10 10 / 10 0 5
10 10 / 10 0 5 / G L 2 0 0
Printed in China
With your P - t ouch 1010/1005/GL200, you can create labels for an y applica-
tion. Select from the many frames, character sizes and styles to design beau-
tiful custom labels. In addition, the variety of tape c artridges available allows
you to p rint labels with different widths and exciting colours .
Read this m anual carefully before s tarting and keep the m anual in a handy
place for future reference.
• Always use the sp ecified vo ltage a nd the suggest ed AC adapter ( AD-24E S) for th is
machine to pre vent an y dama ge or fai lure.
• Unplug the pow er cord im mediat ely and stop usin g the P -touch d uring a n electr ical
storm. T here ma y be a r emote ri sk of el ectric sho ck from li ghtning .
• Do no t use the A C ada pter in places of high hu midity su ch as ba throom s.
• Do no t overlo ad the power cord.
• Do n ot plac e heavy o bjects o n, or dama ge the power c ord o r plug . Do n ot for cibly ben d
or pull th e power co rd. When disconn ecting the p ower co rd from t he powe r outlet,
alwa ys hold t he plug.
• To preven t fire or electr ic shock, make sur e that the plug is fully inserte d into the powe r
outlet. Do not use an outlet that is loo se.
• Do no t get the m achine/ AC ada pter/pow er plug w et, s uch as by ha ndlin g them w ith
wet hands or spilling beverages o n to them.
• Do no t disasse mble or modify the machi ne/AC ad apter /batteri es.
• Disconn ect the A C ada pter, remo ve batt eries an d stop us ing imme diately if you notice
any ab normal odour, heat , disco lourati on, def ormatio n or anyt hing unu sual whi le in
use, or in stora ge.
• Do not use me tallic articles, such as t weezers or a metallic p en, when exchanging the
batt eries.
• To avoi d injurie s, do no t touch th e blade of the cutter unit or a ny meta l parts n ear the
print head.
• Do no t apply e xcessive p ressure to the cutter l ever.
• Remov e the batt eries an d discon nect the AC a dapter i f you do n ot inten d to use the
machi ne for an extende d period of time. (Note: When powe r is disconnec ted for mor e
than two minu tes, all text & format s in the display will be lost . Language, Unit an d
Time/Date se ttings will also be cleare d.)
• To avoi d batter y leakag e or d amage , make sure batte ries are inserte d correctl y.
• To prev ent dam age or breakage, do not d rop or hit the ma chine/A C adap ter or pres s
on the LCD dis play.
• Depe nding on th e locati on, mate rial, and enviro nment al conditi ons, the label may
unp eel or bec ome irr emovabl e, the c olour of the labe l may ch ange or be tr ansfer red
to othe r object s. Bef ore applyi ng the l abel, check t he environ mental condi tion an d the
mater ial.
• Any data stored in memor y may be lo st due to fa ilure or repair o f the P-tou ch, o r if the
battery expir es.
• Do no t use the P -touc h in any way or f or any purpose n ot descr ibed in this gui de.
Doing so may resu lt in accidents or da mage to th e mach ine.
• Use only B rother T Z tapes with this ma chine. Do not us e tapes tha t do no t have the
• Do n ot clean the ma chine wi th a lcohol o r other organ ic solv ents. O nly use a soft , dry
• Do not to uch the print head with you r fingers. Us e a soft wipe (e.g. a cotton swab)
when cleaning the pri nt head.
• Do no t put any fo reign objects i nto the t ape exit slot or AC ada pter co nnector, e tc.
• Do no t place t he P-tou ch in di rect sunl ight o r rain , near hea ters or other hot
applia nces, da shboard o r in the back o f your car, in any loc ation exp osed to extre mely
high or low te mpera tures, hi gh humi dity, or dusty lo cations. Stand ard oper ating
temper ature r ange: 10° C to 35°C.
• Do not try to print labels using an empty tap e cassette in the P-touch. Doing so will
damage the pr int hea d.
