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Tripod Leg Braces: Make the tripod more secure and stable. See Fig. 3.
Accessory Tray Thumbscrew: Attach on the top side of the tray and
tighten to a firm feel to secure the tray to the tripod and keep the tripod
stable. See How to assemble your telescope, page 8 for more
40 Tripod Leg Lock Knobs (one on each leg): Loosen these knobs to slide
the inner leg extension. Tighten the knobs to a firm feel to lock in the
height of the tripod..
Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye!
Messier Tips
Surf the Web
One of the most exciting resources for astronomy is the internet. The inter-
net is full of websites with new images, discoveries, and the latest astronomi-
cal information.
For example, when comet Hale-Bopp made its approach to our Sun in 1998,
astronomers around the world posted new photos daily.
You can find websites for almost any topic relating to astronomy on the internet. Try the
following key word searches: NASA, Hubble, HST, astronomy, Messier, satellite, nebula,
black hole, variable stars, etc.
CChheecckk oouutt BBrreesssseerrss wweebbssiittee ffoorr tthhee llaatteesstt pprroodduucctt aanndd tteecchhnniiccaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn.. YYoouullll
ffiinndd oouurr w
weebbssiittee aatt::
HHeerree aarree ssoommee ootthheerr ssiitteess yyoouu mmiigghhtt ffiinndd iinntteerreessttiinngg::
• Sky & Telescope: http://www.Skyand Telescope.com
• Astronomy: http://www.astronomy.com
• The Starfield: http://users.nac.net/gburke/
• Astronomy Picture of the Day: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.goc/apod
• Heavens Above
(satellite observing information): http://www.heavens-above.com
• Photographic Atlas of the Moon: http://www.lpi.ursa.edu/research/lunar_orbiter
• Hubble Space Telescope
Public Pictures: http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/pictures.html

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