KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
1Bobbin winder (Page15)
This winds the thread onto the bobbin for use as the
lower thread.
2Stitch length dial (Page14)
Rotate the dial to control the stitch length.
3Spool pin (Page 15, 19)
This holds the spool of thread.
4Stitch width dial (Page14)
Rotate the dial to control the stitch width.
5Upper tension-control dial (Page29)
This controls the tension of the upper thread.
6Thread guide (Page 15, 19)
This is used when winding the thread onto the
bobbin and then threading the machine.
7Thread take-up lever (Page20)
8Thread cutter (Page 26)
Pass the threads through the thread cutter to cut
9Needle threader (Page 21)
(This is only available on certain models.)
0Quick-set bobbin (Page 18)
(This is only available on certain models.)
AFlat bed attachment with accessory compartment
(Page 5)
BPresser foot (Page 8)
CReverse sewing lever (Page 14)
Push this lever to stitch in the reverse direction.
DPattern selection dial (Page 9)
Rotate the dial in either direction to choose the
stitch you want.
Used to manually raise and lower the needle.
FButtonhole fine-adjustment screw (Page 38)
GMain power and sewing light switch (Page 7)
You can turn the main power and sewing light
switch on and off.
HFoot controller jack / socket (Page 6)
Plug in the foot controller plug and connect the
machine to the power supply.
IPresser foot lever (Page 19)
Used to raise and lower the presser foot.
Buttonhole lever (1-Step automatic buttonhole)
Page 36
Lower the buttonhole lever when sewing
KFoot controller (Page 7)
You can use this to control the sewing speed, and to
start and stop sewing.
Foot Controller:
Model KD-1902 for 110-120V area
KD-1902 for 110-127V area (Brazil only)
Model KD-2902 for 220-240V area
The foot controller part code differs depending on the
country or region. Contact your dealer or the nearest
authorized service center.
Flat bed attachment
The accessories can be stored in a compartment inside
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