Progr amme ov erview also see P age 5
After drying: la undry is to be ...
Skirts/dre sses
Sportswe ar
Work cloth ing
Anorak s
Towelli ng
dressing gowns
Underwea r
Bed lin en
Table line n
Terry to wels
Tea towels /
lightly ironed dr y
not ironed
passed t hrough a ma ngle
max. 8 kg
For whi tes and colo ureds/cott on or linen.
Iron Dry ø @ è* è* è* è* è* è* è* è*
Cupboa rd Dry @ è* è* è* è* è*
Very Dr y @
è* è* è* è* è*
Extra Dry @
* è è è* è* è
max. 3.5 kg F or non-ir on laundry ma de of synthet ic fibres a nd blended fabri c, cotton.
Iron Dry cø@c
è* è* è* è* è* è*
Cupboa rd Dry @ è* è*
Very Dr y @ è* è* è*
W oollens Finish
max. 3 kg
For woo llen fabrics suitable for m achine-w ashing. Fabrics become fluff ier but not dry .
Remove fa brics on ce the programme has ended a nd allow to dry.
Shor t Programme
max. 3 kg
For lau ndry made of synthetic fibres , cotton or blended fabri cs (for examp le) that needs to be dried quick ly.
Timed Programmes
Warm 40 min / Fr eshen up
max. 3 kg
For pre-dr ied, multi-la yered, sensi tive fabrics made of acrylic fibres, or se parate small items of laundr y.
Also fo r subseque nt drying.
1110 / 9000314563
Robert Bo sch Haus geräte GmbH
Carl-Wer y-Str. 34
81739 München/ Germany
WTE86301A U
Insta llation
D elivery spe cificatio n: dryer, instr uctions f or installa tion and use, woollens basket
(depending on mode l).
C heck dr yer for trans port dama ge.
Th e dryer i s very heav y. Do not attem pt to lift it o n your own.
B e caref ul to av oid sharp e dges.
D o not lift the dryer by any of the protruding p arts (e.g. the door) as they ma y break o ff.
D o not set up in a roo m that is s usceptib le to frost.
Freezing wa ter may cause da mage.
If in doubt, ha ve the a ppliance conne cted by an expert.
Setting up the d ryer
The applia nce plug m ust alwa ys be acce ssible.
E nsure that th e applia nce i s installed on a clean, lev el
and solid surface .
K eep the cooling g rille at the front of the dryer
unobstruct ed.
K eep the area around the drye r clean.
Ma ke the d ryer level using the threaded feet
and a spirit level.
Do not rem ove the thre aded fe et unde r any
circumsta nces.
Mains conne ction see safety instructions
Page 11 .
C onnect to an AC ear thed sock et. If in doubt have th e socket ch ecked by an expe rt.
Th e mains vo ltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (
Page 9) must correspo nd.
Th e conn ected loa d and n ecessary fuse prote ction are speci fied on the rating p late.
Frost protectio n / T ransport
1. Empty th e conden sation co ntainer
page 4.
2. Select any prog ramme u sing the pr ogramme selector.
3. Press the Start
Stop butto n
condensati on is pumped i nto the container.
4. Wait 5 min., and t hen empty the co ndensati on contai ner again.
5. Turn t he progr amme sel ector to Off .
Take a ll accessory par ts
out of the drum.
The drum must be e mpty.
Make sur e that the air
inlet remain s unobstruct ed
Clean a nd level
Do not operate the dr yer if
there is a da nger of fro st.
Do not s et up the dr yer behind a door or s liding
door a s this may obstruc t or prev ent the dryer door
from opening. This will prevent a potentia lly fatal
danger t o children f rom locking themsel ves in.
Technic al dat a
Dimensio ns (DxW xH) 60 x 60 x 8 5 cm (heig ht adjust able)
Weigh t approxi mately 45 k g
Max. cap acity 8 kg
Condensa tion con tainer 4.2 l
Connectio n voltag e
Connecte d load
Fuse prot ection see app liance ra ting plate
Ambient t emperat ure
Product n umber/
Productio n numbe r
You ca n find the rating p late on the bac k of the dryer.
