Failure to comply with the instructions and warnings in this manual could
result in serious injury or death.
• Recommended speed limits:
- 15 mph (24 km/h) on smooth, straight roads
- 5 mph (8 km/h) when turning or on uneven roads
• Children must be able to sit upright without support and have
adequate neck strength to support their heads before being carried in
a trailer. Consult a pediatrician to determine if a child is of sufficient
developmental age to be carried in a bicycle trailer
• Maximum age of passenger is 7 years old
• Passengers must wear a bicycle helmet that meets applicable safety
• Always ride with the cover down to protect children from flying debris
• When using double trailer with one child, always seat the child on the right
side position. (Note: references to left or right refer to standing behind the
trailer and looking forward)
• Make sure children cannot put fingers, clothing, toys or shoelaces into
the wheel spokes
• Check comfort and safety of children frequently, especially during hot or
cold weather
• Never leave children unattended
• The rider of the bicycle must be at least 16 years old
• DO NOT use a car seat in trailer
• DO NOT use with a total load that exceeds the weight limits
• DO NOT make modifications to the trailer
• DO NOT over-inflate the tires. Failure to comply with the rated tire
sidewall pressure may lead to explosion of the tire and possible injury.
• Use trailer harness to securely hold your children in your trailer at all
It is recommended that a qualified bicycle mechanic does a safety check of
the towing bicycle before attaching the trailer. Before each ride, be sure the
trailer does not interfere with braking, pedaling or steering of the bicycle. It is
recommended that a rearview mirror be used on the bike.
Always comply with local regulations when using the trailer on public
roadways. Never ride a bicycle at night without adequate lighting. Obey all
local legal requirements for lighting. The red reflectors that came with the
trailer must remain attached and visible at all times. If you need to come to a
stop for any reason, such as to check on your child, to make adjustments or to
address a flat tire, be sure to pull off of the road completely.
Because of the trailer’s weight, a bicycle pulling a trailer is heavier and
less responsive. Avoid rocks, curbs, hard braking and sudden swerving.
Experiment with the loaded trailer in an uncongested area until you become
familiar with how your bike handles towing a trailer. Avoid riding over
obstacles with one wheel – as this may cause the trailer to tip over.
Use good judgment when deciding if weather, road or traffic conditions are
safe to use a Burley. Recommended temperature limits for using a Burley
trailer are 20°F to 100°F (-7°C to 38°C).
Failure to comply with the instructions and safety guidelines in this manual
could result in serious injury or death of the passenger or rider.
Only use with a Burley approved accessory. If attaching an accessory to your trailer make sure to read and follow all warnings and instructions that are included with
the accessory kit.
Trailer weight must be properly distributed for safe handling. The downward force at the end of the tow bar, where it meets the bike, should be between 2lbs and 20 lbs.
To measure this, load your trailer and place next to bathroom scale. Step on scale and note your weight. While on scale, lift up the end of the towbar 1 foot off the ground
and note weight again. The weight difference is the downwards force on the tow bar. If the weight is too low, the rear wheel of the bicycle could lose traction. If it is too
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