Pro gram m e o verv ie w also see P age 5
Aft er drying: laundry is to be ...
T-s hirt
Shir ts
Tro users
Skirts/d resses
Sp ortswear
Wor k clothing
Ano raks
Tow elling
dressin g gowns
Underw ear
Bed linen
Table l inen
Terry towels
Tea towels/
tow els
lightly ironed dr y
not iron ed
passed th rough a ma ngle
L F C ottons max. 8 kg For whites a nd coloureds/co tton or lin en.
Iron Dry ø @ è* è* è* è* è* è* è* è*
Cupboard D ry @ è* è* è* è* è*
Very Dry @ * è* è* è * è* è* Easy- Care max. 3.5 kg For non-iron laundry made of synthetic fi bres and blen ded fabric, cotto n.
Iron Dry cø@c è* è * è* è* è * è*
Cupboard D ry @ è* è*
Very Dry @ è* è* è*X MI xed Loa d max. 3 kg For mixed items of laundry made of cotton and easy-care f abrics.
Cupboard Dry
Z Spo rtswe ar max. 1.5 kg For fabrics w ith membrane c oating, wat er-repellent fabri cs, functiona l clothin g, fleece fabrics (dry jackets/trouser s with
removable inte rnal lining separately).
Woollens finish max. 3 kg For woollen fabr ics suitable fo r machin e-washing. Fabrics b ecome fluff ier but not dry.
Remove fabric s once the progr amme has en ded and allow to dry.
S uper Quick 4 0 max. 2 kg
For laundry mad e of syn thetic fibres, co tton or blended fab rics (for examp le) that needs to be dried quic kly. The val ues may
differ from the tho se specified depen ding on the type o f fabric, mixture o f laundry to be dr ied, residual mo isture in the fa bric
and loading c apacity.
T ime d Prog ramm e
warm 20 max . 3 kg For pre-dried, m ulti-layere d, sensitive fabrics made of acrylic fibres, or s eparate sm all items of la undry.
Also for s ubsequent dryi ng.
0111 / 90 00617067
*617067 * R obert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH
Carl- Wery-Str. 34
81739 Münche n/German y
Inst al lation
D eliver y specifica tion: dryer, in structions for installa tion and use , woollens basket
(depending on model).
C heck d ryer for tra nsport dama ge.
Th e dr yer is very heavy. Do not a ttempt to lift it on your own.
Be careful to av oid sharp edge s.
D o not li ft the dryer by any of th e protr uding part s (e.g. th e door) as they may bre ak off.
D o not s et up in a room th at is susce ptible to fro st.
Freezin g water may cause dam age.
If in dou bt, have the appliance conne cted by an e xpert.
Set ting u p the d r yer
Th e ap pliance plug mus t always be ac cessibl e.
Ensure that the appliance is i nstal led o n a c lean, level
and sol id surface.
K eep the coolin g grille at th e front of th e dryer
unobst ructed.
K eep the area ar ound the dryer clean .
Make the dryer level usin g the thre aded feet
and a spirit level.
Do not remo ve the t hreaded fee t under an y
circumsta nces.
Mai ns co nnec tion see safe ty instruction s
Page 1 1.
C onnec t to an AC e arthed s ocket. If in doubt have the socket c hecked by an expe rt.
Th e m ains volta ge an d the volt age shown on th e rating p late (
Page 9) mu st corres pond.
Th e co nnected load and necessary fus e protec tion are specifie d on the ra ting plate .
Fro st pr otect io n / T ran sp ort
Prep ara tion
1. Empty the con densati on container
page 4.
2. Select any p rogramme u sing the programme selector.
3. Press the S tart /Sto p button
conde nsation is pumped into th e containe r.
4. Wait 5 min., a nd then em pty the c ondensation containe r again.
5. Turn the pro gramme sel ector to Off .
Take all accessory part s
out of the d rum.
The drum m ust be empty.
Make s ure that the air
inlet re mains u nobstr ucted
Clea n and level
Do no t oper ate th e drye r if
there is a dang er of frost .
Do n ot set up the d ryer behind a door or sl iding
door a s this m ay obstruc t o r p reve nt th e d ryer doo r
from op ening. This wil l prevent a potentiall y fatal
danger t o children from loc king themselves in .
