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MY20B05-14_1.0_18.07.2019 114
11.5 Preuve directive 2014/35/UE
MODEL: SC-E8000 RI-0191C-000
Regulatory information
Ȼɴɥɝɚɪɢɧ>%XOJDULDQ@ ɋɧɚɫɬɨɹɳɨɬɨ6+,0$12,1&ɞɟɤɥɚɪɢɪɚɱɟɬɨɡɢɬɢɩɪɚɞɢɨɫɴɨɪɴɠɟɧɢɟ6&(ɟɜɫɴɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɟɫȾɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚȿɋ
Česky [Czech] Tímto SHIMANO INC. prohlašuje, že typ rádiového zařízení SC-E8000 je v souladu se směrnicí 2014/53/EU.
Úplné znění EU prohlášení o shodě je k dispozici na této internetové adrese: http://si.shimano.com
Dansk [Danish] Hermed erklærer SHIMANO INC., at radioudstyrstypen SC-E8000 er i overensstemmelse med direktiv 2014/53/EU.
EU-overensstemmelseserklæringens fulde tekst kan findes på følgende internetadresse: http://si.shimano.com
Deutsch [German] Hiermit erklärt SHIMANO INC., dass der Funkanlagentyp SC-E8000 der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU entspricht.
Der vollständige Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung ist unter der folgenden Internetadresse verfügbar: http://si.shimano.com
Eesti [Estonian]
Käesolevaga deklareerib SHIMANO INC., et käesolev raadioseadme tüüp SC-E8000 vastab direktiivi 2014/53/EL nõuetele.
ELi vastavusdeklaratsiooni täielik tekst on kättesaadav järgmisel internetiaadressil: http://si.shimano.com
English Hereby, SHIMANO INC. declares that the radio equipment type SC-E8000 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: http://si.shimano.com
Español [Spanish] Por la presente, SHIMANO INC. declara que el tipo de equipo radioeléctrico SC-E8000 es conforme con la Directiva 2014/53/UE.
El texto completo de la declaración UE de conformidad está disponible en la dirección Internet siguiente: http://si.shimano.com
ǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒ>*UHHN@ ȂİIJȘȞʌĮȡȠȪıĮȠȘ6+,0$12,1&įȘȜȫȞİȚȩIJȚȠȡĮįȚȠİȟȠʌȜȚıȝȩȢ6&(ʌȜȘȡȠȓIJȘȞȠįȘȖȓĮǼǼ
Français [French] Le soussigné, SHIMANO INC., déclare que l'équipement radioélectrique du type SC-E8000 est conforme à la directive 2014/53/UE.
Le texte complet de la déclaration UE de conformité est disponible à l'adresse internet suivante: http://si.shimano.com
Hrvatski [Croatian] SHIMANO INC. ovime izjavljuje da je radijska oprema tipa SC-E8000 u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53/EU.
Cjeloviti tekst EU izjave o sukladnosti dostupan je na sljedećoj internetskoj adresi: http://si.shimano.com
Italiano [Italian] Il fabbricante, SHIMANO INC., dichiara che il tipo di apparecchiatura radio SC-E8000 è conforme alla direttiva 2014/53/UE.
Il testo completo della dichiarazione di conformità UE è disponibile al seguente indirizzo Internet: http://si.shimano.com
Latviski [Latvian] Ar šo SHIMANO INC. deklarē, ka radioiekārta SC-E8000 atbilst Direktīvai 2014/53/ES.
Pilns ES atbilstības deklarācijas teksts ir pieejams šādā interneta vietnē: http://si.shimano.com
Lietuvių [Lithuanian] Aš, SHIMANO INC., patvirtinu, kad radijo įrenginių tipas SC-E8000 atitinka Direktyvą 2014/53/ES.
Visas ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstas prieinamas šiuo interneto adresu: http://si.shimano.com
Nederlands [Dutch] Hierbij verklaar ik, SHIMANO INC., dat het type radioapparatuur SC-E8000 conform is met Richtlijn 2014/53/EU.
De volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring kan worden geraadpleegd op het volgende internetadres: http://si.shimano.com
Magyar [Hungarian] SHIMANO INC. igazolja, hogy a SC-E8000 típusú rádióberendezés megfelel a 2014/53/EU irányelvnek.
Az EU-megfelelőségi nyilatkozat teljes szövege elérhető a következő internetes címen: http://si.shimano.com
Polski [Polish]
SHIMANO INC. niniejszym oświadcza, że typ urządzenia radiowego SC-E8000 jest zgodny z dyrektywą 2014/53/UE.
Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności UE jest dostępny pod następującym adresem internetowym: http://si.shimano.com
Português [Portuguese] O(a) abaixo assinado(a) SHIMANO INC. declara que o presente tipo de equipamento de rádio SC-E8000 está em conformidade com a Diretiva 2014/53/UE.
O texto integral da declaração de conformidade está disponível no seguinte endereço de Internet: http://si.shimano.com
Român [Romanian] Prin prezenta, SHIMANO INC. declară că tipul de echipamente radio SC-E8000 este în conformitate cu Directiva 2014/53/UE.
Textul integral al declarației UE de conformitate este disponibil la următoarea adresă internet: http://si.shimano.com
Slovensko [Slovenian] SHIMANO INC. potrjuje, da je tip radijske opreme SC-E8000 skladen z Direktivo 2014/53/EU.
Celotno besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti je na voljo na naslednjem spletnem naslovu: http://si.shimano.com
Slovensky [Slovak] SHIMANO INC. týmto vyhlasuje, že rádiové zariadenie typu SC-E8000 je v súlade so smernicou 2014/53/EÚ.
Úplné EÚ vyhlásenie o zhode je k dispozícii na tejto internetovej adrese: http://si.shimano.com
Suomi [Finnish]
SHIMANO INC. vakuuttaa, että radiolaitetyyppi SC-E8000 on direktiivin 2014/53/EU mukainen.
EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutuksen täysimittainen teksti on saatavilla seuraavassa internetosoitteessa: http://si.shimano.com
Svenska [Swedish] Härmed försäkrar SHIMANO INC. att denna typ av radioutrustning SC-E8000 överensstämmer med direktiv 2014/53/EU.
Den fullständiga texten till EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse finns på följande webbadress: http://si.shimano.com
Türkçe [Turkish] İşburada, SHIMANO INC. SC-E8000 tipi telsiz ekipmanının 2014/53/EU sayılı direktif ile uyumlu olduğunu beyan eder.
AB uyumluluk beyanının tam metnini internet sitemizden bulabilirsiniz: http://si.shimano.com
Norsk [Norwegian] Herved erklærer SHIMANO INC. at radioutstyret av typen SC-E8000 er i samsvar med EU-direktiv 2014/53/EU.
Den fullstendige teksten til EU-konformitetserklæringen er tilgjengelig på følgende internettadresse: http://si.shimano.com
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
To maintain compliance with FCC's RF exposure guidelines, use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna, modification, or attachments could damage the transmitter
and may violate FCC regulations. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.

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