• Do no t pull th e tape be ing fed from the P -touch, otherw ise the ta pe casse tte or P -touch
may be damag ed.
General P recaution s
Keyboard & LCD
Initial Settings
Start y our machine
Supply p ower b y using si x AAA a lkaline batteri es or the AC ad apter, and th en
press .
Set the languag e (Eng lish/Es pañol/Fra nçais/Hr vatsk i/Italiano /Magyar /
Nedrlnds /Norsk/Po lski/Por tug./Roma na/Sloven ski/Slo vensky/S uomi/
Sven ska/ /Dan sk/Deu tsch)
The de fault set ting is "Engli sh".
> [
Language] >
Choos e a lang uage with and pre ss .
Set the unit (m m/inch)
The de fault set ting i s "mm".
> [
Uni t] >
Choos e unit with and press .
Set Da te (DD/MM /YY) and Time (hh: mm)
Exam ple: setting the da te and time to October 2 1st 200 9, 10:3 0
> [
TimeDate] > [Clock] .
You ca n also co nfirm th e figur e and mov e to the next se tting by using th e right
cursor key.
The LCD sho ws one row of 12 char acters; however, the text that you
enter can be up t o 80 cha racters in length.
Date (DD/MM/YY)
input “ 21” input “1 0” input “ 09”
Time (hh: mm)
input “ 10” input “3 0”
• The machine automatically turns off if no keys are pressed for 5
• To cancel opera tions, press .
• To reset the machine to default sett ings, turn off the machine and
then while holding down
and , press to turn the
machine back on. Finally, release
and .
Power key
Function key
Characte r key
Clear key
Caps key
Symbol k ey
Wid th
Underl i ne/Frame
Label L ength
Pri nt k ey
Cursor key
Backspace key
Enter key
Accent key
Space key
Time/ Date key
Number key
Error m essag e
What to do when...
Accessories (Supplies m ay differ by distr ibution.)
If the cutter blade beco mes blunt and/or t he cutter stopper wears out after
repetitive use, causing t he cutter to not cut the tape cleanly, replace with a
new cutter unit (stock no. TC-5) which can be obtained from an aut hor ised
Brother reseller.
Message Cause/Remedy
Batter y The batte ries are w eak. Rep lace the m with new ones.
BA TTER Y! The in stalled b atter ies are about to r un out.
Inv alid
• The re is no te xt ab ov e the cu rsor when you set Num bering.
• Invalid character is selected for Numbering .
• Invalid number is se lected for T ab Length or Lab el Leng th.
No T e xt • Y ou tr ied to print a text file with no data stored in t he mem -
or y .
• The Pr int key was pressed w hen no t ext was entered.
• Y ou tri ed to set Copie s, Number ing, Mirror , or T e xt P review
when no te xt wa s en tered.
Line Lmt • Y ou tried to enter a 3rd line by pressin g the En ter key .
• Y ou tried to prin t a 2 li ne text with 3 .5 mm or 6 mm ta pe
No Cassette Y ou tried to prin t a label with no casset te installed.
Cutt er Error T ape cu tter le ve r was us ed in the m iddle of printing proces s.
Full The maximu m numbe r of ch aracters (80 characte rs) ha s
alread y been ent ered.
T ext Lmt The text length exceed s the sele cted lab el lengt h or th e
selected Auto Fo r m at settin g length .
No Frame OK? Printin g on 3 .5 mm tape with invalid F rame setting ON.
(Select to pr int wit h no Frame, to cancel .)
Pr oblem Soluti on
The display stays blank
after you have tur ned on
the mac hine.
• Check that t he bat terie s are corr ectly i nser ted.
• If the ba tter ies are weak, repla ce them .
• Check that t he AD-24 ES ada pter is c orrectly connect ed.
When the l abel is
printe d out, t here is t oo
much mar gin (spa ce) on
both side s of the text.