Tec hni ca l d ata
ʠDimensions (DxWxH) 60 x 60 x 85 cm (heigh t adjusta ble)
Weig ht approxim ately 45 kg
Max. capaci ty 8 kg
Condensatio n contain er 4.2 l
Connection voltage
Connected lo ad
Fuse protect ion see app liance ra ting pla te
Ambient tem perature
Product num ber/
Production number
You can find the rating plate on the b ack of th e dryer.
ʠCo nsu mpti on rate s These are g uide value s determ ined under standar d
conditio ns. Fluctuatio ns up to 10% a re possi ble.
Spin spe ed in rpm
(residual mois ture)
Drying time
in mi n.**
consump tion
in kWh **
LF Cottons 8 kg 13 A 13 A
Cup board Dry* 1400 (approx. 50 %) 105 3.74
1000 (approx. 60 %) 122 4.49
800 (approx. 70 %) 139 5.17
Iron Dry* 1400 (approx. 50 %) 83 2.24
1000 (approx. 60 %) 100 3.44
800 (approx. 70 %) 117 3.86
Easy-Care 3.5 k g 1000 39 1.05
Cup board Dry* 800 (approx. 40 %) 42 1.35
600 (approx. 50 %) 51 1.65
*Test p rogram acc ording to DIN EN 61121 .
**The values may differ from th e those spec ified depe nding on the type of fab ric, mixt ure of
laundry to b e dried , residual m oisture in the fabric and loading capacity.
ʠDrum int erior ligh t (dependin g on mod el) (bu lb E1 4, 25 W )
The drum is illuminated a fter the door is opened or closed, and also after the program me is
started . It goes out a utomati cally. Repl acing th e bulb
Page 1 0.
Opt ion al acc ess ori es (o rder from t he after-sales s ervice using th e order numb er)
Co nne ction fittin gs fo r con den sa tion out let
The c ondensation is convey ed directly via a hos e.
Washer-dr yer stack con nec tio n set
The dryer can b e pla ced o n top of a suita ble wa shing m achi ne with the sa me width a nd depth
to save space. This connect ion s et must alw ays be used to s ecure the dryer to the washing
mac hine. With pul l-out workto p: WTZ 113 00.
Insta llati on u nd erneath the work top
Ri sk of el ectric shock!
Instead of the appliance covering pla te, you m ust have a m etal co ver fitted by a n expert.
1 0
Wh at to d o if .. .
If you can not rect ify a fault yours elf, plea se conta ct our after- sales serv ice. We will alw ays find
an a ppro priat e solu tion an d wil l avoid unn ecess ary visit s by e nginee rs. Trust the ex pert ise of
the ma nufacture r an d rest assure d that the repa ir will be ca rried out by tr ained service
tech nici ans using origina l spare parts. The c onta ct details of your local after- sales serv ice c an
be found in the enclose d after-sales serv ice dire ctory, or by calli ng on e of these num bers :
GB 084 4 8928979 (Calls from a BT l andlin e will b e c har ged at u p to 3 p ence per m inute.
A call set -up fee of u p to 6 pe nce may a pply.)
IE 01450 2655
W hen cont actin g the after-sale s service , pleas e quote the app liance' s produc t numb er (E no.)
and produc tion num ber (FD ) (see the insid e of t he do or).
Se t the program me sel ect or to Off and rem ove t he app lian ce plu g from the socke t.
ʠThe Start /Stop in dicator
lam p does n ot light up.
Mai ns plug plugg ed in?
Prog ramme se lected?
ʠThe Co ntainer a nd Start /
S top i ndic ator lights ar e
flas hing.
Em pty the cond ensation container.
If fea tured, c heck hose for conden sation outlet.
ʠThe Fi lter and Start / Stop
indic ator light s are flashin g.
Cle an the fluff filter an d/ or air cooler
Page 4 /6.
ʠDry er does not s tart. Start /Sto p button sele cted?
Door closed?
Prog ramme se t?
Ambie nt temp erature gre ater tha n 5 °C?
ʠW ater is runnin g out. Align dryer ho rizontally.
Cle an air cool er seal.
ʠThe d oor open s by itself. Push the door clo sed until you hear i t engage.
ʠThe r equired degree of
dr yness was n ot achieved or
the dry ing time wa s too long.
Cle an the fluff filter an d/ or air cooler
Page 4 /6.
Em pty conden sation co ntainer
Page 4.
Che ck wate r outlet (if featu red).
Ambie nt temp erature h igher than 35 ° C
Air inle t may b e blocked
keep unobstructe d.
W as an unsuita ble progr amme sel ected?
Pag e 7 .
