Contact Heart Rate (CHR) sensors send your heart rate signals to the Console. The CHR sensors are the stainless steel parts of the Handlebars.
To use, put your hands comfortably around the sensors. Be sure that your hands touch both the top and the bottom of the sensors. Hold rm, but
not too tight or loose. Both hands must make contact with the sensors for the Console to detect a pulse. After the Console detects four stable pulse
signals, your initial pulse rate will be shown.
Once the Console has your initial heart rate, do not move or shift your hands for 10 to 15 seconds. The Console will now validate the heart rate.
Many factors inuence the ability of the sensors to detect your heart rate signal:
• Movement of the upper body muscles (including arms) produces an electrical signal (muscle artifact) that can interfere with pulse detection. Slight
hand movement while in contact with the sensors can also produce interference.
• Calluses and hand lotion may act as an insulating layer to reduce the signal strength.
• Some Electrocardiogram (EKG) signals generated by individuals are not strong enough to be detected by the sensors.
• The proximity of other electronic machines can generate interference.
If your heart rate signal ever seems erratic after validation, wipe off your hands and the sensors and try again.
The heart rate displayed is an approximation and should be used for reference only.
Heart Rate Calculations
Your maximum heart rate usually decreases from 220 Beats Per Minute (BPM) in childhood to approximately 160 BPM by age 60. This fall in heart
rate is usually linear, decreasing by approximately one BPM for each year. There is no indication that training inuences the decrease in maximum
heart rate. Individuals of the same age could have different maximum heart rates. It is more accurate to nd this value by getting a stress test than by
using an age related formula.
Your at rest heart rate is inuenced by endurance training. The typical adult has an at rest heart rate of approximately 72 BPM, where as highly
trained runners may have readings of 40 BPM or lower.
The Heart Rate table is an estimate of what Heart Rate Zone (HRZ) is effective to burn fat and improve your cardiovascular system. Physical condi-
tions vary, therefore your individual HRZ could be several beats higher or lower than what is shown.
The most efcient procedure to burn fat during exercise is to start at a slow pace and gradually increase your intensity until your heart rate reaches
between 60 – 85% of your maximum heart rate. Continue at that pace, keeping your heart rate in that target zone for over 20 minutes. The longer
you maintain your target heart rate, the more fat your body will burn.
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