Connection to the BT telephone
Your Diverse 2000 Additional Handset is
fully approved for connection to the BT
network provided it is used according
the the instructions in this guide. The
telephone lines must provide Loop
Disconnect (Pulse) or Multi-frequency
(Touch Tone) dialline capabilities.
It may be connected to Direct Exchange
Lines and switchboards (PBXs) with new
plan (plug and socket) arrangements. It
may not be connected to shared service
(party line) installations.
Connecting to switchboards
The Diverse 2000 Additional Handset is
only approved for use with a base which
is compatible with switchboards,
including those which do not provide
secondary proceed indication. If you do
have a compatible switchboard, it cannot
be guaranteed that the telephone will
operate correctly under all possible
conditions of connection. If you have
any difficulties, contact BT on 154.
Generally, Diverse systems can be
connected to any switchboard where a
simple modern telephone can be used to
make and receive calls. The Diverse
system is suitable for connection to
switchboards which return secondary
proceed indication.