FU NC TION S ....... ...... ......... ...... ......... ........ ...... ........ 9
Machine ............. ........... ................. ................. ........... 9
Need le and Presser F oot Section ..... ................. ......... 10
Embroi dery Unit ....... ........... ................. ........... ......... 10
Operation Buttons .... ........... ................. ........... ......... 11
Include d Accessories ........... ........... ................. ......... 11
Options ... ................. ........... ................. ................ .... 14
Chapter 1 Getting Ready 15
TURNING TH E MACHIN E ON/OFF .............. ...... 16
LCD SCREE N .......... ............. ............. ............. ...... 17
Using th e Ma chine Settin g Mod e Key .................. .... 20
Using th e Ma chine Op eration Mo de Key ............. .... 22
Using th e Pat tern Explan ation K ey .................. ......... 23
LOWER/UPP ER THREADI NG .... ............. ............. 24
Windi ng the Bobbin ...... ........... ................. ........... .... 24
Setting th e Bobb in ............... ........... ................. ......... 27
Pulling Up the B obbin Thre ad .............. ........... ......... 27
Upper Thre ading ................. ........... ................. ......... 28
Using th e Twin N eedle ............. ................. ........... .... 31
CHANG ING THE PRE SSER FOOT ................. ...... 33
Removing the Presse r Foot .............. ................. ......... 33
Attachin g the Presser F oot .......................... ........... .... 33
CHANG ING THE NE EDLE ......... ............. ............. 34
Chapter 2 Sewing Basics 37
SEWING ................. ............. ................... ............. 38
Sewing a Stitch .............. ........... ............ ................ .... 38
Sewing Reinforce ment Stitche s ....... ........... ........... .... 40
Sewing Curv es ..................... ........... ................. ......... 40
Changin g Sewing Direc tion ............ ................. ......... 40
Sewing Heavywe ight Fab ric .................. ................ .... 41
Sewing Lightweigh t Fabric .............. ........... ............... 41
ADJUST ING STITCH SETTINGS ........ ................... 42
Adjusting the Stitc h Width .............. ................. ......... 42
Adjusting the Stitc h Length ....... ............ ................ .... 42
Adjusting the Threa d Tension ... ................. ........... .... 43
USEFUL FUNCTIONS ....................... ................... 43
Automa tic Reinforce ment Stitching .................. ......... 43
Automa tic Thread Cut ting ............... ................. ......... 44
Locking the Screen ... ................ ............ ................ .... 45
Chapter 3 Utility Stitches 47
SELECTIN G A UT ILITY STITCH .. ............. ............. 48
Selectin g a Stitc h Pattern ................. ................. ......... 49
Saving S titch Se ttings ................ ............ ................ .... 49
Using the Se wing Type Se lection Key ....... ........... .... 50
SEWING THE STITC HES ............ ............. ............. 51
Straigh t Stitches ........ ........... ................. ................ .... 51
Darts Sea ms .. ................. ........... ................. ............... 53
Gathering ........... ................. ................. ........... ......... 54
Flat Fell Seams .......... ................ ............ ................ .... 54
Pintucks ........ ................. ........... ................. ............... 55
Zigzag Stitches ............... ................. ........... ............... 56
Elastic Zigzag Stit ches ............... ................. ........... .... 57
Overcasti ng ......................... ........... ................. ......... 58
Quilting ........ ................. ................. ........... ............... 62
Blind H em Stitche s ........ ........... ................. ........... .... 66
Appliqué s ...................... ................. ........... ............... 67
Shell T uck Stitchi ng .................. ................. ........... .... 68
Scallopin g ................. ........... ................. ................ .... 68
Top Stitch ing ................. ........... ................. ........... .... 69
Smockin g .......... ................. ........... ................. ........... 69
Fagoting ............ ........... ................. ................. ........... 70
Tape o r Elastic Att aching ............... ........... ................. 71
Heirloo m Stitching .................. ................. ........... ...... 72
Buttonho le Stitch es . ................ ............ ................ ...... 74
Bar Tacks ........................... ........... ................. ........... 79
Button S ewing .............. ................. ........... ................. 81
Eyelets ........ ................. ........... ................. ................. 82
Mult i-Directional Sewing (Straigh t Stitc h and
Zigzag Stitch) .... ................. ........... ................. ........... 83
Zipper I nsertion ........... ................. ........... ................. 84
Chapter 4 Character/De corative Stitches 87
SELECTIN G STITCH PATTERNS ......................... . 88
Selec ting De corative Stitch Patterns /7 mm
Deco rative St itch Patte rns/Satin S titch Pat terns/
7 mm Sat in Stitch Patterns/Cross S titch Patt erns/
Utility Decorative S titch Patt erns .............. ................. 89
Alphabe t Patterns .................... ................. ........... ...... 89
SEWING STITCH PA TTERNS .... ............. .............. 91
Sewing Attractive Fin ishes ............. ........... ................. 91
Basic Sew ing ................ ................. ................. ........... 91
Adjusting Pa tterns ........ ........... ................. ........... ...... 92
EDITING S TITCH PA TTERNS ... ............. .............. 94
Changin g the Pa ttern Size .. ................. ........... ........... 95
Changin g the Pa ttern Length
(7 mm Satin Stit ch Patterns O nly) ........ ................ ...... 95
Creating a Vertica l Mirror Ima ge .............. ................. 95
Creating a Horizont al Mirror Im age .... ................ ...... 95
Selec ting a S ingle/Rep eating P attern ............... ........... 96
Changin g the Th read Den sity
(Satin Stitch Pa tterns Only) ............ ................. ........... 96
COMBINING S TITCH PA TTERNS ......... ............. . 97
Before Combining Pa tterns.................. ................ ...... 97
Combinin g Pat terns From Different Categories .......... 97
Combinin g Stit ch Patterns of Differen t Sizes.............. 98
Combinin g Stit ch Patte rns of Diffe rent Orien tations .. 99
Combinin g Stit ch Patterns of Differen t Lengths........ 100
Creating Step Pa tterns (7 mm Satin Stitc h Pattern s
Only) ..... ................. ........... ................. ................ .... 101
USING TH E MEMORY FUNCTION....... ............ 103
Stitch Data Precauti ons ........... ............ ................ .... 103
Savin g Stitch Pat terns in t he Mach ine’s Mem ory ..... 103
Savin g Stitch Pat terns to t he Comput er ........... ......... 105
Retrieving Stitch P atterns from the Machine’s
Memory . ................. ........... ................. ................ .... 106
Retrieving Stitch P atterns from the Computer . ......... 107
Chapter 5 Embroidery 109
BEFORE EMBROIDERING ........ ................... ...... 110
Attachin g Embroi dery Foo t “U” ................ ........... .... 111
Attachin g the Embroidery Un it ............ ................ .... 112
One-po int Pattern s/Floral Patte rns ....... ........... ......... 115
Alphabe t Patterns .................... ................. ........... .... 116
Frame Pa tterns ........ ................ ................. ........... .... 117
Embroi dery Cards .............. ........... ................. ......... 118
Selec ting Patterns from the M achine's M emory/
Compute r ..................... ........... ................. ............... 118
VIEWING THE SEWI NG SCREEN ................ ...... 119
PREPARIN G THE FABRIC ............... ................... 120
Attachin g Stabil izer to Fa bric ........ ................. ......... 120
Hoopin g Fabric in the Embroide ry Frame................ 121