Help If you have any problems using your Relate 700
Caller Display, look here first for the most likely solutions
Your Relate 700 Caller Display
does not receive caller
display messages.
In order to receive and display
messages, you must subscribe
to the BT Caller Display Service.
Call BT on Freefone 0800 800
150 to subscribe or for more
information about BT Select
No dialling tone. Telephone may not be
connected to the telephone line.
An extension phone may be off
the hook.
Check your Relate 700 is
correctly plugged into the
telephone socket.
Check that handsets of any
other extension phones are
replaced on the receiver.
Telephone problems Possible cause Solution
The phone does not ring. The ringer volume may be
switched to OFF.
You may have overloaded
your system by connecting too
many phones or devices to the
same line.
Set the ringer volume
See ‘How many phones can you
have?’ on page 19.
Need more help?
If you still experience problems with
your Relate 700 Caller Display call BT
on LoCall