e.g. th e door) as they may bre ak off.
– Do not s et up in a room that is susce ptible to fro st.
Freezing w ater may cause dam age.
– If in dou bt, have t he appliance connecte d by an e xpert.
Set ting u p the dr yer
– The appl iance pl ug must alwa ys be ac cessible.
– Ensure that the appliance is i nstal led o n a cl ean , l evel
and sol id surface.
– Keep the cooling grille at th e front of th e dryer
unobs tructed.
– Keep the area aroun d the dryer clean.
– Make the dryer leve l using th e thread ed feet
and a spirit level.
Do not remo ve the t hreaded fee t under an y
circumsta nces.
Mai ns co nne ction see saf ety instru ctions
Page 1 1.
– Connec t to an AC e arthed s ocket. If in do ubt have t he socket c hecked by an expe rt.
– The main s voltage an d the voltag e shown on th e rating p late (
Page 9) must corr espond.
– The conn ected loa d and ne cessary fuse protect ion are specifie d on the ra ting plate .
Fro st pr otec tio n / Tra n spor t
Prep ara tion
1. Empty the c onden sation conta iner
page 4.
2. Sele ct any p rogram me us ing the progra mm e sele ctor.
3. Press the
Start/ Stop b utton
condens ation is p umpe d into t he cont ainer.
4. Wait 5 min., and then e mpty th e co ndensa tion co ntain er aga in.
5. Turn the pro gramm e s elector t o Off .
Take all accessory part s
out of the d rum.
The drum m ust be empty.
Make s ure that the air
inlet re mains unob structed
Clea n and lev el
Do not operate the dryer if
there is a dang er of frost .
Do n ot set up the d ryer behi nd a door or sliding
door a s this m ay obstruc t or pre vent the d ryer door
from op ening. Thi s will preve nt a potentiall y fatal
danger t o children fro m locki ng themselv es in.
Tec hni ca l d ata
Dimensions (DxWxH) 60 x 60 x 85 cm (heigh t adjusta ble)
Weight approxim ately 45 kg
Max. capaci ty 7 kg
Condensatio n contain er 4.2 l
Connection v oltage
Connected lo ad
Fuse protect ion see app liance ra ting pla te
Ambient tem perature
Product num ber/
Production n umber
You can find the rating plate on the b ack of th e dryer.
Drum i nterior light (d epending on mod el) (bul b E14, 25 W)
The dru m lights up afte r the do or is o pened or closed, a nd aft er the programme star ts,
and switches o ff automa tica lly. Changi ng the bu lb a page 10 .
Con sum p tion r ates
Fabric s/programme s
Residual moi sture in the fa brics
after spi nning
Drying ti me**
consumptio n**
L Cottons 7 kg
Cupb oard D ry* 1400 r pm (50%) 10 6 min 3.60 kWh
1000 r pm (60%) 12 4 min 4.20 kWh
800 rpm (70%) 143 min 4.80 kWh
Iron D ry* 1400 r pm (50%) 82 min 2.59 kWh
1000 r pm (60%) 98 min 3.28 kWh
800 rpm (70%) 112 min 3.96 kWh
cEasy -Care 3.5 kg
Cupb oard D ry* 800 rpm (40%) 42 min 1.35 kWh
600 rpm (50%) 51 min 1.65 kWh
* Pro gramm e setting for testi ng in a ccordance with applicabl e standard E N611 21.
** The valu es m ay diffe r fr om those s p ecified, depending o n th e type o f fa bric, co mpositi on o f l aun dry to be
dried, re sidual mois ture in th e fab ric and the amoun t of laundr y being loaded.
Fabric s/programme s Drying time Annua l energy c onsumption
L Cottons 7 kg / 3 .5 kg*
Cupb oard D ry*** 97 min / per cyc le 504 kWh / per year
*** Pro gramm e setting fo r testi ng and e nergy lab elling in accor dance w ith Dir ective 2010 /30/EU .
Opt ion al ac ces sori es (from a fter-sale s service usin g order num ber)
Pla tform
For easier loading and unloading. T he basket c ontained in the drawe r can be u sed to carry
the la undry.