Consum ption rates
These a re guide va lues det ermined under sta ndard
conditio ns. Fluctua tions up t o 10% are possible.
Spin sp eed in rpm
(residu al moisture )
Drying time
in min.**
consumpti on
in kWh **
Cottons 8 kg 10 A 10 A
Cupboa rd Dry* 1400 (approx. 50 %) 131 3.74
1000 (approx. 60 %) 148 4.49
800 (approx. 70 %) 165 5.17
Iron Dry* 1400 (approx. 50 %) 109 2.24
1000 (approx. 60 %) 126 3.44
800 (approx. 70 %) 143 3.86
Easy-Care 3.5 kg 1000 45 1.05
Cupboa rd Dry* 800 (approx. 40 %) 48 1. 35
600 (approx. 50 %) 60 1. 65
*Test pro gram acc ording to DIN EN 611 21.
**The values may differ fr om the tho se specif ied depend ing on the type of fab ric, mixtur e of
laundr y to be dri ed, residu al moistur e in the fa bric and l oading capac ity.
Drum interior light (depen ding on m odel) (b ulb E14, 25 W)
The drum is illum inated after the door is opened or closed, and also after the program me is
started . It goes out automat ically. Re placing th e bulb
Page 10.
Optio nal acces sories (ord er from the af ter-sales s ervice using the order num ber)
Connecti on fittings for conden sation outlet
The co ndensati on is conv eyed direc tly via a h ose.
Washer -dr yer stack connection s et
The dryer can be placed on top of a suitable washing ma chine with the sam e width and depth
to save space. This connection set must always be used to secure the dryer to the washing
mach ine. With p ull-out wo rktop: WTZ 11300.
Installatio n underneath the worktop
Risk of electric shock!
Inste ad of the app liance covering pla te, you mu st have a me tal cove r fitted by an expert.
1 0
Wha t to do if ...
If you can not rectify a fault yours elf, please contac t our after-s ales ser vice. We will always find
an ap prop riate s olution and will a void u nnece ssary v isits by e ngin eers. T rust th e exp ertis e of
the m anuf actur er and rest assure d that the re pair w ill be ca rried out by traine d se rvice
techn ician s using original spare parts. The cont act details of your local after- sales servic e can
be fo und in the en close d after-sales s ervice dire ctory, o r by ca lling one of t hese numb ers:
GB 0844 8 928979 (Calls from a BT landli ne will be cha rged at up to 3 pen ce per minute.
A call set -up fee of up to 6 p ence may apply.)
IE 0145 0 2655
Whe n conta cting the after-sa les servic e, pleas e quote the app liance 's produ ct num ber (E no.)
and produ ction num ber (FD ) (see the in side o f the d oor).
Set the pro gramm e se lector t o Off and remov e the appl iance plu g from th e soc ket.
The Start / Stop indi cator
lamp do es not ligh t up.
Mains plug plugge d in?
Programm e selec ted?
The Co ntainer an d Start /
Stop ind icator light s are
Empty t he cond ensation c ontainer.
If featur ed, chec k hose for c ondensat ion outlet.
The Filt er and Start / Stop
indicator lig hts are flashing.
Clean the fluff filter and/o r air cooler under ru nning water
Page 4/ 6.
Dryer doe s not sta rt. Start / Sto p butt on selected ?
Door close d?
Programm e set?
Ambien t tempera ture greate r than 5 ° C?
Water is r unning ou t. Align dryer h orizontally.
Clean ai r cooler se al.
The door opens by itself. Push the door clos ed until you hear it e ngage.
The req uired deg ree of
dryness was not a chieved or
the drying time wa s too l ong.
Clean the fluff filter and/o r air cooler
under running w ater
Page 4/ 6.
Empty co ndensatio n contai ner
Page 4.
Check wa ter outlet ( if feature d).
Ambient temperat ure high er than 35 ° C
Air inlet may be b locked
keep uno bstructed .
Was an unsuitable programme selec ted?
Page 7.
Has the dryer been installed wi th suff icient space on all
sides? En sure that a ir can circulate.
Fine laye r of scal e on the mo isture sen sors
Clean the
moisture sensors
page 6.
Laundry d amp. Use th e next dryin g programm e up or use the tim er
program me as a su ppleme nt
Page 7.
