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“Unable to write to 1. Make sure the machine is on (plugged into
LPT1” or “LPT1 the AC outlet) and that it is connected directly
already in use” Error to the computer using the bundled
Message appears. IEEE-1284 bi-directional parallel cable.
The cable must not go through another
“Machine is Busy” or peripheral device (such as a Zip Drive,
“Machine Connect External CD-ROM Drive, or Switch box).
Failure” Error
Message appears. 2. Make sure the machine is not displaying an
error message on the LCD Display.
3. Make sure no other device drivers, which
also communicate through the parallel port,
are running automatically when you boot up
the computer (such as, drivers for Zip
Drives, External CD-ROM Drive, etc.)
Suggested areas to check: (Load=, Run=
command lines in the win.ini file or the
Statup Group)
4. Check with you computer manufacturer to
confirm that the computer’s parallel port
settings in the BIOS are set to support a
bi-directional machine; i.e. (Parallel Port
Mode – ECP)
I cannot print from my Check that the DOS application software
application software. interface settings match those of your machine:
for example, if you are using a parallel printer
cable, you would probably set your DOS
software printer port to LPT1. Check for an
error message on the LCD.
The machine prints, This is an indication that your application
but it prints incorrect printer emulation Print setting and the
information. machine’s printer emulation do not match.
Sometimes it prints a Check your application software to make sure
couple of characters you selected the correct printer driver. The
and then ejects the machine emulates HP LaserJet IIP. Try setting
pages. the machine to HP emulation in Remote
Printer Console and then select the
HP LaserJet IIP printer in your application
The machine prints the This is common problem first with database
part of my document software and part of spreadsheet software when
but does not print the they are not correctly set up. The data has been
last page (The LCD sent to the printer but the printer did not receive
shows REMAINED the Page Eject command. Press
Cancel Job
to eject
DATA). the page. Then ask your software supplier how
to add a Page Eject (or Form Feed) command to
the end of your print job.
Difficulty Suggestions
DOS Setup

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