Has the dryer been instal led with suf ficient spac e on all
sides? Ensure that air can circulate.
Fine l ayer of sca le on the mo isture se nsors
Clea n the
moistu re senso rs
page 6.
ʠLaund ry da mp. Use th e next drying prog ramme up or use the time r
progr amme as a suppleme nt
Page 7 .
W arm laundry feels damp er than it really is!
The mois ture con te nt of the ro om
has inc rea sed s ign i fic an tly .
Mak e sure the room is suff iciently ventil ated.
Air inle t blocked?
keep unobs tructed .
Ensu re that the a ir cooler h as been inserted.
ʠMai ns failure. Rem ove l aundry f r om the dryer im medi ately a nd s pread o ut.
This allows the heat to dis sipate.
ʠOn e or mor e indic ator lights for
prog ramme status are
flas hing.
Cle an filter and air coole r
Page 4/6 .
Che ck installati on condi tions
Page 8.
Sw itch off, leave to cool d own, switch on again, resta rt
progr amme.
ʠThe inte rior l ight is not wor king
(depen ding on mod el).
Pull o ut the app liance p lug, rem ove the cover c ap in the
interior above the door (use To rx 20 scre w driver) an d
rep lace the bu lb. Close the cover c ap.
Neve r operate th e dryer w ithout a cov er cap.
1 1
Safet y i nst ru ctio ns
Emer gency
Pull the appliance p lug out of the socket immediately or disconn ect the fuse.
ONLY use the
dryer ...
In rooms inside th e house.
To dry fabrics.
The dr yer m u s t
Be used for oth er purpos es than those described above.
Be modified in terms of its techn ology or at tributes.
Dange rs
The dryer must not be used by c hildren or person s who have n ot bee n
instructe d in its us e.
Do not leave children u nsupervised n ear the dryer.
Keep pets awa y from th e dryer.
Remove all ob jects from pockets.
Mak e e specially sure th at c igarette ligh ters a re removed a s they c onstitute an
explosion hazard.
Do not lean or sit on the do or
risk of tip ping.
Instal lation
Secure loose c ables
trippin g hazard.
Do not opera te the drye r if there is a risk of fro st.
conne ction
Connect the dryer acc ording to specifications to an AC ear thed soc ket, as
othe rwise it cannot be guaranteed that the appliance is complete ly safe.
The cable cr oss-section m ust be s ufficient.
Only use ear th-leakage circuit bre akers with the followin g symbol:
The applianc e plug a nd socket m ust be co mpatible.
Do not use multiple plugs /couplings and/or exte nsion ca bles.
Do not hold th e applia nce plug wi th wet ha nds
risk of e lectric s hock.
Never pull the a ppliance p lug out of th e socket b y its cable .
Do not damage the main s lead
risk of elec tric sho ck.
Operat i on
Only load the drum with laundry.
Che ck the con tents before y ou switch the drye r on.
Do not u se th e d ryer i f the laundry has b een i n c ontac t with solvents, oil, wa x,
greas e or paint ( e.g. hair setting spray , nail polish remover , stain remover,
clean ing solven t, etc.)
fire/explo sion ha zard.
Dust (e.g. coa l dust, flour) poses a dan ger: do not use the dryer
explosion h azard.
Do n ot put lau ndry c ontaining foamed m aterial/ rubber in the d ryer
elas tic
mate rial may b e destroyed and the d ryer may b e damaged due to possi ble
defo rmation of the foamed material.
Switch off the dryer once the program me has e nded.
Condensatio n is not drinki ng water an d may be contamin ated with flu ff.
Defec t
Do not use the dryer if it is defective or if you sus pect it is.
Repair s must on ly be car ried out b y the after- sales service.
Do not use the dryer if th e mains c able is defec tive. To av oid dange r, only
have th e defe ctive mai ns cable re placed by t he after-sales service.
Always pu ll the mai ns plug out of th e s ocket be fore c hangi ng the bulb for the
interior light
risk of ele ctric sh ock.
Spare part s
Only use genu ine spare p arts and a ccessori es for safety rea sons.
Dispos al
Dryer: pull out the applian ce plug, then c ut off the m ains cab le from the
appli ance.
Dispose o f at mu nicipal w aste dis posal facility.
Packaging: do n ot leav e children alone with p acking pa rts
risk of su ffocation .
All m aterials are e nviron mentally sound a nd can b e reuse d. D ispose of in a n
enviro nmentall y-responsibl e manner.
Dr yer
en In stru ct ion m an ual