Warm lau ndry feels damper than it rea lly is!
The m oisture cont ent of the room
has increased significantly.
Make s ure the roo m is suffici ently venti lated.
Air inlet b locked?
keep unobstruc ted.
Ensure tha t the a ir cooler has been inse rted.
Mains failu re. Remove l aundry from the drye r imm ediately and spread out.
This allow s the he at to dis sipate.
One or more indic ator lights for
program me status are
Clean f ilter and a ir cooler
Page 4/6.
Check installation c onditions
Page 8.
Switch off, leave t o cool down, switch on a gain, rest art
program me.
The interio r light is not worki ng
(depending on mode l).
Pull out th e app liance plug, remove t he cove r cap in the
interior ab ove the do or (use Torx 20 screw dr iver) a nd
replac e the bulb . Close the cover cap.
Never op erate th e dryer with out a co ver cap.
1 1
Safety in structi ons
Emer genc y
Pull the applia nce plug out of the socket imme diately or disconne ct the fuse.
ONLY use the
dryer. ..
In rooms inside t he house.
To dry f abrics.
The d ryer must
Be use d for othe r purposes than those descri bed above.
Be mo dified in terms of i ts technol ogy or attrib utes.
Dange rs
The dryer must n ot be use d by ch ildren or pers ons who ha ve not be en
instructed in its use.
Do not l eave childr en unsu pervised n ear the dr yer.
Keep pets awa y from the dryer.
Rem ove al l objects from pockets .
Make espe cially sure that ci garette lighters are removed as they constitute an
explosion hazard.
Do not lean or si t on the d oor
risk of tipp ing.
Instal latio n
Secu re loose ca bles
trippi ng hazard.
Do not o perate t he drye r if there is a risk of fro st.
Main s
conne ction
Conne ct the dr yer acc ording to s pecification s to an AC e arthed socket, as
otherwise it canno t be guarante ed that t he applia nce is compl etely safe .
The ca ble cross -section m ust be suff icient.
Only use ear th-leakage circuit bre akers wit h the following symbol:
The ap pliance plug and socket mus t be comp atible.
Do not use mult iple plugs/ couplings and/or ex tension c ables.
Do not ho ld the appliance plug with wet hands
risk of ele ctric sh ock.
Never pull the a ppliance plug out of the socket by its cable .
Do not d amag e the mai ns lead
risk of elect ric shoc k.
Opera tion
Only load the d rum with laundry.
Check th e conten ts before you switc h the d ryer on.
Do not us e the dryer if th e laundr y has been in c ontact with s olvents, oil, wax,
grease or paint (e.g. h air setting s pray, nai l polish remov er, stain remover ,
cleaning so lvent, etc.)
fire/explo sion haz ard.
Dust (e.g. coal d ust, flour) pos es a dang er: do no t use th e dryer
explosion ha zard.
Do not put laundry containing fo amed material/rubber i n the d ryer
material m ay be des troyed an d the dr yer may be damaged due to po ssible
deformatio n of the foa med m aterial.
Switc h off the drye r once the program me ha s ended.
Conden sation is not drinking water an d may be contami nated with fluff.
Defec t
Do not u se the dryer if it is de fective or if you susp ect it is .
Repairs must only be carried out by the after-sales s ervice.
Do not u se the dryer if the mains ca ble is de fective. To av oid dang er, only
have the defectiv e mains c able replac ed by the after-sales service.
Alwa ys pull the mains plug out of th e sock et b efore changing the bulb fo r the
interior lig ht
risk of elec tric sho ck.
Spare par ts
Only us e genuin e spare p arts and ac cessories for safety reasons.
Dispo sal
Dryer : pull out t he applian ce plug, then cut off the mai ns cable from the
appliance .
Dispose of a t munici pal waste disposal facility.
Packa ging: do no t leave ch ildren al one with packing p arts
risk of suff ocation.
All materials are env ironment ally sound and can be r eused. Dispose of in an
environment ally-resp onsible m anner.
Instructio ns for
installatio n and u se
Tumble dry er
Read th ese inst ructions bef ore opera ting the drye r.
Observe the safety instructio ns on page 11.