Washer-dr yer stack con nec tio n se t
The dryer can be placed on top of a suitable wa shing machine with the same width and dep th
to save space. The dryer must b e fastened to the was hing machine using this connectio n set.
With p ull-out worktop : WTZ 1130 0
Co nne ction fittin gs fo r c onde ns ation ou tlet
The c ondensation is convey ed directly via a hos e.
Insta llati on u nd erneath the work top
Instead of the ap pliance cove ring plat e, you m ust have a m etal cove r fitted by
a spec ialist.
1 0
Wh at to d o if .. .
If you cann ot rec tify a fault y ourse lf (e.g. swit ching off/on), please con tact our after-sales
se rvice. We will alwa ys find an a pprop riate s olution and will avoid unne cessary visi ts by
eng ine ers. Trust the expe rtise of the m anufactu rer a nd re st assu red that the repair w ill be
c arried ou t by t r ained servic e t echnici ans using origin al spare p a rts. Th e con tact de tails of your
loc al afte r-sales se rvice ca n be found in t he enc lose d
after-sale s servic e d irectory , or by
c alling o ne of the se nu mber s:
– GB 0844 8928979 ( C alls from a BT land line will b e ch arg ed a t up t o 3 pen ce p er mi nut e.
A ca ll set-u p fee of u p to 6 pen ce m ay a p ply. )
– IE 01450 2655 (0 .03 € pe r min ute at peak . O ff pea k 0 .00 88 € p er minu te.)
Wh en cont actin g the after-sale s service , pleas e quote the a ppliance 's produc t numb er (E no.)
and produc tion num ber (FD ) (see the in side o f the d oor).
Se t the program me select or to
Off a nd remo ve t he app lianc e plu g from the sock et.
Th e Start/St op indicator lamp
doe s not li ght up.
M ains plug p lugged i n?
Progr amme se lected?
Ch eck the socket f use.
Th e display pa ne l light and
ind icator light s (depending on
mo del) go out and t he
Sta rt/
Stop i ndicato r light fl ashe s.
Energy -savi ng mode is activa ted
see th e sep arate En ergy-savi ng mod e i nstr uctions.
Th e Containe r and
Start/ Stop i ndi cator lights are
flash ing.
Emp ty th e condensa tion co ntainer.
If fe atured, check ho se for condens ation outl et.
Th e Filter and Start /St op
ind icator light s are fla shing.
Clea n the flu ff filter a nd/or a ir cool er under r unnin g water
Pag e 4/6.
D ryer does not start .
Start/St op butto n selec ted?
D oor closed?
Progr amme se t?
Am bient tem peratu re grea ter than 5 °C?
Wa ter is ru nning out. Al ign dryer ho rizonta lly.
Clea n air co oler sea l.
Th e door ope ns by it self. Push t he do or close d until you hear it enga ge.
Cre asing. Lau ndry loa d exceed ed?
Re move a rticles of cl othing immediate ly a fter
th e end of the progra mme, h ang up a nd p ull into sh ape.
Unsu itable program me sele cted a Page 7.
D rying result i s not satisfacto ry
(l aundry fee ls too da mp).
Wa rm laun dry feels dampe r than it actual ly is.
Th e selecte d prog ramm e does not suit the load. U se anoth er
dr ying progra mme or, in addition , sele ct the time progra mme a
Pag e 7 .
Use fine ad justment fo r the d rying re sult a Page 5 /6.
Fine layer o f limesca le on the humidi ty sensor s
a C lean th e humi dity senso rs a Page 6.
Progr amme terminati on, e.g. t ank full , ma ins power su pply fa il ure,
door open or maximum drying t ime reac hed.
D rying time too long. R inse the fluff filters und er runn ing wate r a Pag e 4.
Ins ufficient supply o f air a ensure that air ca n circ ulate.
Air inlet possi bly bloc ked a C lear inl et a Page 8 .
Am bient tem peratu re higher t han 35 °C a ventilate the ro om.
Th e humid ity in the room
incre ases significantl y.
M ake sure the ro om is su fficiently venti lated.
