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YYoouurr rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr hhaass aann aauuttoommaattiicc ddeeffrroossttiinngg ssyysstteemm.. TThhee
aapppplliiaanncceess rreeaarr ssuurrffaaccee bbeeccoommeess ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh ffrroosstt wwhheenn tthhee ccoomm--
pprreessssoorr iiss wwoorrkkiinngg aanndd ddeeffrroossttss wwhheenn tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr iiss ooffff.. WWhheenn
tthhee ffrroosstt mmeellttss,, tthhee wwaatteerr eevvaappoorraatteess bbyy iittsseellff..
The or compartment must always be defrosted
when the layer of frost is approximately 4mm thick. In any case, this
compartment must be defrosted at least once a year.
For defrosting, you can use a plastic scraper or any plastic tool but
ver anything metallic or an electrical appliance.
DDiissccoonnnneecctt yyoouurr rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr bbeeffoorree pprroocceeeeddiinngg ttoo ddeeffrroosstt iitt..
• Pack your frozen food in a freezer bag and keep it cool.
• Leave the door open and sponge away the melt water as it forms.
• To accelerate the defrosting process, you can place a bowl of hot
water in the compartment and close the door.
• Once defrosting is complete, proceed to clean your appliance.
SSwwiittcchh ooffff yyoouurr rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr bbeeffoorree pprroocceeeeddiinngg ttoo cclleeaann iitt..
We recommend that you clean and disinfect your appliance
• Clean the interior with water and bicarbonate of soda using a
sponge or a dishcloth to prevent any bad smells occurring.
• Never, under any circumstances, use solvents or abrasive deter-
gents because these could damage the interior of your appliance.
Also do not put any of the interior’s accessories in the dishwasher.
• We recommend that you dust the back of the appliance with a
cloth once a year because if it is dirty, your refrigerator’s output
reduces and its consumption increases.
DDiissccoonnnneecctt yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee bbeeffoorree pprroocceeeeddiinngg ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee
lliigghhtt bbuullbb..
• Remove the grill. The bulb is behind the thermostat panel.
• Remove the bulb by unscrewing it counter-clockwise.
• Insert a new bulb of the same power as its predecessor.
• Replace the grill, reconnect the appliance and switch it on.
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