• Reset RCD; call for service if it will not reset
• Disconnect power for at least thirty seconds to reset heater high limit. If it will not reset,
check for clogged filters. If tripping continues, call for service.
• Deactivate spa lock
Spa does not heat; jets and light
operate (Orange logo "Ready", and
Gray logo "Power" indicators are
• Integrated pressure switch open
• Circulation pump thermal cut-off tripped
• Check for clogged filters. Integrated pressure switch will reset when the flow of water
through the heater has been restored. Call for service if the heater trips frequently.
• Check for clogged filters or air locks in plumbing. Disconnect power to the spa, allow
circulation pump to cool. Circulation pump thermal cut-off will reset when pump has
cooled and power is reapplied. Call for service if circulation pump thermal cut-off trips
Jets weak or surging• Spa water level too low
• Filters clogged
• Air valves are closed
• Add water
• Clean filters
• Open air valves
Lights inoperative
• Spa lock activated
• Light wiring or assembly is faulty
• Deactivate spa lock
• Call for service, replace light assembly
Spa not heating properly• Temperature set too low
• Spa cover improperly positioned
• Dirty Filter
• Summer Timer On
• Set control panel to a higher temperature.
• Align spa cover
• Clean filter
• Turn summer timer mode to off position
Gray Logo "Power" indicator blinking• Heater high-limit thermostat tripped• Disconnect power for at least thirty seconds to reset heater high limit. If it will not reset,
check for clogged filters. If tripping continues, call for service.
Orange Logo "Ready" indicator blinking
• Temperature sensor problem• Disconnect power for at least thirty seconds. If blinking continues, call for service.
Orange Logo "Ready" indicator
flashing On 1 second and Off 3
• Salt system issueGo to the Salt System menu on the control panel. Based on the Error Code displayed, follow
the instructions below:
• Error Code 5
a. Using a FreshWater Salt test strip, verify that salt levels are at 1750 ppm. Add salt, per
salt system instructions as necessary.
b. Power down the spa, remove salt system housing cap and verify that a salt cartridge
is installed in the housing.
c. Contact your local Dealer if neither a. or b. resolves the problem
• Error Code 4
a. Power down the spa, remove the salt system housing cap and remove the salt system
cartridge. Inspect the cartridge for damage. If damage is found the cartridge should be
b. Using a FreshWater Salt test strip, verify the salt level. If the salt level is above 2500
ppm this may be the problem. If the salt level is above 2500 you will now need to
determine how much above 2500 ppm the salt level is by following the steps below:
a. Use a clean container and fill with 0.25 liter (8 ounces) of water from the spa
b. Remove 0.125 liter (4 ounces) of the spa water from the container
c. Then add 0.125 liter (4 ounces) of water from your household tap and mix to
d. Using a new FreshWater Salt test strip, confirm the salt level of this new mixture
of spa and tap water
i. If the salt level is still at or above 2500 ppm, power down the spa, drain and
refill the spa with new water and follow the salt system start up instructions
ensuring that salt level is at 1750 ppm
ii. If the salt level is below 2500 ppm, the amount of salt in the spa is not
causing the error – contact your local Dealer for assistance
c. Contact your local Dealer if neither a. or b. resolves the problem
Pump motor will not function• Motor overload condition
• Control switch failure if jet symbol does
not come on
• Let cool for one hour. Motor overload will reset automatically. If problem persists, contact your
CALDERA dealer
• Disconnect spa and contact your CALDERA dealer
Surging pump or motor• Low water level• Add water to normal level (2.5 cm (1") above highest jet)
Pump motor runs, but low or no water/
jet pressure
• Air control valve closed or blocked
• Low water level
• Dirty filter cartridge
• Jet blocked
• Clogged suction or skimmer basket
• Open or clean air valve
• Add water to normal level (2.5 cm (1") above highest jet)
• Clean filter cartridge
• Remove jet face eyeball and clean orifice
• Clean suction cover or skimmer basket
Diverter valves are difficult to turn
• Sand or grit inside valves
• Clean and lubricate valve per diverter valve maintenance instructions.
After filling or refilling the spa: a jet
pump is operating, but water is not
flowing from any of its jets
• Pump is not properly primed
• Turn off power to the spa at the breaker and remove the equipment compartment door.
• Loosen the union on the top of the pump(s) to allow the air to escape, and then hand-tighten
the union(s).
• Turn power back on, activate the pump, and check to make sure the union is tight enough to
keep it from leaking. Replace the equipment doors.
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