M ains failu re. Re move laun dry f rom the dry er imm ediatel y and spr ead out .
Th is allows the he at to dissi pate.
On e or mo re indic ator light s for
progr amme status a re flas hing.
Clea n filter a nd air co oler
Page 4 /6.
Ch eck ins tallation c ondition s
Page 8 .
Sw itch off, lea ve to co ol dow n, switch on aga in, res tart
pr ogramme.
Th e interior light is not work ing
(depen ding on model ).
Pull out the a ppliance plug, remov e the cove r cap in the inter ior
abo ve the door (use To rx 20 scr ew driv er) an d replace
th e bulb. Clo se the co ver cap .
Ne ver oper ate the drye r witho ut a cove r cap.
1 1
Safe ty inst ru ctio ns
Emer gency
– Pull the appli ance plug out of the socket im mediately or disconn ect the fuse.
ONLY use the
dryer ...
– in roo ms inside th e house .
– to dr y fabrics.
The dr yer m u st
– be use d for other purpos es than those describe d above.
– be m odified in terms of its technology or attrib utes.
Dange rs
– The d ryer must no t be used by childr en or person s who have n ot bee n
instructe d in its us e.
– Do no t leave ch ildren uns upervised n ear the dryer.
– Keep p ets awa y from the d ryer.
– Rem ove all objec ts from pockets.
Mak e especial ly sure that c igarette li ghters a re removed as they c onstitute
explosion h azard.
– Do no t lean or sit on the door
risk of tipp ing.
Instal lation
– Secu re loose cable s
tripping hazard.
– Do not opera te the drye r if there i s a risk of fro st.
conne ction
– Connec t the drye r accord ing to spec ifications to an AC ear thed soc ket, as
othe rwise it cannot be guaranteed that the appliance is comp letely safe.
– The c able cross- section m ust be s ufficient.
– Only u se earth-le akage ci rcuit breake rs with t he followin g symbol:
– The a ppliance p lug and socket m ust be co mpatible.
– Do no t use multiple plugs /couplings and/or exte nsion ca bles.
– Do not hold the ap plianc e plug wi th wet ha nds
risk of e lectric s hock.
– Never pull the a ppliance p lug out of th e socket b y its cable .
– Do no t damage the mains lead
risk of elec tric sho ck.
Operat i on
– Only lo ad the drum with laundry.
Che ck the cont ents before y ou swi tch the drye r on.
– Do n ot u se th e d ryer i f the laundry ha s be en in contac t with solv ents, o il, wa x,
grease or paint ( e.g. hair setting spr ay, nail polish remover , stain remo ver,
clean ing solven t, etc.)
fire/explo sion ha zard.
– Dust (e.g. coal d ust, flour) poses a dang er: do not u se the dryer
explosion h azard.
– Do not put l aund ry c ontaining foamed m aterial/ rubber in the dryer
elas tic
mate rial may b e destroyed and the d ryer may b e damag ed due to pos sible
defo rmation of t he foamed material.
– Sw itch off the dr yer once the program me has e nded.
– Conde nsation is not drinki ng water and may be contamin ated with flu ff.
Defec t
– Do no t use the dr yer if it is d efective or if you sus pect it is.
Repair s must on ly be car ried out b y the after- sales servic e.
– Do no t use the dryer if th e mains c able is defect ive. To av oid dange r, only
have th e defe ctive mai ns cable re placed by t he after-sales service.
– Alwa ys pull the mains plug out of the s ocket b efore c han ging the bulb for the
interior light
risk of ele ctric sh ock.
Spare part s
– Only u se genu ine spare p arts and a ccessories for safety rea sons.
Dispos al
– Dryer: p ull out the applian ce plug, then c ut off the m ains cab le from
the a ppliance.
Dispose o f at mu nicipal waste dis posal facility.
– Pack aging: do n ot leave c hildren alon e with pac king pa rts
risk of su ffocation .
– All m aterials are environmen tally sou nd and can be reuse d. Dispose of in
an en vironmenta lly-resp onsible manne r.
Drye r
en I nstr uc tion ma nua l