• See " [Margin ] (T ape Marg in)" in this user ’s guide and
select [ Half] or [ Narrow] to have smaller mar gins for your
The ma chine d oes not
pri nt, or the pr inted
charac ters are n ot
formed p roper ly .
• Check that t he tap e cassette h as been inser ted correct ly .
• If the tap e casset te is emp ty , replace it.
• Check the ta pe compa r tmen t cover is prope rly clo sed.
The set ting has clea red
on it s own.
• The bat terie s may be weak. Re place th em.
• When power is disconn ected for more than two minutes,
all text & form ats in t he disp lay will be los t. Lan guage, Un it
and Time /Dat e setting s will als o be clea red.
A blank hor izon tal line
appear s throu gh the
pri nted la bel.
• There m aybe some dust o n the print head. Remove the
tape casse tte an d use a dr y cotton swab to gently wipe the
print head wit h an up-a nd-do wn motio n.
The mac hine has
"locked up" (i.e., n othing
happen s when a key is
press ed, e ven though
the mac hine is on.)
• T urn o ff the machi ne, and t hen whil e hol ding down
and , press to tu r n the mach ine back on.
Finally , re lease and .
• Note: The text and format s in th e display are erased . Also,
the lan guage, Uni t and Ti me/Dat e setting s will be cleare d.
The po wer t ur ns off
when you try to pr int.
• The bat terie s may be weak. Re place th em.
• Check that t he bat terie s are corr ectly i nser ted.
The tape does not feed
properly or the tape gets
stuc k inside the machine .
• Check that the end of the tape f e eds under the tape guides.
• The cutte r lever was used while prin ting. D o not tou ch the
cutter l e ver du ring pr inting.
All te xt and f or mat settings
need to be cleared to
create a n ew label.
• Press and select [Txt&For mat].
T o chan ge language
• See ste p 2 "Set th e langu age" of the "In itial Se ttings".
Item Specification
Dimen sions 107.4 mm (W) × 202.6 mm (D ) × 56.6 mm (H)
Weight 365 g (w ithout batter ies and tape ca ssette)
P ower su pply Six AAA alkalin e batter ies (LR0 3) or AC adapter (A D-24ES )
T ape casset te Brother TZ tape (width) :
3.5 m m, 6 mm, 9 m m, 12 mm
Accessories Stoc k No.
T ape Casset tes See the included "T ape Ca talog".
AC Adapter AD-24E S
Cutter Unit TC-5 (replacement)
Power Supply & Tape C assettes
Open th e tape c omp artmen t
cover b y pres sing in the r ough
area at the t op end of the
machin e.
If a tape cassette is already
installed, remove it by pulling it
straight up . Also, if batte ries are
alread y installed , remo ve them .
• Make sur e that t he powe r is
turned o ff when replacin g
batteries or tap e cassette.
Insert six ne w AAA alkaline
bat teries ( LR03), m aking su re
that th eir pol es po int in th e
correc t direc tions . Always
replace all si x batt eries at the
same time usin g br and n ew
Insert a tape c assett e, makin g
sure th at it slo ts in to place .
• Make sur e that t he end of the tap e feed s unde r the tape guides.
• If the ink ri bbon i s loose, use yo ur finge r to wind the to othed wh eel in the
directio n of the a rrow on the ca ssette.
• Use onl y Brother TZ tape s with this mac hine.
Sec urely clos e the back cover, m aking
sure th at it slo ts in to place .
After yo u have in stalled t he tape , feed the
tape (see Feed ing) on ce and then p ush in th e
tape cutte r lever to cut the t ape.
When using A C adapter (A D-24ES)
Insert the p lug on the adapter co rd into
the adapter jack on the bottom end of
the machine.
Insert the plug into the nearest standard
electrical outlet.
For memory back up, we recomm end using
AAA alkaline batteries (LR03) together with
the AC adapter.
Tape cutter lever
Tape c ompart ment
End of tape
Tape gu ide
Cutter's edge
Toothed Whe el
Tape ex it slo t