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The juice will ow directly into the juice jug (13), and the pulp will be
collected in the pulp jug (12),
The stopper in the outlet opening may be closed for a short time to
change the juice container and after the operation is completed to
prevent dripping of the juice leftovers,
If the worm-screw gets blocked, turn the switch (11) to “R” (the
device will start operating after a while and the switch will start
ashing) for 3 to 5 seconds. If the problems recur, repeat the
process 2 to 3 times and then turn the device  and disassemble
the elements of the juicer (see the CLEANING section) to remove the
blocking element.
After all products have been processed and the juice stream has
stopped, turn the device o and wait until it stops.
Observe the times of continuous operation. Exceeding the operation
time and failing to ensure sucient breaks in the operation may lead to
irreversible damage of the motor.
Use fresh fruits and vegetables because they contain more juice.
Thoroughly clean fruit and vegetables to be squeezed,
Rremove hard, inedible parts (e.g. melon, pineapple, mango skin) and
stones and hard seeds from the processed products,
Divide the processed products into pieces of a size matching the inlet
in the lid (2). Long (e.g. carrots) or brous (e.g. pineapple) products
divide into shorter/smaller pieces,
Process fruit with ne seeds (e.g. chokeberry, raspberry, currant)
in small portions of approx. 0.5 kg. Before loading another portion
turn the device o and disassemble the elements for cleaning (see:
Do not process ice,
When juicing herbs or leafy vegetables to obtain the best results wrap
them together making a packet or combine with hard products,
The device is not suitable for juicing long brous parts and hard
stems (e.g. stems of parsley)
Apple juice darkens very quickly. The process can be sowed down by
adding a few drops of lemon juice,
Processing very soft fruit is dicult. When using e.g. banana, add
them as the rst or the second ingredient. Banana nectar will ow
with the juice from other fruit,
The device is not suitable for juicing very hard and starchy fruit or
vegetables, e.g. sugarcane,
To achieve the best performance, when juicing fruit and vegetables
of dierent consistency rst process soft products and then the hard
After processing products you can pre-clean the slow juicer. For
this purpose, during operation pour pure water into the inlet in the
lid (2). If you change the processed products (if juices are not to be
mixed) preliminary cleaning lets you rinse the juicer without having to
disassemble the whole device. When the device is not in use or before
thorough cleaning, disconnect it from the mains. It is the easiest to
clean the device just after use. Do not use abrasive cleaners, cleaning
powders, acetone, alcohol, etc. to clean the device. All removable parts
are dishwasher safe when placed on the top shelf. Make sure they are
placed away from the heater. The maximum temperature is 50°C.
Before cleaning, turn the device o, pull the plug out of the socket,
then disassemble the juicer elements in the following order:
Remove the pusher (1),
Release (turn to the left) and remove the lid (2),
Remove the juicer jug (5) from the body (10) by pulling it up
vigorously, then remove the worm-screw (E).
Wash the elements in warm water with a little washing liquid using the
brush (14) and rinse under running water. Dry the elements thoroughly
before reassembling. Clean the body of the device (10) using a damp
cloth. Never immerse the body in water or rinse under running water.
If any irregularities are detected during the device operation, refer to
the information below to identify the cause and solve the problem.
No power in the juicer
Make sure that the power cord is connected properly.
Make sure that the lid of the jug (2), the jug itself (5) and the worm-
screw (3) are correctly assembled. The juicer will not work if its all
elements are not properly assembled.
Small volume of the obtained juice
The volume of the obtained juice depends on the water content in the
ingredients, which may vary. The volume of the obtained juice will be
smaller if the ingredients are not fresh.
Make sure that the rubber insert (8) is tightly fastened. If an ingredient
contains little water, it must be soaked before being squeezed. If the
squeezed ingredient is small and has soft seeds, extrusion of several
portions may gradually decrease the volume of the obtained juice. To
obtain as much juice as possible, disassemble and wash the upper
element of the device (2,3,5) in the intervals between the extrusion
stages. The performance of the device and the overall amount of the
obtained juice may be aected by the seed residue deposited at the
bottom of the sieve.
The juice contains too much pulp
The obtained juice may contain ne pulp, which largely depends on
the type of ingredients. To reduce the amount of ne pulp in the juice,
frequently clean the juicer jug (5) along with the worm-screw (3) before
starting the next stage of extrusion.
The volume of pulp varies depending on the type of ingredients.
If the deteriorated performance of the device results from the worm-
screw (3) damage replacement of the parts is recommended.
* The shelf life of individual parts may vary depending on the manner of
use and the squeezed ingredients.
The device lid cannot be closed
Make sure that the worm-screw (3) is fully inserted into the base of the
juicer jug (5). This will allow to properly close the lid.
Closing the lid may cause problems when the slot at the bottom of
the worm-screw is not thoroughly cleaned from the leftovers of the
Unusual noises during the juicer operation
Make sure that the parts are properly connected. Try reassembling the
parts and check whether the device still makes strange noises.
Do not use the juicer unloaded i.e. without ingredients or liquid. Turning
the juicer on without ingredients may cause damage to the worm-
The sound of friction coming from the worm-screw (3) will stop
after putting ingredients into the juicer. If the sound is heard despite
loading the ingredients, check the size of ingredients. When preparing
ingredients do not exceed the thickness of 2.0 cm for an individual
ingredient. The size of ingredients may be smaller, depending on the
type of ingredient. The device can operate louder, if placed on a sloping
surface. Always place the juicer on an even horizontal surface.
The juicer stopped working during operation
Check the power cord and make sure that it is connected properly.
Check if all parts are properly assembled. Overloading the juicer may
stop the device If the juicer has stopped due to overloading with
ingredients, press the button:
in the given order, repeating the steps 2/3 times. The button in the “R”
position causes the ingredients to be pushed back up. The button in
the “PLAY” position causes the ingredients to be pulled into the device.
If the juicer has stopped working as a result of overloading, before
restarting leave it for 1 to 2 hours to cool. Remove hard pits from the
ingredients before you put them into the device. Hard pits may damage
the juicer.
The juice container shakes during operation
The worm-screw (3) responsible for cutting and squeezing the
ingredients is set in such a manner that working causes vibrations. The
upper part may fall into higher vibrations if ingredients containing hard
bres are put into the device.
The juice is not homogeneous
Depending on the density of ingredients, sometimes layers are formed
in the squeezed juice. The process diers from oxidation, occurring
when preparing juices in high-speed juicers.

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